Grocery Budget for Vegetarians



  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I buy generic whenever possible.

    Has anyone noticed that it's always cheaper to go generic even WITH a coupon?!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Best advice - EAT IN SEASON!

    Everything taste best in season, anyway :bigsmile: I eat tons of root vegetables, winter squash, cabbage, sweet potatoes and lots of healthy legumes and complex carbs all cooked from dry.

    Ethnic markets are an awesome source of inexpensive produce as well, and often carry a variety of dried goods. Experiment with millet, quinoa, bulgur wheat, and whole wheat couscous. Vegan/vegetarian dishes with lentils, split peas, and beans/legumes from dry are super cheap, mega filling and very healthy.

    Loads of recipes out there. Crock pot, stove top or oven. It's all good! :bigsmile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Also, sites like this are great for ideas:

    Not always the healthiest but you can make adjustments if you know what's generally good for ya :wink:
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Just spent $450 at Whole Foods for me & my Husband this weekend. Granted, some of the stuff are things that will last a while (GF flour, nutritional yeast, etc.), but most is fruits & veggies that will last about 2 weeks.

    I look at it this way: I can either spend a little money on whatever is on sale or cheap & then have money to travel or get things we want but I would truly rather be healthy & happy & spend quality healthy time with my Husband.

    I also buy mostly organic liver, chicken & veggies to make our 4 cats their food each week (to go along with their GF biscuits!): they are healthier than even & 3 are almost 12 years old!! (one is diabetic and had bad joints, didn't even used to move except to go to the litter box, eat his food & drink water, now he chases the 4-year old Kitty around the house & cuddles with me! Yea, any further proof is in the quality of the food!)
  • Kaymegan90
    Kaymegan90 Posts: 35
    I probably spend about $50 a week, maybe more, on groceries each week. I've been vegetarian since January. I did used to spend more, but once I started meal planning, that pretty much locked me into a cheaper monthly amount. If you can plan your meals for the week around the same general ingredients, you won't need to spend as much on different assortments of food.

    For example, I love lentils. And I love that I can make the whole bag and use it over the course of my work week. This past week, my meals were set up like this:

    Lentils with poached eggs

    Lentil spaghetti with mushrooms

    Burrito - Black beans, mushroom, avocado (half)

    Lentil spaghetti with mushrooms

    Scrambled eggs with lentils and tomatoes

    I'm also pretty in love with oatmeal, so I generally eat oatmeal every morning for breakfast. Sometimes I shake it up with huevos avocado or avocado toast (yum) but it depends on the week and how many avocados I'm going to need!

    I'd highly recommend meal planning and organizing around a staple ingredient or two. That should help you plan your budget and keep costs down. :)
  • initshaw
    This is a great post, thank you!
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    Hey y'all

    I feel like the majority of my money goes to the grocery stores. I cook all my own meals and I always bring a lunch to work. Trader Joes, Whole Foods and Hannaford are all within a block of each other and circle my office. I'm spending about $100 on groceries a week and I'm just one single vegetarian lady!

    I REFUSE to eat processed crap just because I'm broke but produce is very expensive. For example; I go through 2 bags of baby spinach, a bunch of bananas, 3 avocadoes (they're over $1 a piece here), tomatoes, 3 oranges and lemons and 2 sweet potatoes a work week...every week. This is about $25-$30 depending on the store before I even get staples like bread, eggs and yogurt.

    I'm trying to cut corners with my finances to pay off credit card debt from I can travel more.

    My questions for fellow vegetarians:
    Does this seem incredibly excessive to spend this much?
    How much do you spend on groceries a week?
    How do you spend less?
    Any recipes that freeze well and can be used for a few days at a time?


    I spend $90 a week for five people, 4 who eat a standard American diet and then me who eats a mostly whole foods, plant based with a bit of non-whole foods in moderation. So yeah, what you're spending is a bit mind boggling to me :tongue:

    You can take a peek at my profile for a link to my food diary but I eat a green smoothie every day and that usually has fresh spinach, kale, chia seeds, a banana, frozen blueberries that I picked at a U Pick farm this summer ($1.25lb!), and then another fruit. I recently discovered that Dollar Tree has added frozen foods and I can get bags of frozen fruit, with nothing added, for $1 each and one bag breaks down into two smoothies. So far I've gotten strawberries, mango, mixed berries and peaches.

