Okay so....
I'm currently 161lbs and I'm going for 125.... I need help staying motivated and not going all over the place- anyone have any tips?? I'm kind of a binge/emotional eater...


  • Kgirlbball5
    Use music while your running/exersising. Make eating less and eating healthy a habit and somehing that you enjoy!!!!! Add me and Ill follow ur progress, im in the same boat!!! :(
  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    When you feel that you wanna snack, drink a bottle of water or chew gum instead.
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    When you feel that you wanna snack, drink a bottle of water or chew gum instead.
    Totally agree with this. Water is the ultimate craving stopper!
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    I used to be very similar to you... My tips would be to look into clean eating and aim to eat as clean as possible but realistically also! Include weight training in your exercise, you'll see the inches fly off your body! Instead of long walks or cycling at the same speed, include some HIIT (High intensity interval training).

  • gojodster
    gojodster Posts: 38 Member
    I Find when I am upset (which I am frequently and I am definitely an emotional eater as well) I go on a quick 10 minute walk... lap my office something to get me away from dwelling on the problem, its easy to dwell when you are stilling there stuffing your face. Also the water thing is huge! if it hasn't been at least 2.5 to 3 hrs since you ate you aren't hungry you are either bored or emotional. Drink first and do something active to concentrate on and take your mind away from eating to fill the knot in your stomach. I hope this helps you like it has me :)

    PS I'm still not close to perfect but you cant beat up on yourself and decide since you slipped to make the entire day a binge day either, say OK next meal instead of next day. best of luck!!
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    When you feel that you wanna snack, drink a bottle of water or chew gum instead.


    Or brush your teeth.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Wow, two spams on the first page of your post, lucky you, OP. :frown: Here's an excellent link to read.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    As a recovering binge eater, let me agree with the water and the stress walks (10 minutes does wonders, I take one on my breaks at work - one minute down the six flights of stairs, 8 minutes around the building and one minute back up on the elevator.) also, get yourself some cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, and/or 100 calorie packs of popcorn. Eat that when you binge - I still keep cherry tomatoes in my fridge at home and in the break room at work and popcorn in the kitchen and at my desk. I haven't really been a binge eater for 12 years or so, but I keep them handy for the occasional slip. No lie, the other day I ate an entire carton of cherry tomatoes in 5 minutes at work. it cost me 63 calories. I knew what the stressor was and I knew that I had not handled it well, but at least it was something healthier that I didn't have to feel guilty over.
    Hang in there, you'll get it.
  • Kgirlbball5
    And also, if you have a bad craving for instance, chocolate. If you want chocolate, wait 30 minutes. Usually you won't want it anymore but if ur still craving make sure you control your portion size
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    My advice is to every single day make a commitment to yourself to eat healthy and not go into the binge snacking. I don't binge anymore, but that is because I learned how to tell myself no and to walk away from the binge foods. Cookies, candies etc. is all over the place at work and I no longer partake in it. It took awhile to break the habit.

    I've heard that once you do anything for two weeks (or was it one month?) that it has become a habit. Therefore, if you can tell yourself no to binge eating for two or four weeks, it just might become your habit.

    Good luck! :smile:

    Oh, edit to add: just because you choose not to binge eat does not mean you have to give up the foods you don't like. It just means that you eat them in moderation as they fit into your calorie allotment for the day.
  • purple180
    purple180 Posts: 130 Member
    1. Never think that it is impossible! YOU CAN DO IT, just keep pushing.
    2. Track EVERYTHING that you eat (even can add up).
    3. Try to pre-plan your meals and pre-track them. (This helps me stay in focus).
    4. Move around as much as possible, get in short walks/workouts randomly through out the day.
    5. Don't deprive yourself (make it a permanent lifestyle change not a temporary diet do something you can stick to for the long run.)
    6. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! (oh yeah and drink lots of water). :-)
  • Miss_Izz
    Find something other than food that makes you happy, many things actually. Same thing works if you are tying to quit smoking, biting your nails, or using cocaine. Replacement pleasures (so long as you are not about to substitute bad eating habits with any of the above or worse, all is well)

    That is really the only way to avoid binge eating and to refrain from doing it more consistently.

    When you reach whatever emotion you use food to subdue, remove yourself from anywhere near food to start, do something other than nothing (because then you will just think about food), and before you eat, always ask yourself if you are really hungry or if you want to eat.

    I refrain from binge eating by doing this, and it works. Also, if you crave something, DO NOT EAT IT! Eating what you crave is the best way to associate food with pleasure.
  • xXxFallen_AngelxXx
    True- thank you all so much!!!
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    The usual problem is grabbing the easiest thing to put in your mouth. Buy baby carrots, celery, and maybe cauliflower. I chop all the celery into sticks at one time. Put 1 cup celery & 1 cup carrots in ziplock sandwich bags. It is enough for 2 servings. Makes about 5 bags. Even if you binge, not bad. Maybe eat it with a couple of tablespoons of hummus, or seasoned non-fat Greek yogurt.

    Or go to hobby shop and get one of those loop knot rug kits, or needlepoint. Keeps your hands and mind busy, but you can still pay attention to the tv.