Do 30DS when hit target weight loss or before?

Im in two minds whether to do the 30ds now, or to wait till ive hit my weight loss goal :/

Ive got about 10-15lbs to lose to reach my goal weight of 145-150lbs. If I do the 30ds now, will it bulk me up so the scale doesn't move? Or do many people ignore the scale and go by inches loss & appearance?

I know alot of people on here have done 30ds so just wondering how you approached it.



  • mrsg2013
    mrsg2013 Posts: 63 Member
    I did 30ds first Hun, back in January this year. I did 2 rounds I think. Then I did RI30.
    I lost weight with both the program's. I focused so much on the scales at that point.
    I then did Insanity!!! Lord did that whipp my butt lol. But that's when most of the weight drop and loads of inches. Gotta love inch loss :)
    I tried to do 30ds again after completing Insanity, but I didn't even brake a sweat haha!
    So for me, 30ds was a stepping stone before doing more intense workouts.
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    I did 30ds first Hun, back in January this year. I did 2 rounds I think. Then I did RI30.
    I lost weight with both the program's. I focused so much on the scales at that point.
    I then did Insanity!!! Lord did that whipp my butt lol. But that's when most of the weight drop and loads of inches. Gotta love inch loss :)
    I tried to do 30ds again after completing Insanity, but I didn't even brake a sweat haha!
    So for me, 30ds was a stepping stone before doing more intense workouts.

    Wow! Thats impressive, congrats on completing all that - sounds alot of hard work.
    I tried doing 30ds when I was at my heaviest and it nearly finished me off, just couldnt do it, now ive lost 20lbs I would like to try again, my thought was that id be fitter with the additional 15lb loss but it sounds like you managed :).

    I've 'viewed' insanity, just cant ever see myself in that peak fitness to be able to do it. Maybe one day ill suprise myself! Haha.

  • cinrn68
    cinrn68 Posts: 215 Member
    I would just do it. With circuit training, you won't bulk up for sure. You will tone up and lose inches, but you may not see it on the scales right away. Stick with it. I lost 14lbs and tons of inches doing 30ds.
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    I would just do it. With circuit training, you won't bulk up for sure. You will tone up and lose inches, but you may not see it on the scales right away. Stick with it. I lost 14lbs and tons of inches doing 30ds.

    Thanks for the reply :). Just done level 1, legs feel like jelly but hope that will improve over the next week or so!

    Congrats on your weight loss & inches, hope I can also achieve that

  • mrsg2013
    mrsg2013 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm glad you got on it hun. Keep us updated xx
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    You shouldn't GAIN weight, and you definitely won't "bulk up" with 30DS, but you may not LOSE any extra weight specifically from it either (aside from what you're already set to lose). You will likely lose inches though.
  • tinasheonline
    Just do it! I just completed my 30 days yesterday :). I lost 5lbs and 3inches around my waist!!!!! I have to say in my first 10 days I didn't lose a pound but realized that it i was eating back all my calories i was working out. LOL. That's how I started logging into my fitness pal to try and stay under a 1200 calorie intake. I also realized that because I increased my protein intake it means it was contributing to building muscle (meaning scale not going down). Don't get caught up on the scale though because you will lose inches for sure either way.

    You can check out my videos for more of my results and review:

    My 30 Day results photo slide here:
    My review of the 30DS here: