On Good Morning America News today...



  • NeverCatchYourBreath
    Unrealistic idea of how women can look after having a baby??????? Did you really just say that. The only unrealistic part is if ANY of that is photoshopped to make her look "cleaner."

    Other than that, getting into great shape after having a baby is not unrealistic. Just because women don't want to put in the work to get the body they want don't go dumping on this chick for doing what she wants.

    IMO, the only women upset or offended by this are the ones who are lazy and don't want to put in the work. Period.

    Get a life people, it's another fit chick, there are tons of them out there. Why should this one catch any more *kitten* than any of the others.

    How about you do you, and let her do her and move the *kitten* on.
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    People need to get a life....seriously.

    So she's had 3 kids and is in great shape. And this is a problem because???

    Exactly!! !! If you hate on her at all your just jealous! SERIOUSLY!
  • NeverCatchYourBreath
    I think the issue is mostly that she is shaming other mom's... by saying "Whats your excuse?"
    How different is it from:

    Because it is a women who had kids the message is some form of shaming?

  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I think the issue is mostly that she is shaming other mom's... by saying "Whats your excuse?"

    You have to be kidding or could it be that the other moms are too thin skinned.
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    Didn't we discuss this at length yesterday?

    I didn't.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm not sure what everyone is so up in arms about. It's a promotional poster. It's motivation. The only people that are taking offense to it know they need to do something, but don't.

    It's obviously not "unrealistic", she did it. Every mom out there can if they want. Everyone makes every excuse in the book for not being in tip-top shape (busy, lazy, kids, blah, blah, blah). That's like saying there shouldn't be models, or fashion magazines, or TV/movies for that matter because it makes young girls feel bad for themselves.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    No diss on the woman or anything, but seriously NBC the terms they used is hot and sexy? Not fit attractive or thin lovely or tone pretty.

    Hot and sexy f-en stupid people this is why I had to give up the "news" recently

    PS-I didnt see the sex in the picture? Nothing in there caused my loins to feel aroused, so who is feeling that this pic is sexy?
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    I feel like it sets just another unrealistic idea of how women can look after having a baby. At the same time- Good for her for working hard...

    who for you?

    so you realistically won't work that hard. that's fine- that's your choice.
    I don't know why it's any of your business if she or anyone else does.

    My solution to this problem?

    don't have crumbsnatchers to start with- easy peasy lemon sqeezy.

    I think the issue is mostly that she is shaming other mom's... by saying "Whats your excuse?"
    LOL you can't MAKE someone feel shame. You can try- but shame isn't an emotion generated by another person.
    "What's your excuse?" is a question. The shame is an emotion you feel (I would assume) based on if you have an answer or not. Only you know the truth to that or not.
    I work 4 jobs AND I work out- AND my BF is an out of town relationship- I literally SCHEDULE him into my life.

    people tell me they are too busy all the time. They aren't- it's just an excuse. And that's fine- when you are ready you are ready. But otherwise- it's just an excuse.

    Well No not for me- I am not a mother- and to assume that is silly- I am merely engaged in a debate on a current event.

    Wow everyone is so hostil- Angry birds for sure...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think the issue is mostly that she is shaming other mom's... by saying "Whats your excuse?"

    how is it shaming to be proud of your hard work and exercise...I would think other moms would find it inspirational...

    So people are now supposed to not be proud of the hard work and dedication it takes to stay in shape and have a great body..?? And we wonder why half the population is obese...
  • drinknderive
    drinknderive Posts: 28 Member
    I dunno. I have two kids under three, a very demanding corporate job, and am pursuing my master's in statistics. I'm what you could call busy. I still make time to work out 5 days per week by skipping lunches with coworkers and eating at my desk after personal training.

    All of that said, smug peers are not an effective motivator. Just like I don't need someone in my master's program to flaunt their 4.0 for me to find the drive to study, I don't need a super fit mom essentially throwing down the gauntlet to push me out the door for a run.
  • Submariner5
    That other chat board on this topic is really going off the rails.

    The pushback and outrage on this is a window to our society. This woman makes other women feel insecure and insulted by the fact that she exists and they have been shown her picture with a challenge to excel. I am currently serving in a place where a woman posing like that is not allowed in most of the country (and was not allowed anywhere in the country12 years ago). It looks like the Western World is headed towards restrictions like that faster than the Middle East is headed for more freedom and liberty for individuals.

    I really do not doubt that our society will generate towards the position that this woman's picture will be labeled "bullying" and she will be guilty of a Hate crime. The solution will be that only plus-sized women will be allowed to display their bodies. Women like this will be forced to wear full-bodied burkhas to protect the feelings of all those hard-working women who don't have the "luxury" of looking ike that.
  • Timmmy40
    Timmmy40 Posts: 152 Member
    I do not feel she is shaming anyone. He is showing a mom with 3 young children can do it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Well No not for me- I am not a mother- and to assume that is silly- I am merely engaged in a debate on a current event.

    Wow everyone is so hostil- Angry birds for sure...
    I'm not angry or hostil. I'm merely pointing this out.

