Water fasting has anyone tried it?



  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    It's a "spiritual experience" because starving yourself will make you hallucinate eventually.

    ^^^ THIS! ^^^
  • primal_cupcakes
    primal_cupcakes Posts: 280 Member
    I tried a water fast once. I was miserable. It was years ago, before I went back to school to study nutrition. At the time I was buying into the idea of "clean eating" and detox diets. I subjected my body to a lot of really rigorous, unneccessary procedures like extended fasts, colonics, nasal flossing (Google it! It's horrible) and induced vomiting. I did all of this under the direction of my yoga instructor at the time, who was really hardcore and was suffering from her own eating disorder.

    Water fasts and the ilk are unnecessary at best and possibly quite dangerous. I won't repeat what's already been said about them in this thread, but feel free to message me if you would like more information or want to talk. I can help.
  • GTAFrank
    GTAFrank Posts: 730 Member
    I have a pretty good idea where this thread is going...

  • kathystrauss1
    kathystrauss1 Posts: 142 Member
    It's very effective if you're protesting British colonialism in India.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Do you have to prepare yourself before you start a water fast with some kind of other fast or cleans?
    I recommend a cleanse with food.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Do you have to prepare yourself before you start a water fast with some kind of other fast or cleans?
    I recommend a cleanse with food.
    Yikes! That's both oddly mesmerizing and deeply horrifying.....
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    I posted this on another thread on liquid diets, but to say again: I will never again voluntarily go on a liquid/no solid diet of any sort after the experiences I had after surgery. No energy, hair and nail loss, gastrointestinal issues, etc. I got through it with the help of a Morphine drip and Vicodin, because at least I could sleep through how bad I felt.

    Now, as for the junk food I can totally relate. So, I set out to specifically find a way to eat that is something I can do for the rest of my life. I still eat chips and bread and chocolate, just a lot less and of higher quality. I haven't given up a thing, just learned moderation. My last physical was good and my already normal blood tests were even better than last year. My cholesterol is high, but its because my "good" cholesterol is so high it pushes up the overall number. All of which indicates that my internal organs responsible for cleansing crap out of my body are working just as designed. And, I've lost 65 pounds this way (look around this site, there are people here that have lost literally hundreds without going to any sort of extreme).
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I recommend doing some research, there are also lots of people posting their progress on youtube. Here are two links that might be of interest.



    What I can tell you from my own experience are things that I learned help me, they might not work for you. Before starting quite things like coffee, smoking and any other bad habits a few weeks in advance. Then you can get over that first. Empty the fridge, kitchen from foods. The first 3 -4 days are difficult, I avoid social gatherings as it's too much hassle explaining why one does not eat to people who like to judge but have no real knowledge. On the 3rd or 4th day I do the salt water cleanse thing. I never did 30 or 40 days, normally 12 - 15 days feels right for me. After day 10 I notice that I have sharper sight, better hearing and I can smell things from a distance. Once complete one needs to phase back in foods carefully, preferably low or no carb natural foods. Don't go to a fast food joint the day you finish!. While you will probably loose weight, after it your body may be more efficient so you'll eat less and adsorb the same amount of nutrients. Many people regain the weight right after it by going back to the same habits they had before. Hope this helps, and good luck. There are lots of good books out there, check out Ketosis articles on the web.

    No real knowledge, like scientific evidence to support such fasting?

    It is the very definition of charlatanism and it's reckless.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    NO :angry:

    do this instead


    Oh and get over the good food / bad food nonsense, all things in moderation.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm looking into changing up my diet. I recently cut out process food sugars salt breads and red meat. I eat baked chicken breast or fish. But lately the chicken just hasn't been so appetizing and I'm looking into going vegetarian or vegan. I still struggle with bread, chocolate, and sweet cravings. And I noticed if i give in to junk food just a little the next few days I just crave even worse foods like fried fast food, chips, soda, and bread. I also get headaches and become grouchy especially if i ate processed food. I really want to control my cravings so i started looking into cleanses and fasting. I notice when i cut out processed foods my body really reacted positively. I'm looking into water fasting and reading that it helps you with will power and mind over matter. People also talk about how it can be a spiritual experience. So Im asking for advice or if anyone has tried this? And if so what was the experience like? Do you have to prepare yourself before you start a water fast with some kind of other fast or cleans? I feel like a water fast is something i need to detox my body from all of the unnatural crap that could still be residing in my body also to help me with mental control about food. I have noticed that going on a short walk or drinking water when i have cravings helps but not all the time. Any advice would be great?

    I wouldn't do the water fast, but what I would do is read the somersize old school books regarding sugar. how to quit it specifically. i found those ideas to ring true and it sounds like you might as well.

    that's if you are bent on quitting sugar though. it's really not necessary unless you are a diabetic. if you truly feel you must eliminate foods to lose weight why not make a list of all the foods you absolutely hate. just can't stand the taste of. then eat all the other foods in moderation and count your calories. if you PM me the list of foods you decided NOT to eat I will come up with a fancy new name for your diet and you can be well on your way to writing the next food eliminating diet book.
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