I always ruin it at night!!



  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Have you considered saving more of your daily calories to eat in the evening? Also, you should definitely look at setting your protein and fiber targets, so you can feel fuller longer. If you haven't read this yet, it is an excellent place to get started:

    Someone suggested I save my calories for later in the evening.
    So, did you try it?

    Also, given that you're eating at least partly out of anxiety, I'm not sure all the being angry at yourself stuff is really that helpful. Self-flagellation can be a huge time waster when what you really need is to try new strategies. :flowerforyou:

    ETA: ok, just speaking for myself, but I imagine that labelling a section of my diary "anxiety eating" wouldn't really help to get me in a healthy mindset about eating.
  • floop1207
    floop1207 Posts: 194 Member

    yesterday though, i just wasn't hungry during the day so the first proper meal i had was at around 6.30pm. after that, i was still hungry so i ate without guilt as i had plenty of calories left.

    for now, i'm going to try the 'eat when i'm hungry' method instead of going by the clock.
  • aliceclutz90
    aliceclutz90 Posts: 151 Member
    Probably sounds stupid but I always brush my teeth after dinner to stop myself from snacking as a kind of "that's it for tonight" kind of thing - seems to work weirdly enough.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you said it was anxiety eating - so you need to work on the anxiety first.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I do this too, except it's usually just after dinner - as a family, we would always have chocolate and a cup of tea after our meal, and that's something that I'm struggling to shake off.

    But I find that it's a lot to do with boredom rather than anything else. For example, if I know that I have work to do, or if I have a good book to read, I can go without eating because it doesn't cross my mind; whereas if I'm not doing anything, I will think about snacking. So try keeping yourself busy, find something to do.

    I actually bought myself a colouring book and some pencils, which seems completely and utterly ridiculous, but it worked!
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    It could also be the ease of bad foods. Do a little prep work. Chop a bunch or two of celery, and bag into 1 cup celery sticks with 1 cup baby carrots. This is two servings. One large bunch of celery makes about 5 or six bags. That should last about a week. Use hummus dip, or seasoned yogurt to switch it up, and you should be good to go. Keep various types of 90 calorie Fiber One bars in the house. Those brownies satisfy the sweet tooth, and help in other ways also, lol.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    This happens to me a lot. A few hours after dinner I get hungry and I still have some hours before bedtime ahead. So I always leave some calories for a bedtime snack. I usually have a couple of biscuits and a hot chamomile tea. Something sweet helps and I don't happen to ruin my whole day.
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    I eat dinner really late, and really slowly, and in high volume foods that take a while to eat (like an entire head of cauliflower roasted in 1 tsp olive oil for ~250cals, plus protein on the side). I also have a late-night snack planned every night. When I've finished that, I pop a piece of gum, drink water with lemon juice- it's usually close to bedtime at that point anyway, so it's not impossible, though I do get cranky sometimes and start complaining to the boyfriend that I want cheese... :)

    Breaking the habit of mindless munching at night during the first couple weeks is the hardest- it WILL get easier!
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    If you don't already, plan ahead so you know what you're working with for the day, and leave a bit of room for a treat in the evening. Works for me :smile:
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    :explode: I always ruin my good day be eating at night!!! It's anxiety eating! I am so sick and tired of this! :cry:
    My calories are good throughout the day. But I over eat after 9:00!! EVERY TIME! I'm sick of it! IT'S MY FAULT AND NO ONE ELSES!! I need will power! :angry:
    I have come to the conclusion that it's not about willpower. it's about habit. and you need to change your current habits to more productive/healthy ones. yeah, it's that simple :laugh:

    I was the same - I would be fine during the day, especially on work days when i couldn't eat what wasn't there, and going out to get food is an annoying and time consuming option. so i would bring my healthy foods, cottage cheese, salad, sandwiches, whatever, and then come home and eat everything in sight.

    So first of all - pre log EVERYTHING. when you get home, log your dinner cals and then when you want to snack, you write down the cals before you put it in your mouth. that can help sometimes.

    second - do something "else". If you find yourself munching in front of the tv , then use that time to do something else (i give mysef a mani, or sort papers, or even do yoga or push ups). anything that will change your "norm" because it is that norm that keeps the unhealthy habits alive.

    and third - as others have said, save some cals for an after dinner treat.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I was not able to read everything, sorry, I have to reply quickly. I think that the cure for late night eating is to eat, but to balance what you eat with a workout. Aim for 400 calories and burn those off BEFORE you eat.

    This is a double bonus, because it will alleviate your anxiety and you won't be as hungry. Take it from the chick who should be the super hero called PANIC WOMAN. Not kidding. I have to take meds for my general anxiety disorder.

    I have a hard time getting going on a workout, but once I do it, I always feel less anxious. The key is doing something that you love. Yoga, before bed, is awesome. Check out "Candlelight Yoga" and do the nighttime version. It will leave you relaxed, muscles worked out and feeling ready to just sleep.