I need a kick in the *kitten*

Today is my 425th day with MFP, so I'm not a newbie. I am only halfway to my goal and have hit a wall. I feel like I'm just going through the motions right now. I'm bored with my daily workouts and out of ideas to change it up. I live too far away from a gym (15 miles in a different town) and can't really afford to buy anything new.

My diary looks great, but it doesn't show the cookies I ate, or the candy bar that I snuck in. I will put them in if they fit, but if they will put me over my calories I leave them out and just make a mental note of them. Bad, bad, bad!!!

I love to run but I'm healing a stress fracture in my shin now. I can run about once a week now and that is OK. I'm bored and not challenged. I have been walking, biking and doing The Firm strength training videos at home. I'm a big baby when it comes to cold so I don't like going outside for a walk or run anymore but I do it anyway.

I'm tired all the time and feeling down. It's not a depressed kind of down it's a bored kind of down. I'm bored with all of this and need something to challenge me and perk me up. I'm maintaining at least so I'm happy I'm not gaining. I think I just need a swift kick in the *kitten* to get me going again. Somebody kick me, motivate me, inspire me, something!!! I need help!!!

BTW...I'm 38 yo female. 5'6" SW was 284, CW 212, GW 150.


  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    My diary looks great, but it doesn't show the cookies I ate, or the candy bar that I snuck in. I will put them in if they fit, but if they will put me over my calories I leave them out and just make a mental note of them. Bad, bad, bad!!!

    This is sooooo me. Getting bored has always been my downfall, its so easy to slip back into old habits. Your health is worth it, YOU are worth it. Make today a great one!
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Hope this works.
  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member
    Hope this works.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    Hope this works.

    Love it!! Thanks!! :laugh:
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Check your local community center. They often have Zumba or boot camp classes. My local high school has a swimming pool and they have water aerobic classes. They are usually way cheaper than a gym. As far as the unlogged cookies and candy. KICK->*kitten*
    You should be logging those. You are not here for a great looking diary. You are here for a healthy great looking body. You are probably beating yourself up about those more than if you just logged them and moved on.

    Have you tried vitamin D? Sometimes when the weather changes and there is less sun we tend not to get enough. It also improves mood and may help.

    Good luck you can do it. You are already half way there.
  • samanthasimps0n
    samanthasimps0n Posts: 88 Member
    First of all - CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss so far! 71 pounds is definitely something to be proud about!

    I hit a wall very similar to yours about 1 month ago. That's when I decided I needed to switch up my routine! I've been following a meal plan where I'm actually eating MORE throughout the day and trying new workouts which I absolutely LOVE! I think you should try finding a new activity that excites you, and also clean up your diet! If you want to find out more about the changes I made message me and we can chat :)

    Good luck!!
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    time to re-visit the reasons why you're here maybe? I get the bored part...been here somethin like 600 and some odd days now. I've come a long way (for me) but i still have a long way to go. There's no rush. Maybe you just need a week break or somethin. If you've had a break, then maybe look at revamping your routine. Cut back, add on, change it up for something that you totally never thought you would do. You've lost quite a bit of weight already. Very impressive actually. So i'm giving you an informal KICK IN THE *kitten* to get a move on and finish the job you started. You are awesome, now let's keep it movin!!!! The train don't stop here haha :flowerforyou:
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member

    haha and THIS!!!
  • Hey there. I'm right there with you! I'm a stay at home mom of two and thirty nine years old. It is sometimes hard to get out of the house! I get stuck in ruts too with working out. Just keep trying to mix it up. I drink lots of water and herbal teas. Eating a lot of veggies throughout the day helps to keep me full. Remember to keep your metabolism up try to eat small , frequent, and healthy. Sometimes it's okay to give in to a craving. My weakness is Mexican food. Don't beat yourself up. Just keep taking small steps and you'll get to where you want to be.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I know what you mean about getting bored. It happens to me too. Bored with what I've been eating, bored with my exercise routine and very bored by counting every morsel of food I put in my mouth. I have 2 suggestions:

    1. Get thee to Pinterest. Yes, I said Pinterest. If you haven't discovered this electronic bulletin board site, you're missing out. You can have private boards on the site. I have one named "Thinspiration". I post all sorts of things I hope to enjoy one day when I reach my goal. Clothes, sports I want to try, trips that require a level of fitness I do not yet possess. Sometimes when I'm craving something to eat, I review these posts to remind me exactly why I'm on this journey.

