Do some people never see their collar bones?



  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I noticed really become noticeable/sexy after I went from 168 to probably about 139 or so. Now they are gorgeous.
    You could always see them but now they are nice and visible and you can see the top of them by my shoulders. Lovely.
  • tennyllia4
    tennyllia4 Posts: 36
    Its so funny that you posted this cause I was just talking about seeing my collarbone. I feel as if I'm not as well protected, like my bones are more ready to be broken...YIKES!! I would rather keep a little fat in this So to answer, mine came with weight loss
  • silverlining84
    silverlining84 Posts: 330 Member
    I think mine is really visable and i'm not too fond of that! I don't think i've ever not been able to see it.
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    Was so happy when I found mine :)
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    I started to notice them when I had lost about 70lbs. I don't know if my collar bones were visible as a kid. I mean, who looks for that as a child.... But, I do a lot of swimming and bike riding and kinda agree that it has to do with total fat loss then weight loss.
  • cdjs77
    cdjs77 Posts: 176 Member
    Mine had always been visible. I have never been overweight, but even at 145 lbs and over 30% body fat they were still very prominent. My mother has also always had very prominent collar bones, even when she was in the overweight BMI category. I imagine it is somewhat genetic as most of the women in my family (as well as my brother) have the same collarbones. I imagine it's similar to a thigh gap. I am 5'9" and have been as light as 115 lbs and still didn't have a thigh gap.
  • breakhearts
    breakhearts Posts: 110 Member
    Since I've lost weight, I see them and feel them so much! It's so weird because I'm very used to not seeing them, but I love it!

  • AbFabKat
    AbFabKat Posts: 16 Member
    I was actually shocked when I noticed mine in the mirror! I've been overweight all my life to one degree or another. And depending upon my posture and how I hold my head, they can really stick out!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    mine have gotten so ridiculously pronounced that i have noticed myself sitting a certain way or standing a certain way to try to cover them a bit.... so genes have to be part of it - considering i am NOT a 98 pound collar bone worshipper :-/
  • myou523
    myou523 Posts: 126
    I'd have to say everyone's body is different. Personally, even at the highest weight I've ever been (almost 400 lbs) I could see my collarbone. So I'm not even sure it's a matter of weight, I think it's just that some people have more prominent collarbones.
  • JustJennie13
    My collarbones and wrist bones stick out when i'm at a healthy weight for my height, around 150 or under-it gets pretty pronounced when I get under 145 (i'm 5 foot 6, for reference). My mom always freaks out about that point and tells me to stop losing, and that I am looking unhealthy, but at that point I still have plenty to lose on my thighs and a bit on my tummy area, too. I think it has a lot to do with the way our bodies hold fat: different people store fat in different areas.

    I am the same. Cursed pear shape!!! I am 5'9" with a large bone frame and my goal is 157. Anything below 150 I start getting the you need to eat comments because of the predominance of my collar bones.
  • ChrisS30V
    ChrisS30V Posts: 157 Member
    Once I dropped below 200 lbs my collarbone started to become visible and it got even more visible the more weight I lost. When I hit my target weight, that's when it became visible enough for people who don't see me very often to give me the "you're too skinny" line, even though I'm at a healthy weight. Again, collarbones and other bones are going to be visible on different people at different weights and shouldn't be used as way to gauge whether or not someone is at a "healthy" weight.
  • girlongoing
    girlongoing Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5'5'' 140 lbs and mine aren't that visible. The outline is slightly visible, but they are not well defined at all. It definitely has to do with bone structure.