Anyone out there doing TRX?



  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    I use the TRX at the gym all the time. It's great for a full body workout. You can look up workouts on youtube.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    I's like to see the result bodies.
    If anyone has photo that shows to what extend trx might build up than can help alot
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I's like to see the result bodies.
    If anyone has photo that shows to what extend trx might build up than can help alot

    What is it you're looking for? Something like TRX is not for mass gaining.
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    My gym has recently added TRX and it's great fun, as well as a great body weight workout. It's extremely versatile.
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    I have one that I bring with when I go camping. I use it mostly for upper body and also some hip strengthening. It's a lot easier to carry around than a 20# kettlebell.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    I's like to see the result bodies.
    If anyone has photo that shows to what extend trx might build up than can help alot

    What is it you're looking for? Something like TRX is not for mass gaining.
    looking for an alternative gym at home
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I's like to see the result bodies.
    If anyone has photo that shows to what extend trx might build up than can help alot

    What is it you're looking for? Something like TRX is not for mass gaining.
    looking for an alternative gym at home

    Although I don't use a TRX brand unit (I use one made by a different brand) I can attest to the results. It is the primary form of training I have been using through my 135 lbs of weight loss and getting into shape. In addition, it led to being able to do full, unassisted pullups, and dips, with no problem while building a strong core. There are a lot of lower body options and progressions, but it requires a fundamental knowledge of lower body exercises beyond the squat. If you think the squat is the end-all-be-all of lower body exercises then bodyweight training in general is not for you. There are ways to take it WAY farther than that with bodyweight and build great strength, but it requires forgetting the idea that the squat is the premier lower body exercise you should be using. That statement is only true when working with weights.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    I's like to see the result bodies.
    If anyone has photo that shows to what extend trx might build up than can help alot

    What is it you're looking for? Something like TRX is not for mass gaining.
    looking for an alternative gym at home

    Although I don't use a TRX brand unit (I use one made by a different brand) I can attest to the results. It is the primary form of training I have been using through my 135 lbs of weight loss and getting into shape. In addition, it led to being able to do full, unassisted pullups, and dips, with no problem while building a strong core. There are a lot of lower body options and progressions, but it requires a fundamental knowledge of lower body exercises beyond the squat. If you think the squat is the end-all-be-all of lower body exercises then bodyweight training in general is not for you. There are ways to take it WAY farther than that with bodyweight and build great strength, but it requires forgetting the idea that the squat is the premier lower body exercise you should be using. That statement is only true when working with weights.
    I should think bout it again!
  • cmccarthy7
    Hi Everyone! New to this message board. 50+ yr old male.

    I have been working with TRX in a class setting 1-2x/wk for over a year now. I think it is one of the most interesting exercise programs you can find. No matter what your fitness level you can find exercises / positions that will challenge you. It is up to the individual how hard they want to work at it. I get a really good muscle workout as well as cardio workout during the 40 minute class.

    The big thing that you need to watch is form though - once your form goes, it is easy to get into bad habits. As the instructor says always use muscle vs. momentum. I really like having an instructor for this to vary the workouts - if you have not tried a full class of single handle only, you are missing out on a very intense program. Also, lookout up their 40/40 workout and see how far you can get.

    I do combine this with basic weight training after the TRX to get a complete body workout on that particular day. I am so happy I found this program and recommend it to anyone that needs something "different" in their routine.
  • i2rsantos
    Well said. I also want to add that I've been working out everyday with TRX for the last eight weeks without repetitive stress injuries. Just a bit sore :smile:
  • keish018
    I just did my first TRX training yesterday and I LOVED IT! In a weird way, it was like having a personal trainer just with a couple extra people there. Does anyone know what the average caloric loss is for a 30 or 45 min session? I def broke a sweat and my arms are feeling REALLY tight so I know there was some serious work done :-)
  • i2rsantos
    According to other MFPers you can use the exercise in the MFP database "strenuous calisthenics".