Outdoorsy types?

Hey guys! I have been on MFP for a while but I have hit a serious standstill in my weight loss (8 months at the same weight - hey, at least I'm not gaining lol) and not doing much accurate tracking, so I thought I should reach out to the community and see if having a bit of a rapport with people would keep me more accountable.
I love spending time outside and want to increase my outdoor activity from daily slow pleasure walks with the dogs. I love to hike and try to get to the mountains as often as I can, and I plan on doing a lot of snowshoeing and skating this winter.
If anyone here primarily keeping their fitness up with fun outdoor activities instead of running on a hamster wheel at the gym (which works for some people but definitely not me), I would love to have the opportunity to talk to you and trade outdoorsy motivation and encouragement!

I am a 24 year old 5"5 female living in western Canada, I weigh 211 pounds, and I'd like to weigh anywhere from 120-140. I'm open to being friends with all ages, genders, and weights.


  • amyashipley
    amyashipley Posts: 4 Member

    My name is Amy and I just started using MFP a couple weeks ago. I'm a field biologist, so I tend to be outside a lot, but I also have to move to different parts of the country a lot for work. I think this change in routine has made it difficult for me to stick to a fitness and eating plan. Sometimes I can get a fair amount of exercise when I work, but sometimes not. I've weighed around 200 lbs for most of my adult life (I'm 30). I always thought I ate healthy things, but now I'm realizing that my portion sizes have been way too big.

    I moved to Hawaii last November for a new job with my boyfriend, and the field work here is pretty strenuous. I remember I went to the doctor in early April, and I weighed 214. I felt so bad that I couldn't keep up with my boss when we were hiking in the mountains for work at the beginning of the field season. I recently decided to buy a scale, and learned that I lost 20 pounds over the last 5 months, without really paying attention to food, just from the intense backpacking a couple times a month! That's when I decided to take advantage of the head start and really pay attention to my diet and try to exercise every day.

    I would love to chat more and trade advice and such for being active outdoors, and try to help each other stay on track.
  • newmanel
    newmanel Posts: 61 Member
    Hiya! I don't belong to a gym and get all of my exercise outside, and preferably in the woods. I hike frequently and canoe/kayak whenever possible, and lead forest ecology walks for kids to learn about nature. Sending you a request!
  • quizzie526
    Hi there!

    I'm a physical geographer, so I spend a lot of time outdoors. I love to hike, mountain bike, camp, and hunt. I would rather go for a long hike than a thirty minute sesh on the elliptical any day!
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    You are all welcome to add me too! I used to work outside a lot more, but now am mostly at a desk and my employees get to do all the fun outdoors stuff. I love hiking and backpacking and am hoping to go backpacking in AZ this winter or next spring. I just put my kayak away for the winter :( and will be putting the bikes away soon too. But that means that it is almost time to get the skis out!
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Hello fellow outdoorsy folk :flowerforyou:

    I spend a lot of time walking, hiking and trail running with my collie. My OH is a distance fell runner and mountain biker. I also do a bit of mountain biking but suck at it... plus we're rather short changed for mountains in the South West of England. :sad:

    I'm 42 and half way through my weight loss journey now (from near 170lb at the start to my goal of <130lb).
  • jbuck93
    jbuck93 Posts: 89 Member
    I workout so I can do my outdoorsy stuff on the weekends without dying. I hike, backpack, hunt, snowmobile.
  • alicecorsiatto
    alicecorsiatto Posts: 35 Member
    Hi there. I am in Calgary and frequently travel to BC where we have a house in Revelstoke so we can do as much outdoor activities as possible! Ia m really looking forward to trying snow shoeing this year along with cross country skiing. I will add you, and hopefully we can get some ideas from each other :)
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    I'm up in northern BC and I spend most weekends on the mountains. In the summer I hike and in the winter snowshoe!!!! I'm 5"5 too

    I've added running outside and some days at the gym so I can hike and snowshoe at a more intense level.

    I found a big improvement in my endurance and abilities in the mountains as I lost the 25 lbs I had to loose. I had to be pretty strict about my intake to get the lbs to come off.