Almost 5 months , ZERO PROGRESS. mannn i just feel hopless

its been 5 months of excersing NO DAYS OFF. and ive seen 0 progress. I know exactly why though , its because of my eating habits that i just cant seeeem to control which makes me soooo depressed man .... ill seen a pound loss every now and then but a week or 2 later i'll see that ive gained it back , plus an extra one. please help with your own personal success stories so i can KNOW this is possible .. please . thx guyss


  • Brandonalex15
    Brandonalex15 Posts: 101 Member
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    For me, exercise is the easy part but the food is hard. I've been here since March and have fallen off the wagon over and over already. I've been consistent for the past 2 months and I've lost 21 pounds. I bought a food scale, prepared all my meals at home (including treats), started working out 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week and here I am. It's hard, but it's do-able.

    If I'm feeling like a big failure or need some motivation, I visit the success stories board. There are so many inspiring people there and the before/after pictures make it feel real to me, like I can really do this.

    If you need a friend, feel free to add me! :)
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    You're doing it wrong.
  • VictorGWilliams
    Hey Man - I feel your pain. They do say that you can't out exercise a bad diet and you've got to start there. I cannot do a calorie reduced diet to save my life. I'm focused on eliminating sugar in all its forms - lactose, bread, fruits, rice, potatoes, candy - and replacing it with fats like avocadoes, coconut oil, and animal proteins like meat and eggs. It's a little slow going, but seems to be working. Not nearly so hungry all the time.
  • espchica
    Exercising is great! Good for you and BE PROUD of that!

    I was like you for a long time. I exercised a lot, but my weight didn't go down. It wasn't until I started understanding how to eat food that I saw the pounds go down. I joined WW and for the first time in my life, I learned how to eat properly in portions. I also realized that sometimes I wasn't eating enough. It was really important to eat enough calories every day but make them COUNT--eating foods with substance and nutrition.

    However, because I had been exercising for a long time already, I had already started to notice some inches coming off and feeling better and feeling stronger. If you're losing some weight and gaining some back, it's probably due to building muscle, which is more dense than fat.

    Keep working out--it's good for you! Be proud of your accomplishment! Now, take some time to really focus on your eating, and you will probably see a big change.

    P.S. I love this app, but another website that I like is supertracker from Input your info, and it will tell you how many servings of fruit, veggies, protein, and grains you need a day. It's through that app that I discovered I was consuming WAY too much sodium, so that has been helping.
  • slainger
    slainger Posts: 150 Member
    You can exercise all you want but if you don't create a calorie deficit you won't lose weight. Weight and measure everything. Stay under your goal. Use MFP for what its meant for!! You've got the perfect tool! You can do this. I was over weight for 20 years before I found MFP, followed the calorie goals, and lost 100 pounds. I've now maintained my weight for about a year and half. This is so doable!! Good luck!:wink:
  • jillebeans
    My sister-in-law is always telling me that you can't out exercise nutrition. Meaning that you have to burn more than you eat it is that simple if you will. I am not saying that is it easy by any means because I know how hard it all is. I am saying that if you work out everyday for two hours and burn a total of 1000 calories and then consume a large plate of fetticini alfredo although your body knows you feel great the ratio of calories consumed would still be higher than what you burned. It sucks I know. It seems like you work so hard and get no where...very frustrating. I have been working out now for five years due to health issues and feel as though I get no where as well. I am now trying to log all my food and trying to be more attentive to what I put in my mouth. This is the first week of doing that so I'll see how it goes. Good luck to you
  • jillebeans
    Oh and I forgot to say that said sister-in-law has lost 120 lbs by not dieting but logging everything she eats and keeping her ratio of calories consumed to calories burned in the right place. She tries to eat a clean diet of lots of veggies and very healthy choices....again good luck
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    They say 80% of losing weight is what you eat, the other 20% is exercise. So focus on eating as opposed to exercise.

    Try eating healthier foods than what you're eating now and cut down on exercise at first, keep it balanced, log your calories, take measurements, ect.

    I started in May, since then I've lost around 90LBS. Pretty much a steady and consistent loss every week.

    I wouldn't see the point in exercising myself hard, just to go and eat a load of crap afterwards. It's like you're defeating the object of having exercised in the first place. Or that you exercise so much so you can justify the crap you eat.

    Anyway, good luck man, try to amend the kinds of foods you eat.
  • ShannonTowers
    It was sad and depressing to rea
    d your post. Very Frustrating, I know because in January I set a realistic goal to lose20lbs in 10 months. You would think that is achieveable. 2lbs a month. By April I was at my doctors because I hadn't lost anything. I was watching what I was eating doing my logs and excerising......... Still nothing. He put me on ritalin to help booster my metabolism. He said in 2 months you should lose around 7.5lbs. I will see you then. So on the meds for 2 months went back to the doctors. lost 3lbs. Although it wasn't what he expected it was still a loss and I was happy. 2 more months go by Nothing!!!!!!!!! I a not attending the Wharton Clinic to help figure out why in 3 yrs I have not lost an excessive weight even though I am eating right and excerising. So I feel your pain and maybe you need to address this concern withyourdoctor.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    So answer yourself this.. Do you LIKE busting your *kitten* everyday? Sore muscles, gallons of sweat, huffing and puffing along only to sabotage ALL that effort for food? Is it worth it? Do you still get the same benefits of that feel good exercise energy boost if you weigh it down with junk food?? While exercise and over all health and fitness go hand in hand NUTRITION is 90 percent of this battle with the bulge! Sounds like you got the fitness part down. So imagine how good it will feel and be vain for a minute and think of how good you will look when you stop sabotaging your own efforts. The only thing standing between you and your health is at the end of your fork! Best wishes!
  • bluecrayonz
    bluecrayonz Posts: 459 Member
    i feel the same. every morning i wake up and say "today i'm gunna eat right" then every night i go to sleep feeling like a failure
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Are you logging your food? That was the key step for me.

    When I started, I just logged, didn't change anything about what I ate. Just started tracking it so I could see what my food day looks like. It was a pretty eye opening experience.

    Baby steps - start with a small step that doesn't require you to actually give anything up. And then we can go from there.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    its been 5 months of excersing NO DAYS OFF. and ive seen 0 progress. I know exactly why though , its because of my eating habits that i just cant seeeem to control which makes me soooo depressed man .... ill seen a pound loss every now and then but a week or 2 later i'll see that ive gained it back , plus an extra one. please help with your own personal success stories so i can KNOW this is possible .. please . thx guyss
    You don't need to be reading success stories. You need to be reading and FOLLOWING this and the progress will come:
  • LiftHeavyWeights
    LiftHeavyWeights Posts: 336 Member
    I workout 6 days a week. It took me 8 months to be really happy with my progress, although by taking pictures/ measurements of myself every month I could see progress long before then. See my profile pictures. Progress takes time and does not go in a straight line. I was very frustrated at the beginning too but it is worth it to stick with it.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    When exercising add some strength training too at least 3 times a week. Cardio + weights will also make
    you stronger. Patience is another thing you need, it won't come off tomorrow. Its hard work, exercise,
    research what you are eating or start a program like WW to get you in the right mind set. Give it time,
    it will come off.
  • 27toheaven
    Are you being honest with yourself? Are you logging your food?Your diary is closed so its difficult for anyone to give you any specific advice, but i think you're proabably just netting close to your TDEE which is why you're maintaining.
  • thesifter
    thesifter Posts: 107 Member
    Eat a little less less , move move a little more , drink loads of water, log everything. Good luck , you can do it, It's not magic.
  • Brandonalex15
    Brandonalex15 Posts: 101 Member