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I admire people with breast cancer

I am 51, Male. I used to jog 5 miles DAILY, lift weights, DAILY, play tennis DAILY, basketball/football with my son DAILY so I WOULDNT get old and decrepped

4 years ago, just as millions of people wake with a lump in their chest and all of a sudden they have breast cancer(I say people, cause males have it too)

anyway, I woke up(to me) out of the blue TOP HEAVY, couldnt lift my head out of the bed, ER, mri, half my brain was gone, I SAID GONE? can we get it back? :D

Neurologist gave up, said it was like MS(incurable) Cerebellar Atrophy, Im just wheelchair bound..OH, but hes sooo sorry

I went to Duke hospital..they say its like muscular dystrophy(either way incurable) I dont drink alcohol, do drugs or smoke, so I hate people seeing me look like I do....I kinda gave up, started having pity parties, I got up to 265 lbs!! Ive never been more than 170 my whole life(I know, I know, my mother had an insane tough delivery, :D)
anyway, I noticed very few people started coming to my parties, so I said WAIT, does he mean NOW or 10 years from now.
? Got off my butt, WOBBLING(like im drunk)) but walking around apts,( hated it at first cause of judgemental neighbors) I didnt want them to see this guy stumbling around their apts. SO luck would have it, theres a private "CHRISTIAN" school behind us, I thought, HEY, ill walk back there, NOONE will see me, I wont "bother" anyone Anyway, ONE week, principal came out and ran me off, said i was scaring the parents. I told him I have cerebellar atrophy, ALONG WITH nystagmus, i see double vison when I look left or right(also incurable) I walk back there to keep to myself...he said well, were private, I can understand school shootings and stuff, but I said I dont even look at the parents, anyway, back to the apts....comments galore from distances, but i kept walking, ive since turned some of those people around :D

NOW, 3 years ago, I developed what Rheumatologist calls SEVERE rheumatoid arthritis...ok more pain 24/7....kept walking Ive since figured a way to still lift..on a weight machine i can sit down, painful, but i do it(btw, also incurable)

6 months ago, ANOTHER neuro disorder DYSTONIA(yep, incurable) I cant catch the common cold :D

my right foot turns inwards when i walk so im landing o the right side of my foot, i thought GREAT how in the world do i walk now, ITS OVER..NOPE figured out how to do it...gotta land hard on my right foot cause i have to really concentrate to make my foot land flat I have to swing my leg out, physical therapist says im lucky i havent broken that ankle.They cant make a brace to make my ankle not turn without making my whole leg and foot inoperable..it would atrophy and lose muscle, i said why would i want that? Doc measured my thighs, already right one is one inch thinner than the left, not sure if thats because of this, its all in my right leg, .Ive had sprained ankles, hairline fractures, but i havent missed ONE day RAIN or shine, since jan 1
AND since jan 1 ive lost 80 lbs!!

im back to the 170's..i put 180s to give myself room :D
I REFUSE to lose!! IM NOT going to be in a wheelchair, IM NOT,, like the commercial says a body in mtion tends to stay in motion while a body at rest tends to stay at rest
plus im afraid if i stop for awhile I WILL wither up, lose my motivation etc.
ive been on here since jan 1, changed my profile a few times to start over with new weight, but ive since put entire weight back up for all to see it CAN be done. MFP has an app, i input it ....every workout, and every food, and after a short while, its a HABIT. My new years goal was AT LEAST back to 200 by my birthday...JULY
Well in july i was in the 190's :D
My daughter says rain or shine wheelchair or not, when she gets married im walking her down the aisle, singing at her wedding AND dancing her first dance(after the traditional bride/groom dance of course :D) so, Im NOT going to let her down, PLUS I dont want to be in a wheelchair, im 51, not 91......I have a pic posted from a year ago with my daughter as nice round ole me, and one recently with the same daughter much thinner, BUT im lifting again too, not john cena power lifting, just staying toned, so, docs never call and check on me, so this is just something i have and i can sit in a corner and cry about it, or keep moving best i can. I dont blame them, theres nothing they can do. I PRAY, I BELIEVE GOD will fix me OR maybe even make me inspire ONE PERSON. Maybe I got this cause he knew i could handle it, maybe someone else couldnt, who knows.
so i admire breast cancer survivors, I KNOW the sudden lifestyle changes, the fear of the unknown, the adjustments..the getting past what other people say..used to really bother me cause i was the picture of health, never heard it, NOW, i know they say who cares what others say, Its still hard, of course I care, and it bothers me, but I forge ahead!! used to have the little girls swooning over me, never counted a calorie in my life, didnt know what one was, i could just jog it off, or ride a bike across town. I could eat ANYTHING. I hate to think of the calories i consumed back when.

one thing ive learned, its SO easy to gain weight, but SO hard to get it back off, and thats if youre HEALTHY :D

so Im proud of what Ive accompkished. Almost look just like i have a bum leg, can ALMOST look relatively normal, once i get going, i can actually book it now, but i cant stop on a dime so ive had my share of falls too and starting back up i look like one leg must be shorter than the other

Ive also learned people are GENUINELY good but there are still some OMG

when I hear cars coming, REALLY concentrate to stay close to edge and not sway out in road....one time car COMING FROM THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL WITH kids in tow...pulled quietly RIGHT BESIDE me, laid on the horn, scared the mess out of me, i tumbled over into grass, five cars behind them drove by LAUGHING, one yelled GET A JOB FREAK already had their kids with them coming from the "christian" school. I thought hard about going that night and spray painting over the CHRISTIAN part of their sign, BUT I took the high road as usual, God sees it, he'll take care of them

ANYWAY, thats my story, and im sticking to it :D


  • myprana
    myprana Posts: 66
    one thing ive learned, its SO easy to gain weight, but SO hard to get it back off, and thats if youre HEALTHY :D

    yup, it's a rough road sometimes. It's tempting to justify overeating and not exercising because of a physical limitation. But there's always something we can do to better ourselves.

    As for letting God care take of those mean people, why not do something yourself? Maybe it's the atheist in me, but I'd call up the school at least and talk to the principal about what happened and ask if the school could use this incident as a reminder lesson to students on what it means to be kind.

    Keep up the healthy lifestyle. Sounds like you're making great changes.
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    My goodness, you have a great attitude and are working very hard. My twin sister had to learn to walk again after she had a tumor removed from inside her spinal cord(benign). After 5 weeks in the hospital she came to live with me and isn't wheelchair bound. She tires easily and has daily pain and nerve damage and both her shoulders have torn rotator cuffs. She can no longer work(although the state doesn't agree). She just like you remind me to not take for granted what we have and make use of the use we do have. I often do take it for granted so thank you again for the reminder. You are doing great!! And it might be worth a call to the school to share the not kindness some have shown to you. Maybe you could even go speak there to show your story and remind them about what exactly it is Christ is trying to teach them.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    i admire anyone with any cancer. Any at all.

    and I admire anyone fighting a condition that impedes them, or a disease that robs them of full function.

    but mostly I admire you. Good job never quitting and fighting the good fight.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    damn, that is just crazy. You are just all sorts of awesome winning.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I admire the hell out of you!

    You don't give up, you keep going, and you're just so darned tough!

    Thank you for sharing your story...I know someone who would really benefit from reading this...
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Thanks for your post. I lol'ed when you said people stopped coming to your pity parties.

    You are very strong. It makes me wonder if I could be the same if something like that happened to me. It could happen to anyone, illness, an accident, cancer. I like to think so but I think we don't know until we are tested.
  • I thought about talking to principal(same one that kicked me out)
  • Thanks everyone. WOW I just felt the need to tell my story. Smetimes you just wanna talk

    If ever i try and talk about it at home, aww, we all have our crosses to bare, lets worry about a house instead of an apt, theres millions in wheelchairs...yada yada...so i just dont talk about it
    do you know i cant even hold a pen long enough to write my whole name now?
    I sold insurance for 12 years and filled out applications daily
  • oh, get this, my wife says im just a skinny old dried upman now.....like jack lelane, 100 yrs old trying to look like a teenager still......whatre you gonna do, id leave, but how? where could i go? I dont even drive
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    I'm amazed at all you've accomplished!!! I don't know what I would do in your situation but I admire all your hard work and determination!!! The weight loss and muscle building will keep you stronger longer we all know this!!! You are an inspiration!!! :flowerforyou:
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    This is amazing. You are truly an inspiration! <3
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    Good for you for staying strong. It is difficult, but good for you for sticking it out!

    People can be mean and they judge when they don't understand. My father has MS and is now in a wheelchair, but when his legs were first affected, he use to look like he was drunk when he was walking because he'd walk all crooked. People use to be really mean to him. People even use to comment when he would sit in the car while mom put in the groceries saying he was lazy for letting his wife do all the work. My mother set them straight pretty fast and taught them the lesson to not judge so fast.

    If I were you, I would also contact the school about the incident with the people in the car, being rude and judgmental is definitely not a lesson that people who preach kindness should be teaching their children. If you're up to it, and the school is ok with it, a presentation to the school kids explaining your condition and how you are working to it might be a great learning opportunity for them.
  • I DID IT I walked over to talk to them, FALL BREAK....go figure, BUT Developmental Director was there, told him all about it, he said they ARE a christian school and he knows em all, doesnt sound like any of them. If it was after 330, which it was, they have alot of games up there, he said thats not them, thats a different crowd, but said next time if i could get a license plate or something, and hes sorry :(

    oh well, at least i went over there
  • im sorry about your dad, it SUCKS is what it does, BUT people get cancer evryday, so I admire them more now
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Your struggles sound a lot more stressful than a lot of peoples response to cancer... Just showing up for appointments for chemo and radiation isn't exactly fighting. Sure, the side effects and what not are horribly bad, but, its not actively trying to get healthy like you did. You should be proud.

    If youre packing down the sugar still and drinking a bunch of dairy while you have an estrogen based cancer, you aren't exactly giving it your best. That's like drinking alcohol when you already have alcohol poisoning. Or, dare I say, tying your hands behind your back in a fight.

    As Walter White would say "I'm alive"

    Way to be courageous. A little more MS "awareness" would be nice.
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    im sorry about your dad, it SUCKS is what it does, BUT people get cancer evryday, so I admire them more now

    Good for you for going to talk to them. I think that education is key to having people treat each other better.

    IMO, everyone who gets a debilitating disease should be admired, because it is horrible to suddenly (or not so suddenly) have to deal with a body that does things it shouldn't, and that in some ways becomes your enemy and in many cases brutally coming face to face with their mortality. It takes great strength to deal with is all. Some people are able to keep a good outlook, others not so much, but they all deserve to be admired for waking up every day and facing their new reality.
  • I agree, thanks so much that means so much!! Im told what do you expect, drs dont follow up with anyone..i always say, i dont know, if theyre truly "sorry" seems they would at least call every now and then and just say how ya doin? If I didnt call my neurologist and suggest things to try Ive read on the internet, we wouldnt EVER talk...I think its actually been FIVE years now, im not allergic to anything, he hasnt called ONE TIME I have nystagmus in my eyes...read online baclofen AND gabopentin at least have shown to HELP..I called him and so now i have an rx

    NOTHING stops the rheumatoid pain ....remicaid...embrel...BOTH of which I suggested to the rheumatologist....migraine excedrin helps A LITTLE

    I mean, I dont blame em, they dont know what to do, its not curable...NONE of my 4 conditions
  • This made me cry, You sir are an amazing person and im very happy for you! Your a strong individual and those people who made fun of you or made you feel awful are cowards and the principle of that christian school should be fired along with being tarred and feathered. HUZZAH too you!!!

    Your not afraid too live, your amazing.
  • mayonie1
    mayonie1 Posts: 296 Member
    You are an inspiration, what a touching story *teary*
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