    2. How about setting a short term goal (like 199) with a BIG treat when it's accomplished? No, no not an edible treat, but something you want that you typically wouldn't buy or a weekend away somewhere fun. Since I'm an extremely competitive and goal oriented sort, this strategy works for me. I tend to set my goals in 20 lb increments so they don't take forever to accomplish. You can bet when I see the number on the scale start with a 1 I'm gonna get or do something very nice just for little (or at least littler) old me.

    Good Luck!!
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member

    I can only hope to look like hers someday. :wink:

    Thanks for the kick!
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    Thanks for your responses. Yes I do need to re-evaluate my reason for being here in the first place. 14 months ago I was in a doctors office and the doc wanted to put me on meds for pre-diabetes and high BP. I refused and she said so lose weight. I feel so good now that I don't think of that anymore. Maybe I should.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    then take a deep breath and get ready for the next round of weight loss, because you are capable of doing more and getting the body that you want. Not only because it's healthy for you....and your family....but because you want it, you need it and you deserve it for coming this far!!
  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member

    Does she even squat ???
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    We got this.
    We'll just kick each other to goal.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    My diary looks great, but it doesn't show the cookies I ate, or the candy bar that I snuck in. I will put them in if they fit, but if they will put me over my calories I leave them out and just make a mental note of them. Bad, bad, bad!!!

    This is sooooo me. Getting bored has always been my downfall, its so easy to slip back into old habits. Your health is worth it, YOU are worth it. Make today a great one!

    WTH? What's the point of keeping a food diary then? Who are you trying to fool? Your friends list? It's still gonna show up on your face, arms, stomach, legs, butt...do you fib about how much weight you've lost too?

    There, that's as mean as I can get :wink:

    Be honest. It does no good to leave stuff off. Check mine, I add everything, even condiments. I'm doing this for ME, not to impress anyone else. When I go over, I go over.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Today is my 425th day with MFP, so I'm not a newbie. I am only halfway to my goal and have hit a wall. I feel like I'm just going through the motions right now. I'm bored with my daily workouts and out of ideas to change it up. I live too far away from a gym (15 miles in a different town) and can't really afford to buy anything new.

    My diary looks great, but it doesn't show the cookies I ate, or the candy bar that I snuck in. I will put them in if they fit, but if they will put me over my calories I leave them out and just make a mental note of them. Bad, bad, bad!!!

    I love to run but I'm healing a stress fracture in my shin now. I can run about once a week now and that is OK. I'm bored and not challenged. I have been walking, biking and doing The Firm strength training videos at home. I'm a big baby when it comes to cold so I don't like going outside for a walk or run anymore but I do it anyway.

    I'm tired all the time and feeling down. It's not a depressed kind of down it's a bored kind of down. I'm bored with all of this and need something to challenge me and perk me up. I'm maintaining at least so I'm happy I'm not gaining. I think I just need a swift kick in the *kitten* to get me going again. Somebody kick me, motivate me, inspire me, something!!! I need help!!!

    BTW...I'm 38 yo female. 5'6" SW was 284, CW 212, GW 150.

    I got a mini-trampoline aka a rebounder for Christmas-best thing ever :bigsmile: It's so much fun to use and dang, is it a workout! I was running outside a few miles a week but it's cold and slippery/nasty out now, so this is a great alternative. It's also low impact, which might help your injury? I think you can get them new for around $30 at Walmart. And did I mention how fun it is-seriously it makes you feel like a kid again :laugh:
  • I have this posted on my desk at work (since I usually workout right before or after work and spend most of my day at the desk it's the best place for me to have the reminder)

    "Don't be upset by the results you didn't get with the work you didn't do"

    There are tons of videos online and pinterest is full of workout and healthy food ideas, plus it takes two seconds to google just about anything.

    Remember why you started and find a way to keep that motivation! Winter sucks, but you can get through it and have a better body for Spring and summer to show off based on the work you did this winter!