Herbalife - good or bad??



  • aethompson5507
    aethompson5507 Posts: 251 Member
    Its bad, cant think of a worse way to try and lose the kg, once you stop it all goes back on, its not sustainable to replace meals and have shakes instead of food, just do it the normal way and keep it of for good, more protein less carbs, eat 5 - 6 times a day (small meals or snacks) and exercise.

    not completely true. it all depends on the person. if you transition yourself out of the shake plan when you want off of them, and into healthy eating, you wont gain the weight back. i know LOTS of people who have lost a lot with herbalife and have kept it off , even after no longer taking the product! ...im currently using the products and have lost 4 lbs and 17 inches! i personally LOVE the product!
  • dbreveard
    I am confused as to how everyone finds so many issues with it. It accounts for approximately 400 of your daily calories. If you stop it, replace the Herbalife with something healthy and you should be good. The point of Herbalife (for me) was to help me start making healthier choices in what I ate. If you don't eat healthy and don't exercise, you will get fat (unless your one of the blessed skinny ones that can eat anything and not gain a pound). Don't blame the changing of ones eating habits from healthy to not healthy on Herbalife.
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    It works just as well as creating a calories deficit by eating clean food in the right quantity.
    The difference is, you can't eat the food you love, it's more expensive and it's given to you by a sales person who may or may not have any knowledge in nutrition.

    Eat healthy, do a little exercise and you are going to get the same results, but for less money and by eating real food.
  • jmoralesx5
    jmoralesx5 Posts: 128 Member
    Herbalife is a tool to help you eat healther. Some people don't have the discipline to do this on their own. And even with those who do have the discipline this is an easy way to get a healthy and all-natural meal. I think we can all agree that sometimes, especially in the busyness of life, it is helpful to take a quick shake and not have to think about planning the meals. I also think it depends on the person you are working with. In the group I work with, our objective is to help people become healthy. I know that with my success and with Herbalife, I can help teach people how to eat healthier. If that is without Herbalife great, but otherwise I'll use Herbalife as a tool to help others.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I tried it many years ago. It felt nothing like herb.
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    It's basically just caffeine, isn't it? From what I've heard. I've heard nothing positive about it.
  • cookn_mama
    cookn_mama Posts: 228 Member
    I drink the raspberry tea and love it. It gives me energy and few calories. Hey! I gave up Mtn Dew and have to have some caffeine to keep me going. I usually have 2 glasses a day. I also have the shakes to mix with milk or water. That is a last resort for me. I like to eat my calories! But it does make a quick meal and fills me for 3-4 hours.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    I was on it, and essentially it works by making two meals of your day less than 300 cals each, gives you diuretics and vitamins to feel up and energized. Then, they say the last meal you can eat what ever you'd like. So most people eat whatever they want. Even at that point your still probably eating less than 1800 cals a day, and if you do exercise on top of that, the deficit is even greater. So you drop weight quickly on it. When you go back to your normal eating patterns, normal eating that you don't really learn on this diet, because every pitch I've heard has spun the daily meal as "You can have cheesesteaks! Or pizza!", you will gain all of it back and then some. Simply because your not restricting your calories for two to three meals out of the day.

    When I was on it, the additional supplements that are sold with the plans made me jittery, irritable, on edge, and disrupted my sleep patterns. The shakes weren't filling enough for me, and while I did lose like 10lbs in 2 days, when I decided to stop the program I gained 17lbs.

    Your mileage may vary. I know quite a few people who are on Herbalife, love it so much, and it really works for them. For me, it wasn't the best choice.
  • CeeJourney
    CeeJourney Posts: 149 Member
    I use Herbalife on and off (usually when i find myself going back to my bad ways (i.e skipping breakfast or not making enough of healthy choices) ... Im back on it but even when i get off i find myself losing the weight because I continue to eat clean :)
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    I use Herbalife, and I really like it. For one, I was given over 70 different recipes that I can make at home if I don't go to the shop. On top of that, I have been experimenting, and I made some recepis of my own. I think this is very helpful knowing that I do not have to have the SAME THING over and over because of time constraints or whatever. And the recipes can change with the seasons: pumpkin pie, orange dreamsickle, egg nog, apple pie, peach cobbler, fried ice cream, turtle cheesecake, Irish creme latte, shamrock, heath bar, root beer float, lemon streusel cake, pineapple upside down cake, almond joy, Reese's peanut butter cups, German chocolate cake, banana split, strawberry daiquiri, candy cane, peanut butter & jelly, grape tootsie pop, Eskimo Joe, and on and on.