    For off season growing months (like now) I get the spinach and kale at Meijer, which is a midwest chain. A huge bunch of organic kale is $2 or $1.50 for non-organic. Spinach is $1.50 for a large bunch. I usually buy two bunches of each week (go back to the store halfway through the week to get the second bunches). The chia seeds I get at a local health store and a container costs around $8 and lasts me a couple months (at a tbsp a day, per smoothie).

    Then everyday I usually have a large, dinner plate sized salad-veggies and then either warmed up organic refried beans on top with hot sauce, black olives and ground flax seed for a 'taco' type salad, or one with veggies, croutons and regular ranch dressing (I like mild pepper rings on this one). I get veggies are that on sale and also hit up the reduced produce rack-I get most of my bananas from there, for .19lb. During growing season I get produce really cheap or even free through the farmers market, hobby farmers, u pick farms and relative's gardens. The beans I get are canned and cost $1.09 and it has 2-3 salads worth in each can.

    I've been pairing up the salads with large sweet potatoes lately since those are in season yet here-I top them with a cinnamon sugar mixture (nothing else).

    And then a grain-usually brown rice with veggies and mushrooms mixed in or oatmeal with lots of different add ins (the possibilities are endless-this week I tried a pumpkin banana almond combo and it was amazing!).

    I don't eat eggs and dairy is limited to when we go out to eat usually, then I'll have a bit of cheese. I don't usually eat bread type things, except for an occasional whole wheat English muffin that I get for $1.09 a package at the bread outlet, and then I do a lot of baking and will have homemade muffins that I make with wheat that I grind myself and usually has fresh fruit or things like grated carrots in.

    For me alone, I spend around $30 a week on groceries.
  • imakeyoukneel
    imakeyoukneel Posts: 278 Member
    I have the farmers market when things are in season and the bill goes up a bit during the winter I eat a lot of frozen veggies and fruit they can be cheaper not sure if that helps
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Maybe shop around a bit more in your community. I loved living in Vegas because the Hispanic markets were always dirt cheap! My mouth drops open at the mark up Whole Foods does...too expensive for my blood.
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    I spend approximately $40-50 per week for my husband AND myself.. and up until this week, that was for a whole foods. vegan diet. This week we started eating some local pasture raised/free range eggs from someone's pet chickens. So I guess that takes away the vegan label I've had for 1.5 years. Still, it's vegetarian and it's fairly easy to get a lot of produce, legumes, brown rice, tofu, etc if you shop around and try to buy local. Strangely enough, the local pasture raised eggs from "happy chickens" were WAY cheaper than even the commercially farmed eggs in the grocery stores (that I will not buy for ethical reasons). Prices of food depends on where you shop. I shop around, look at flyers, get produce at the local farmers market, and look for any sales and buy based on what is on sale that week.

    What you spend isn't too terrible, but is it just for you only? I understand some people in cities don't have access to local farm pasture-raised eggs (which are cheaper and healthier), or local cheaper produce. So if you live in a city, I would assume the costs would be a bit higher.
  • SlimmingMeDown
    SlimmingMeDown Posts: 63 Member
    Realistically, I probably spend about $70-$75 on groceries a week. All I know is every time I go to grocery store, I don't get out of there for less than $35. The other $25 goes towards household stuff like cleaning stuff.

    I buy my lentils, rice, beans and spices from the bulk sections. I make a lentil soup in my mini crock pot almost every week.

    I make everything from scratch. I don't love leftovers so I make enough for me to have for dinner and lunch the next day.

    I think I need to be less of a "foodie" and eat some blander meals... I'm going broke trying to eat tasty, healthy foods!

    I was vegetarian a few years ago. Here are the cheap foods I ate more of:

    Fresh string beans
    Dried lentils
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Hey y'all

    I feel like the majority of my money goes to the grocery stores. I cook all my own meals and I always bring a lunch to work. Trader Joes, Whole Foods and Hannaford are all within a block of each other and circle my office. I'm spending about $100 on groceries a week and I'm just one single vegetarian lady!

