I feel like i am stuck

So I have been training extremely hard I am doing 4 days a week with a trainer and then I do cardio on 2 of the other days and I have a rest day. I am eating healthy and drinking a lot of water but I don't seem to be losing pounds or inches. I am getting really frustrated with this and I am feeling like I should just give up and listen to everyone and just get over the fact that I will always be the fat one!!! I am at the point where I am at a lose does anyone have any advice?


  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    How long have you been doing it? You might be losing inches where you don't measure. Your muscles could even be swollen. Or your body might take longer to kick start. Find something sustainable and keep on trucking :) I don't know why it takes longer at first for many folks, myself definitely included, but I know it works for me if I'm very patient. It works great. Just not like they say it should for a looong while. Dunno, lol!
  • Shiels1988
    Shiels1988 Posts: 137 Member
    I have been at it since June 2013.
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    No No No! Do not ever give up. You can and will lose the weight you want and reach your goals. It is so hard to tell what is going on cause we really don't know what you are doing exactly. Has your trainer said anything to you or wondered why you haven't lost weight or inches? Just wondering.

    What does healthy eating mean to you? What exactly do you eat in a day? How many calories to you take in vs how many you burn? Do you drink alcohol, what do you drink during the day? Tell me about your workouts exactly?

    I'd love to chat more. Please don't give up though.

  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    If you've been going at it since June and haven't lost weight then you're probably eating too much or not enough.
  • PatriciaTousignant
    Don't give up it can be a large number of things affecting you. It could be medical (ei: thyroid) or something you are doing and you don't realize it. I would talk to your doctor also you could've just plateaued and need to change things up a bit but don't give up. Also what you are doing is making you healthier which is a good thing. Being skinny doesn't always mean being healthy.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Eating "healthy" does not necessarily equal "eating few enough calories to lose pounds." One can eat all lean protein and veggies in enough quantities to gain weight. You're going to need to open your diary if you truly want help. Most people here just want to help but we can't without enough information to offer it.
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Open your diary and let's see what is going on. When most people say they are eating "healthy" it's open to interpretation. You could be eating too much of what you consider healthy.
  • loselbs78
    first of all, You and your man both have awesome hats!

    I hired a trainer once when I was younger, one of the best things that I did was fire that personal trainer, they were charging me an arm and a leg to basically tell me to eat a lot of fruit and keep doing what I was doing. I got better results by myself.

    I think that many personal trainers no there body and there passions, and not yours or mine. I was training to be a better bull rider, my trainer was a cross country runner. two totally different things and two totally different ways of training.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    You are probably eating too much.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Are you logging everything you eat? You are probably eating too much or too little.
  • Shiels1988
    Shiels1988 Posts: 137 Member
    Dr. Says thyroid miniormal. clean eating nothing processed lots of veggies no refined sugar lots of protein. Minimal fat if I have fat it's minimal I try to avoid it or its a healthy fat like avocado. I spin for 45 mins I do bootcamp 4 days a week which is weights legs and cardio. I eat 1500 calories a day my Dr. says there isn't much he can do since the nutritionist says I have said what I'm eating is good. I really wish I could start seeing results.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Dr. Says thyroid miniormal. clean eating nothing processed lots of veggies no refined sugar lots of protein. Minimal fat if I have fat it's minimal I try to avoid it or its a healthy fat like avocado. I spin for 45 mins I do bootcamp 4 days a week which is weights legs and cardio. I eat 1500 calories a day my Dr. says there isn't much he can do since the nutritionist says I have said what I'm eating is good. I really wish I could start seeing results.
    I'm guessing you aren't counting accurately. You should be losing. Can you open your diary?
  • Shiels1988
    Shiels1988 Posts: 137 Member
    It should be open now
  • BrandNewFabulousMe
    Please don't give up! have you felt any better since working out? maybe have someone look at what you are eating and see if there are any changes you could make. Also, there are other things like measuring accurately, eating back enough cals or not eating them at all. You have to play around with this and find what works for you! I'm not saying to undereat or anything, but speak to a nutritionalist or someone who can look at your situation. No matter what, kudos for hanging this long and don't quit!
  • anitakolstad
    Dont give up. You might want to record all foods and fuids for a day or two and look at maybe if there is something that you are missing. Also you might want to change up the exercise. Dont be frustrated we have all been there. have you checked your thriod? try to see if there is a reason your not losing.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    So I have been training extremely hard I am doing 4 days a week with a trainer and then I do cardio on 2 of the other days and I have a rest day. I am eating healthy and drinking a lot of water but I don't seem to be losing pounds or inches. I am getting really frustrated with this and I am feeling like I should just give up and listen to everyone and just get over the fact that I will always be the fat one!!! I am at the point where I am at a lose does anyone have any advice?