    I know during my busy time at work, I am a grazer. I have done this for decades. And now that I had the work from three people moved to me just last month, it is even more stressful. When you don't have time to go to the bathroom two weeks every month, you can't deal with stressful eating--at least, I can't at this time. But now I have something I can depend on AND help me. I add enough ice to my shakes to make 5 shakes (approx 2 - 2 1/2 cups in each shake), and it does not taste watered down. I use water instead of milk in my shakes, and my breakfast/lunch averages between 200-250 each. I take them in my cooler along with my water. After every other shake, I drink a bottle of water, so I can drink about half my water before I leave work. Sometimes after working a 10-11 hr day, I am just truly exhausted. And I admit I get lazy when I get home. My husband is trying to gain 20 pounds--doctor's orders. So sometimes we have meals that help him, and sometimes we have meals that helped me. (He lost the weight when I first started my weigh-loss journey.) I do exercise, but sometimes I go back to work since the work MUST be done. And I am extremely hungry when I get home. And there are times when I still go to buffets for special occasions. But I know that Herbalife has helped me in my journey so far.

    Yes, I think it can be pricey; HOWEVER, it is helping ME!! I think people gain weight for different reasons and should lose weight in different ways. I don't consider this a fad or a short-cut. I know sooooo many people who have lost weight with it. Yes, I became a distributor because I believe in it, but I don't have time to give parties; so maybe I shouldn't really consider myself a distributor.
  • Travis1022
    I'm a consultant with herbalife. I found something that worked for me. Years of bad eating habits, takes years of healthy eating habits. That's where we come in. Keeping it simple for the out of control eater, and providing excellent nutrition. Lets talk about weight for a second. Most people hop on a scale, see a number, and subconciously, they are fat. That number, is just a number in our brain which reflects on how we feel on the outside. You have to understand that muscle weighs more than fat, and you must get over the self hate of a scale. Its not a full body scale, its just numbers. Everyone has came go me, a little disappointed about gaining weight, when I clearly see, they lost a lot of fat. So I say "EXCELLENT! lets get u on my scale!" The proof is always right there. Lbs of muscle have been added and visceral fat is burning off. You should find a distributor in the area with these Tools before feeling down about urself. Plus, we are full of info about healthy eating! Were not here to take ur money, were here because we have passion in nutrition. Always remember, your beautiful no matter what. I hope this helps, I would say, try it if ur curious and keep these thoughts in mind :)
  • davedenoyer
    I am not healthy, however I am getting that way. I am overweight by over 100 lbs, don't fit in many of my clothes and lack energy. I started Herbalife on May 20th 2013. My Herbalife distributor is not just that, she and her husband have dedicated their living to helping folks like me become healthy and becoming conscience about nutrition and what my personal needs are. They have a nutrition business which promotes this way of life and they do so by also using Herbalife products to do so. I have done research on Herbalife and found that they have a Nobel prize winner on their board of directors who have so many degrees in so many areas of health that I trust them, especially with the results I am experiencing. Today is July 19th 2013. I know what my daily requirements of protein and the other nutrients are because my distributor did an evaluation on me with a scale that measures weight, body fat, body muscle and a few other things. Anyone can sell a product, if it would have stopped there, it would have not worked for me. I needed a coach and information, After that, I applied the Herbalife system to my life with the direction of my distributor and have had amazing results in many areas. I finally have energy I have not had in years, lost several inches here and there, feel great about myself and have lost 25 lbs in the last two months. I also lack the desire to eat much of what is bad for me as well. I feel that this is all because of the combination of the distributor and the Herbalife products. I am doing two meal replacement shakes a day with 20 additional protein, 5 of fiber, a shot of aloe for my digestive system and the herbal tea, all twice a day. I then have a sensible meal with as much color as I can get with a variety of foods, which is a whole other story. I will continue the use of the products, expensive? Eat out a couple times a day, it is cheap compared to that.
  • HellaciousStar
    HellaciousStar Posts: 1 Member
    When my shakes dont fill me I add 2 scoops of PDM and then a light healthy snack as well
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    It's mumbo jumbo fad diet. Just eat real food and control your portions. Move a little more. Taaaaadaaaa! magic!
  • kerrylouise37
    I love herbalife I used to eat an entire packet of biscuits at my desk every day now I have my shake for breakfast and don't feel hungry even at lunch. My skins better I'm more toned, I've got so much more energy and so far have found no downside. it's worked out cheaper for me each month than buying enough food for breakfast lunch and dinner and saves me a lot of time as I make a double batch shake in the morning enough for breakfast and lunch! I am obsessed with the peach tea and it gives me sooo much energy which is great as I have CFS. It's not a 'fad diet' as someone else mentioned it has a whole nutritional team including doctors and a nobel prize winner in nutrition. I was going to the gym 5 days a week and controlling my portions and was not getting anywhere near the same results as I am now and now I only go to the gym 3 times a week. People that say its a fad clearly haven't done any research into the product or used it themselves. I know people that have been on it for 14 years+ its suitable for children and pregnant women and I wouldn't want to go back to feeling rubbish again when all it takes is changing my breakfast and sometimes lunch to a shake! x
  • xxbrianna
    xxbrianna Posts: 2 Member
    NOTE TO EVERYONE CLAIMING IT'S EXPENSIVE: Let's do some math to break it down for you..

