Veggie Ideas - need some new ones

sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
So, we are getting in a veggie rut... I need some new veggie ideas or even something (plant wise) new to try. I'm gonna list what we do eat so I don't get tons of stuff that we already do (although I will take new versions - always love new recipes!).

So please help - what are your veggie dishes!

Broccoli (eating tonight & tomorrow)
Cauliflower (i love, he refuses to eat)
Corn (I'm allergic)
Asparagus (like but so damn pricey)
Cabbage or Kale (gives him gas & he has requested only once a week)
Brussel sprouts (same as above & already had this week)
Carrots (tonight & tomorrow)
No plain white potatoes (although sweet & purple is fine)
Limited beans (again, that man has gas issues - LOL) - I love BEANS!


  • jamila2803
    jamila2803 Posts: 1 Member
    What about courgette cut into pieces with pieces of potatoes cookes with tomatoes and bit of spice the one that you like, i love this receipt
    can you eat eggs ?
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    love eggs but what's a courgette? time to google :)
  • AngelaSpens
    Spinach is really good and its so easy to cook! you can even sauté it with just a little water instead of oil for less calories.
    put it in an omelette with some nutritional yeast instead of cheese and you will be the happiest person in the world.

    bok choy is really good in a stir fry, just cook it up with olive oil, fresh garlic and some sesame seeds, you can put it on top of some noodles too.

    cooked carrots are good with almost anything and buying the whole raw carrots saves money, you can even eat them raw with hummus as a snack.

    canned red beets are fast and easy

    brussels sprouts and broccoli rabe are good choices too.

    The more colorful the dish the better :)
  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    Sautee some fresh green beans in a little bit of olive oil and garlic. Add salt and pepper. Delish!
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    When I don't have time to prepare a veggie filled dish I throw some spinach, greek yogurt, a banana, and raspberries in a blender. You can't taste the spinach, and it's extremely filling. :)
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Sautee some fresh green beans in a little bit of olive oil and garlic. Add salt and pepper. Delish!
    Basically how I prepare all my vegetables. It's the best.
  • itsmandible
    itsmandible Posts: 88 Member
    Sweet potatoes are heaven! A medium sized one is about 110 calories. Poke holes into them with a fork and then bake them for an hour at 400.

    I also love dice onions and sautee them in a tablespoon of butter (worth the flavor!!) until they get really soft and start to brown, and then throw in a ton of spinach and keep that in the heat just until it starts to wilt a little and turns bright green. Adding garlic salt and pepper is the best to finish it off with! So yummy!
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Yum yum - so far on my list to go looking for: leeks, spinach, bok choy, jicamia, peppers, sweet taters & purple taters and turnips. Sadly green beans make me sick, but I may pick up some for hubs, he loves them. THANKS :)

    keep them coming
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    Do you like squash?
    I like to take a julienne peeler and make "noodles" with it. Then saute with olive oil and garlic then top with whatever spaghetti sauce you like. I had this last night for dinner. Also it will keep me full longer than pasta.

    How about cooked apples? I just cook mine with a little bit of water and a ton of cinnamon. We usually consider this a veggie side dish with dinner.

    I roast most of my veggies instead of steaming, since I think it gives them a better flavor. So if you get tired of one method, try another. :happy:

    *i think courgette is what aussies call squash or zucchini (?). aubergine is eggplant i believe.* also two things delicious roasted together.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    roast everything. Broccoli, cabbage, green beans, brussel sprouts...just a little olive oil, garlic, a little salt and pepper....oh god, it's the best thing ever....ESPECIALLY roasted cabbage... mmmmmmmmm
  • tarabole
    tarabole Posts: 166 Member
    zuchinni, artichokes, sweet potato, bok choy, celery root, sunchokes, parsnips are all tasty.

    Differenent combinations sush as roasting, grilling sauteeing and steaming can help keep things new. And different combination. I like roasting bite-sized chunks of butternut squash and then combining with with sauteed kale.

    Also, try lacinato/dinosaur kale (if you have not already). You can make salads out of it which softens the leaves without cooking and will keep and not wilt like regular lettuce would.
  • Heatherbell14
    Love sliced yellow squash & zucchini with some chopped onion (purple preferred) with a little bit of olive oil. Toss in the skillet & squeeze some fresh lime juice & season lightly with salt & pepper. YUM!!
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    roast vegetables, brilliant - that's dinner sorted - thank you MFPeople
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    Zuchinni, red onion and grape tomatoes sauted in some italian dressing!! Delish!!
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    I have tons of veggie recipes on this Pinterest board:

    I like to bake (microwave) a sweet potato and top it with crushed pineapple, red onions, and Sririacha. Also, do you like peppers? Try stuffing those with rice and steamed veg (spinach, broccoli, etc.).
  • Dancing_Laeti
    Dancing_Laeti Posts: 752 Member
    What about aubergines (or eggplant for the Americans :wink: )?
    I just made some Aubergines alla parmigiana on Sunday, rather fiddly, but sooooo worth it!!! Also, it's full of cheesy goodness... Yum!

    Another one of my favourites is Ratatouille.
    Take some onion, some garlic, some courgettes (or zucchini) you can add aubergine if you want to, add some bell pepper (green or yellow), take some tomatoes and just cook everything in a bit of olive oil. You need to cook it until all the ingredients are rather soft and some of the water has evaporated. Add some rosemary and thyme and maybe bay leaves (salt, pepper) to taste. Takes some time, but once all the chopping is done you only have to stir occasionally. And basically you can serve the ratatouille with anything (rice, pasta, potatoes) you want!
  • newfiecandy4
    newfiecandy4 Posts: 12 Member
    Fennel-slice it thinly and make a salad with it, green apple slices, walnuts, and a viniagrette made with cider vinegar, grainy mustard, olive oil, and lemon or orange juice.

    Celery root-makes a great tasting coleslaw with greek yogurt

    Artichoke-great roasted with some garlic and pine nuts, sprinkling of parmasean cheese

    Parsnip-makes a great mash

    Butternut squash-another great mash or soup as a side

    Kale and red cabbage- great sauteed together with olive oil and garlic

    Mushrooms-stuffed with diced peppers, onions, and parmasean cheese
  • babyluu80
    babyluu80 Posts: 58 Member
    I absolutely HATE cauliflower. I've tried it a few times, in different forms, raw, mashed, steamed, and I just couldn't eat it. I tried roasted curry cauliflower for the first time and I absolutely LOVED it. Not only does it taste good, it's also healthy! Here's the recipie. My coworker uses grapeseed oil instead of olive oil because it has a higher burning temp for roasting.
    •1 large head cauliflower, rinsed, cored, and broken into medium florets
    •3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil (or grapeseed oil)
    •1 tablespoon good-quality curry powder
    •1/2 teaspoon salt
    Preparation: Preheat the oven to 425° F. Place the cauliflower florets in a large bowl. Drizzle with the oil, sprinkle with the curry powder and salt, and toss together until the florets are evenly coated. Pour the cauliflower and any oil remaining in the bowl into a roasting pan or large baking dish, and spread the florets into a single layer. Place the cauliflower in the preheated oven and roast, stirring occasionally, until cauliflower is tender and begins to caramelize, about 35 to 40 minutes.
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    agree with the roasting, turned me from a veg hater to a lover.

    Also, love mushrooms, or combo of mushrooms, onions and peppers....even roasted.

    Roast some thick fennel slices and some yellow squash chunks (roast on separate trays so you can pull one if it's done quicker) until tender and browning (drizzle with oil beforehand) and then toss both together with a tad bit of feta, delish!

    Green beans, also good roasted or sauteed....sometimes i add almonds and feta, sometimes i add garlic, sometimes i zest lemon over the top, etc....or do a sechuan style (look up recipe)...really really good!

    A stir fry....sugar snap peas, bean sprouts, carrots, broccoli, onion, you name it...saute each veggie separately over a high heat just until done, still a bit crisp...then toss together with some sauce at the end (or fry in garlic oil from the beginning)

    stuff a zuchinni or eggplant with anything you like, meat and rice, chopped mushrooms and veggies, stuffing like mix...

    Stuffed portebellos....with cashews, lentils and rice just delish

    Make an au gratin with squash/zucchini

    Roast carrots with lime and cumin and a drizzle of oil

    A fresh salad type dish of veggies with corn and beans and onions and cilantro...quick vinaigrette with lime and honey

    Brussels, shredded and sauteed with some balsamic, nuts and cranberries, etc...

    Lots and lots of ways to eat veggies!!
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    BUMP for later!