Ab exercises w/o aggravating a hip injury

I partially dislocated and maybe tore some stuff in my hip (I should know more today or tomorrow) playing football late last week. I obviously can't run (I can barely walk) or do leg work, but I want to keep up some sort of ab, arm, chest, shoulder and back circuit while I rehab.

Everything aside from abs is pretty easy to work with, but I cannot lift my left leg very far right now, or put a lot of strain on my groin or hip, which makes abdominal workouts difficult.

Any workout ideas? I finally got my abs close to where I want them and do not want to lose tone over a dumb injury.


  • jaweiss1
    jaweiss1 Posts: 71 Member
    Yes, exercise (swiss) ball crunch. Don't flex/extend your hips during the exercise.

  • Check with a physiotherapist. Physiotherapy clinics usually have exercise equipment available and a licensed physiotherapist would know best about how to keep you in shape without further injury or damage. The exercises they recommend will also be helpful in healing your hip.