    Say you're only gonna buy the basics (Formula 1 shake mix + Personal Protein Powder), which you can buy on amazon cheaper than from a distributor.

    -Formula 1 Shake: Varies on what flavor you want $31-$33 (Sometimes more if it's a seasonal flavor)
    -Personal Protein Powder: $29

    So you want enough products to last you a month, you'll then buy 2 Formula 1 Shake Mixes & 1 Personal Protein Powder. You'll be paying $95 (If both you're shake mixes cost $33)

    Let's BREAK IT DOWN some more!

    $95/30 days = about $3.17
    So you're paying $3.17 a day for TWO meals! C'mon now, that's cheaper than fast food!!!

    I personally have recently started my journey with Herbalife along with a proper diet and exercise. So far I'm having amazing results! Hope this helps all!(:
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    If you are set on using a Meal Replacement Shake, look into Ideal Shape shakes first. They are made better, have better nutrition and less expensive, and taste MUCH better, and are gluten free and not packed full of soy.

    But, as has been already said, the best, and most sustainable plan is to learn how to eat right ......
  • schrislip00
    I have lost about 13 pounds on it in about 5 weeks. But I have also changed all my eating habits and I am exercising. I have actually lost 11 pounds since before I started it. I do it because I actually like the shakes. You can add all sorts of things to it like sugar free, fat free pudding and frozen fruit and they taste delicious. I got my initial startup from my distributor (a friend at work) but I have bought some stuff off ebay (much cheaper) and I also substitute my own items to save money rather than buy all the products they want you to (I buy my own vitamins and aloe from CVS, and my own protein powder from a natural food store) I will probably not buy any more of the supplements except the Total Control which really does help with appetite control and energy without making me jittery. But I do keep track of all my calories on my fitness pal. So I think the moral of the story is, if you eat less than 1200 calories a day and exercise you will lose weight. But I don't feel like I'm starving myself on the Herbalife plan because all the protein makes me feel full and especially since I add frozen fruit to the shakes. Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    To be completely fair, I don't really know if I would classify Herbalife as a "fad diet". It is a relatively safe and healthy way to lose weight. And it has been around for 20+ years. It is just a bit expensive and there really is no valid exit strategy because you never really learn how to eat normal food in the proper amounts on a daily basis.
    Which makes it a fad diet.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • EllaIsNotEnchanted
    EllaIsNotEnchanted Posts: 226 Member
    From what I hear-herbalife products can be bought cheaper from bodybuilder.com and so forth. Just figure out the supplements they have and trade in from a less pricey source.