    I REFUSE to eat processed crap just because I'm broke but produce is very expensive. For example; I go through 2 bags of baby spinach, a bunch of bananas, 3 avocadoes (they're over $1 a piece here), tomatoes, 3 oranges and lemons and 2 sweet potatoes a work week...every week. This is about $25-$30 depending on the store before I even get staples like bread, eggs and yogurt.

    I'm trying to cut corners with my finances to pay off credit card debt from I can travel more.

    My questions for fellow vegetarians:
    Does this seem incredibly excessive to spend this much?
    How much do you spend on groceries a week?
    How do you spend less?
    Any recipes that freeze well and can be used for a few days at a time?


    I spend approximately $100 a month on groceries for one person (myself). I've saved grocery receipts, so this is accurate. This is since April 2013 when I decided to get healthy and lose weight. I have no idea what I spent before, but it was a LOT more than that. I ate out a lot, plus bought lots of junk food.

    What I eat:
    Breakfast: steel cut oats with a chopped apple. I order Bob's Red Mill steel cut oats from Amazon because I can sometimes get 2 for the price of 4 sold in the grocery store. Sometimes it's 3/4, but still a good deal. I have a student Prime membership with Amazon ($40 a year) and get free shipping and 2 day delivery. I could also buy steel cut oats in bulk at the health food store, which I haven't done because I'm not sure of the turnover, plus could order larger quantities from Amazon.

    Lunch and dinner:
    Lentils with brown rice. I buy the small bags of lentils sold in the grocery store -- they cost between 99 cents and 1.20 a bag, depending on the store. One bag = about 4 meals.
    Lentils are considered a superfood. One cup has the protein of 3 eggs (18 g versus 6 g), plus they are high in potassium and many other nutrients. They do not require soaking and cook in about 20-30 minutes.
    I cook one entire bag. After it's cooked, I stir fry with a little olive oil, onions, and other chopped vegetables.
    I add a little spice. I like some of the no-Msg, no-salt McCormick Perfect Pinch spices.
    I vary the vegetables, anything from chopped onions and carrots to avocado, tomato, winter squash, etc.
    I steam kale and collard greens separately.
    I cook one cup of brown rice in my rice cooker and eat 1/2 cup with some of my meals. The rice keeps well in the fridge.

    Apples, sometimes a grapefruit or other fruit.

    Once in a while I eat soup. This is basically what I eat every day. I also drink a lot of water and add lemon slices.

    This summer I read that Latino grocery stores sell some vegetables at far less than the regular grocery store and found that it's true for my area -- tomatoes, avocados, lemons, and other vegs are half price the chain stores.

    i've been eating this way since April 2013 and have lost about 40 pounds and reduced my grocery bill to about $100 every month. Everything I make could be frozen, too.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I spent like 40-50 a week. My food bill actually went down when I went vegetarian. Beans are $1 a pound and you don't need to go to whole foods or anything stupid expensive. I just shopped at heb.
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    I know this will be a long shot as far as being able to help, but do you know anyone that works for a food distribution company? :laugh:

    I do, and I am able to buy anything we carry practically for cost with no markup. We carry thousands of products, so even if something is off season I can still get it relatively inexpensively. Plus we have special sales where products are set to expire or pass the sell by date (legally we can't sell anything to a customer if it's passed the sell by date, even if the product is still useable). I just bought 3lbs of fresh mozzarella for $2.50, I split it with my parents and it's still good for another 10 days. It has saved me a huge amount on groceries. I am not a vegetarian, and the amount I save on frozen chicken alone is ridiculous.

    I know not everyone has access to something like this, but not everyone thinks about it either. Maybe ask family, friends, or coworkers if they know anyone in the food distribution industry. Some of the bigger companies (depending on where you live) are US Foods, Sysco, and FSA (Food Services of America).

    I really appreciate this thread, as it is helping me with ideas for adding beans, grains, and more veggies! :bigsmile: