50 pounds down and 50 to go (at least)

So I hit my 50 pound mark since 1/1/12. I realize it has been a long time, but I should be happy, right?!! I would like to lose the other 50 by June, what do you think??


  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    The last 50 will come off slower than the first 50. Especially towards the end, you should be aiming to lose .5 lbs per week.
  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    I have been on and off again over those last 22 months. I figure that now I am back on and hitting it harder than I have before. Goals are good right :)
  • wjw62
    wjw62 Posts: 4 Member
    Last year I tried the "Ideal Protein" diet.... it worked for me and I have kept the weight off since then :)

    Might be something to look into for the short term 'boost' you need