    I really dislike the fact women are really big on bashing other women for looking good.

    One of the top rants about the gym " girls who wear make up"

    really? who cares? it's THAT attitude- that bothers me- and "she's shaming us" because she's fit and works hard- it smacks of that attitude.

    The big kurfluffle about her looking good- it comes from the same women who wear oversized t-shirts and shoddy baggy ugly pants to the gym then get mad there are women who look good at the gym. Who cares- you could look decent at the gym too!!! being at the gym isn't a date- but you don't have to look like a bag of smashed a&&holes either.

    no- not directed toward you- that's just a general rant- about women- who rant about other women's appearance.

    I only give a crap if you are talking loudly on your phone-
    holding up equipment while you are texting/talking
    don't rack your weights
    get in my way while I"m doing walking lunges.

    otherwise- do whatever you want. be who you want- look how you want.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    "Mom guilt" is what turns an inspirational photo into shaming.

    C&P from the other thread:

    Actually, I just think it goes back to the pressure and guilt of motherhood. You don't just have to keep your kids alive, you have to try really hard not to **** them up. How many of us blame our parents for our lack of activity, bad eating habits, poor relationship skills, etc? It's a lot of pressure, and it comes with a lot of guilt (I don't know why fathers don't feel this as much).

    A lot of women see this image and suddenly there's MORE guilt and MORE pressure. I'm not offended, and it doesn't make me feel bad but I can definitely understand why it makes other mother's feel like that. It upsets mothers because they feel like it's adding pressure. While a lot of people might not understand these feelings or feel the same way, they still exist. The solution is of course NOT to attack this lady but to look inside and either use it as motivation to take more time for yourself or to not let it effect you at all. Realize that you are an awesome mom/woman/person even if you don't look like that and move on.
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    Yes she's a very hot mom of 3 kids, and yes there are going to be some very angry people, most who are not hot. However, we all have our priorities of how to spend our "spare" time and hers is obviously her fitness. We make time for what we want to do. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and we can do what we want with some of them. I get up 2.5 hours earlier than my husband does so I can get a good work out in. He chooses to sleep, I choose to go to the gym. It's about personal priorities and making time for what you want to do with the same 24 hours we all have. Keep in mind her fitness is a combination of her complete lifestyle. It does not stop when she leaves the gym. You can bet she tracks every single thing that goes in her mouth too. Those who bash are likely the ones who wish they could look like her while managing a life with 3 little ones.
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    I don't get one bit where all of the haters are coming from. She's had three children (almost in succession!) and looks GREAT! No, most women aren't going to immediately get the results that she did, but she's certainly a role model for health. She's going to be around for those kids for a long time. She seems willing to help others and give advice - I don't think she ever said that you have to be perfect after you have kids. People need to lighten up a little. Us women can be green-eyed monsters sometimes:)
  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    Well, chiming in as a working mother of 2, it can be tough to schedule in "me" time to work out and cook healthy. But, if I WANT it I will DO it. I certainly don't look like the woman in the story, but I know it's because I haven't put in the hard work or shown the dedication to my health and fitness that she has. That's not her fault...it's mine. I've been on this journey to better health, fitness, and "hotness" for over a year now, and I still have a ways to go. Again, getting to this point is all my own doing. I'm not about shaming someone else for achieving her goals. We all have excuses, it's just a matter of whether or not we use them! LOL!! A year ago I quit using most of them (still working a few HAHAHA) and got myself busy losing the weight.

    As women (and human beings in general!!) we need to be more supportive of each other and stop the "hating".
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    Didn't we discuss this at length yesterday?

    I didnt- So don't reply if you talked about it already!

    These forums move FAST, so what was discussed yesterday and this morning has already bumped several pages over. I look at these forums all the time and didn't see any other conversations about this.
  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    Well No not for me- I am not a mother- and to assume that is silly- I am merely engaged in a debate on a current event.

    Wow everyone is so hostil- Angry birds for sure...
    I'm not angry or hostil. I'm merely pointing this out.

    I really dislike the fact women are really big on bashing other women for looking good.

    One of the top rants about the gym " girls who wear make up"

    really? who cares? it's THAT attitude- that bothers me- and "she's shaming us" because she's fit and works hard- it smacks of that attitude.

    The big kurfluffle about her looking good- it comes from the same women who wear oversized t-shirts and shoddy baggy ugly pants to the gym then get mad there are women who look good at the gym. Who cares- you could look decent at the gym too!!! being at the gym isn't a date- but you don't have to look like a bag of smashed a&&holes either.

    no- not directed toward you- that's just a general rant- about women- who rant about other women's appearance.

    I only give a crap if you are talking loudly on your phone-
    holding up equipment while you are texting/talking
    don't rack your weights
    get in my way while I"m doing walking lunges.

    otherwise- do whatever you want. be who you want- look how you want.

  • Kadoober
    Kadoober Posts: 289 Member
    The only people she is 'shaming', are those ashamed of themselves.
    That's not her problem.