Anyone in the UK living the Paleo lifestyle?



  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I'm from the US, living in Glasgow now, and don't really find it terribly difficult to maintain a paleo/primal diet here. Feel free to add me if you want to discuss! xx
  • Anybody interested in the Paleo lifestyle in the UK might like to check out the book, Instinctive Fitness, by Oliver Selway. It has lots of fitness, diet and lifestyle tips tied up in a neat philosophical frame work. At least that's what I intended when I wrote it! There's also a website at where you can download a free 30-day challenge to make an easier transition to a more paleo lifestyle and diet.
  • Going paleo in the UK is easier than you think, you just have to be a little more prepared and make meals to take with you. Local butchers are a great start and should be able to help with cheaper cuts of meat and cooking advice.

    For convenience there is only one company i know of in the uk called The Naked Ape ( who do paleo snacks made from biltong, dried fruit, nuts and seeds. I tend to keep a few of these around for those times I have not been prepared enough to take my own food.