NSV - Running, One Year Later

adstar20 Posts: 29 Member
After I started eating better last September, I read a book called Younger Next Year on the suggestion of a friend. The one thing that I took away from the book is that you should exercise at least six days a week. So, at 280+ lbs I decided that I should take up running (probably not the smartest thing I have done). One year ago this week, I "ran" my first 5km on a treadmill. It was the first time I had run anywhere since high school. I figured 5kms didn't seem that far so why should I start at a shorter distance. It wasn't pretty. It took me 50 minutes, 51 seconds to complete the distance, but I was proud of the fact that I "ran" the whole time.

Fast forward one year, during which time I have kept the running up (and lost about 100lbs in the process), I decided to see how much my running had improved. I put on my iPod and set out to see how fast I could run 5kms. It turns out I have improved a fair bit. I did that 5kms in 22 minutes, 49 seconds. A year ago, I would never have guessed that I would get to where I am or even have the determination to try. In between those two 5km runs, I have run 6 half marathons, and three sprint triathlons and logged about 1,500kms running.

I can't say that the running caused me to lose the weight because you (or at least I) can eat back all the calories burned in minutes, but it has helped. I went from hating running, to tolerating running to actually enjoying running. For those of you at the beginning of your journey, keep it up, it does get better!

Now, I can't wait to see what the next year brings, My new goals include a full marathon and a 70.3 Ironman. After that, who knows...


  • DChabibi
    DChabibi Posts: 21 Member
    ^^ This is awesome! What an inspiration:). I'm training for my first 5k at the moment. Race day is Nov 3rd. We have a practice 5k this coming weekend and I can't wait to see how I do. I'm nervous but excited. 2 months ago, I couldn't run more than 5 minutes w/o stopping and feeling like death. It still amazes me when I run 30 w/o stopping. Hopefully, one year from now I will also say I added a few longer runs in between!!

    Congrats once again!!
  • Slatzuk
    Slatzuk Posts: 80 Member
    22 minutes, that is brilliant.

    Go Ironman.
  • adstar20
    adstar20 Posts: 29 Member
    ^^ This is awesome! What an inspiration:). I'm training for my first 5k at the moment. Race day is Nov 3rd. We have a practice 5k this coming weekend and I can't wait to see how I do. I'm nervous but excited. 2 months ago, I couldn't run more than 5 minutes w/o stopping and feeling like death. It still amazes me when I run 30 w/o stopping. Hopefully, one year from now I will also say I added a few longer runs in between!!

    Congrats once again!!

    Good luck on your race! I am sure you will do better than you expect. The excitement of the race, with the other people running too really helps. Just run your own race. No matter how fast you are, there are always people who are faster and slower. A good quote a long time martathoner friend told me when racing is: "for the first half, don't be a hero, and for the second half, don't be a wimp!"
  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    That is awesome to hear! I am coming up on my 1st runniversary also lol!! I ran my first offical 5 k race on Thanksgiving last year with a time of 31.24 and this year I am hoping for a 27:xx time!! Thanksgiving is also my 27th birthday so thats why its my goal! I did a treadmill time trial a few weeks ago and got 27:40 so I need to do an outside trial but I think its doable!! I love running, and have done 2 half marathons with my eyes on a full next october!~
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    Congrats! I love stories like yours, where the transformation is more about life than weight loss.

    I'm a new runner as well. My first 5k is a week from today, I'm going to remember your friends quote while I'm running.

    Keep up the good fight!
  • adstar20
    adstar20 Posts: 29 Member
    Congrats! I love stories like yours, where the transformation is more about life than weight loss.

    I'm a new runner as well. My first 5k is a week from today, I'm going to remember your friends quote while I'm running.

    Keep up the good fight!

    Good luck! Let us know how it goes. The racing part is what is addictive to me. I have no delusions of winning but the whole atmosphere is so positive and fun.

    Pacing is important, if you go out at the pace you know you can run and then when you get to half way, if you still have gas in the tank (and you will know from your training), slowly speed up as you get to the finish line. It fees so much better to finish strong than it does to have to dial it back because you went out too fast at the beginning and cannot keep it up for the whole race.
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