The Plan. Lyn-Genet Recitas



  • I've been doing it for 23 days and have lost 9.4 pounds. And that's with minimal exercise as she suggests in the beginning. I feel fantastic. My skin is bright. My head is clear. I will tell you though, its a lot of work. If you start, I suggest starting on a Monday, and prepping as much as you can on Sunday for the rest of the week. Buy a 5 lb bag of organic carrots, a lot of zucchini, kale, onions, lemons, apples and blueberries. There is a step by step prep list to get you started.

    If you do it, plan to follow it exactly. The menus are planned for optimum macro/micro nutrient balance, particularly, protein and potassium. Also, this is a very low/no sodium plan, but you can have as much vegetarian fat as you want.

    I am now three days on my own and I'm still losing weight by following the guidelines. I see myself following this type of diet in the long term.

    One last thing, I highly recommend doing the thyroid test and if your basal temp is low, follow the thyroid diet until you get it back up.
  • I too have been on The Plan for 18 days. I've lost just over 8 pounds (who wouldn't) and I feel pretty good. My primary objective for going on an elimination/anti-inflammatory diet was to determine my personal trigger foods (not just the foods that are generally listed as causing inflammation). So far I am not learning enough and I am frustrated. Nearly any food that I test outside the basic menu of carrots, flax, onions, zucchini, kale, goat cheese, rice milk, etc. (including chick peas, eggs, cow's milk cheese, cow's milk and tomatoes) has proved to be a trigger food -- if I judge by my weight loss of 0.2 lbs or less on those days.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. As recommended for my weight, I drink 9 glasses of water daily, drink the dandelion tea in the morning and take a probiotic.
  • HI TropicPalm.

    I am very interested to know what the blood test that identifies 96 trigger foods is called. Can you please ask your nutritionist for me so I can ask my doctor for it? I am sure I react to weird stuff but I am having trouble identifying it and my doctors are not very switched on - they don't mind if I suggest stuff totry but they don't suggest it themselves.

    Many Thanks
  • I tried it for a few weeks and lost some weight the first few weeks but then gained and stalled. Seeds caused too much bloat and cramping. I was miserable towards the end of my Plan journey.