    Give up trying to lose weight? That may be a good idea for a little while.
    What I mean is, focus on something else besides the scale. Come up with some fitness goals. Have you done C25K? How about weight lifting? One of my goals is to bench press 90 pounds like I did when I was in the military. I am working on being able to do 30 correct pushups.

    Losing weight is definitely rewarding, but equally rewarding is knowing that I am getting stronger and faster. Knowing that I am accomplishing things keeps me sane. Oh, and I haven't lost weight in 2 months, but I am still working on those fitness goals!
  • FizikallyFit
    FizikallyFit Posts: 180 Member
    Don't give up, looks like you have the exercise part down. Focus on the eating, are you eating enough and what are you eating. Also, have your doctor do some bloodworm to rule out any imbalance that may be causing you to not lose.

    Is it possible you are not losing on the scale because you are gaining muscle or retaining water?

    whatever you do don't give up, you must be patient with your body. I am sure it took more than four months of not taking proper care of your body and slow gaining so don't expect to loose it and see big changes in four months.

    One more thing is are you honestly being consistent?

    I agree with the girl above, maybe stop focusing on losing weight and focus on being healthy or some other fitness goal
  • Fabfitgirl5
    Fabfitgirl5 Posts: 91 Member
    I hired a personal trainer when I moved to my new city,and yeah well... no. Not saying that they are all bad, but they really just get paid to watch you do what they say do, without first really knowing your history your body or anything else.

    Some ppl have a lot of muscle and their bodies will build muscle fast, so while like they are not loosing a damn thing they are gaining muscle and that should in time burn the fat, but it is a sloooowwww process. I know, I am one of thoes people.

    Like you, I have been to a nutrionist, had my thyrioid checked, etc., and I am not loosing like I should be, I too have stalled, so to speak. Although I have gotten down, been a bit depressed and just felt like saying to heck with it, I have not given up and neither shoudl you. I am trying a new program and I will give it 10 weeks and see if it sparks results.

    If it does not spark results, then I am going back to see the doctore because at that point I will need another exam to determine what may be going on internally that is stopping my weight loss.

    But don't give up, keep going. I would probably take a breather from the personal trainer. I heard of a program where people simply run two days a week for about 3 miles (if you can basically run for an hour), weight lif two days a week (for about an hour or hour and a half) to strengthen your muscles, and then swim the other two days a week (for about an hour or more). For those who have done this and have mixed it with a good eating program they are having some pretty good results. The excercies are three very different activities that will work out your entire body, but they are different enough so as to challenge your body each time. I would do it but, yeah, me and swimming...yeah, no. :happy:

    Good luck, and whatever you do, hang in there. There are many of us right there with you but we can't give up.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    It should be open now

    Still can't see your food diary.

    Also, who is calling you the fat one?! That makes me want to beat them up. There will always be those that are less willing to give support, but that's going to be true whether you're 140 pounds or 240 pounds. My advice on that front is to just get thick skin and always know that there will be supporters on MFP for you.

    While I do think that all of your exercise could be causing you to retain water, I wonder if it would benefit you to mix up your routine. This is what happened to me a while back:
    1)High intensity step aerobics 30-45 minutes per day every day, ate all my exercise calories. While it lost me about 15 pounds in the beginning, I stalled for a month after that.
    2)Did the same exercise, this time every other day instead of every day. I started losing weight again.

    The point is maybe you need to do something different than you have been doing. Maybe take a couple of days off from exercise (while still eating within your calorie goal) and then start up again with rest days in between exercise days. It helped me, and it could work for you.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Check out my blog for more on working out hard and not losing but the bottom line is don't give up!

    Each body responds to different things. This recent round of weight loss (15 lbs in the 2 months since I've moved) really surprised me because a) my joins still haven't recovered from my military trip, b) I really haven't worked out as hard as I used to and c) my diet, while ok in calories, hasn't been the organic healthiest it could be.

    When I tried to figure it out, I realized: I am moving a lot - just at lower grade (taking stairs, walking the track for 1.5 hrs 3x/wk while my son has practice, etc) . and 2. I have GREATLY increased my intake of veggies (though it's been bad on the budget because I have been doing the salad bar at work - they have such great variety).

    If you're working hard and no results, may I suggest two things:

    1. a huge bowl of salad or other raw veggies before eating dinner. Some people say you wont be hungry after a big bowl of salad but I always am (and it's a big bowl), so I'm not saying don't eat your regular dinner. Just add these veggies

    2. Take a week every so often from hard training and do lower-impact activities such as walking for an hour or yoga. I know you take rest days but maybe one week of no hard training might help. You're gonna have to find what works for your body!