Advice for early morning run

Does anyone have advice for getting out of bed at 4:30am to get in an early morning run? I know that seems ridiculously early but I have to leave for work at 5:30. I need help getting motivated to get up early 3 times a week. It seems easy until the alarm clock starts going off :(


  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    That is early but you have to just get into a routine. I have been hitting a 5:30 boot camp 3 days a week for going on 2 years now and am running with a group on Saturday mornings at 6:00 for the last couple months. I've been out the last couple weeks with a sciatic nerve pinch and my whole daily routine feels off now. How long do you want to run given you start work at 5:30?
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I was able to do 5 weeks straight of getting up at 5:15 for an early morning run, walk/run. I know that 4:30 is wayyyyy earlier.

    Here is what helped me:

    1. I was public about my goal on the forum
    2. I put in on my paper calendar and my smartphone
    3. Said "NO snooze" to the alarm
    4. Laid out my socks, shorts, t-shirts for running the night before

    I did 26 weekdays in a row and by the 10th day I realized that I really enjoyed it.

    If you can pull this off you will get a "jump on the world"

    Feel free to friend
  • ohyaynj
    ohyaynj Posts: 21
    Not really advice for getting started the first time - but once you've done it you'll feel great knowing that you're on your way to/at work with most people around you having just rolled out of bed...

    Knowing that you've been for a run and had a nice hot shower seems so much better when you've got the rest of the day ahead of you, I find... So once you know that feeling, it might be a bit easier?!
  • PeaceHappinessBalance
    going to bed earlier and habit of waking up early...don't forget to wear something bright and reflective, it's so dark here that early

    **I also agree that having all your gear or even food or water before makes a huge difference as well
  • DonCC
    DonCC Posts: 10 Member
    On days when I am dragging it out early and need something to pep me up, I put a subliminal B12 tablet under my tongue. It gives me just enough umph to get started. After I get into the run, no problem.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    going to bed earlier and habit of waking up early...don't forget to wear something bright and reflective, it's so dark here that early

    ^^^ This - really important - I have been a slacker about this ... I better get something!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Having the coffee pot set to automatically come on in the morning helps me. :bigsmile:
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    Setting everything out ready the night before. Thinking about how you will feel AFTER your run when you wanna roll over and go back to sleep (and how crap you'll feel for NOT getting up) :).

    The last few weeks I've been doing after work runs using time wisely and hated it. Tomorrow I'll be up early to get out and I know I'm dreading waking up early but also looking forward to not wasting my Sunday sleeping half of it away and getting the exercise out the way.


  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    Does anyone have advice for getting out of bed at 4:30am to get in an early morning run? I know that seems ridiculously early but I have to leave for work at 5:30. I need help getting motivated to get up early 3 times a week. It seems easy until the alarm clock starts going off :(

    Delighted with what I've read so far and the only other tip from my quarter is to set your alarm clock thrice : The 1st at 3:00am > then 3:30am > 4:00am. If you're still a tad too sleepy please try a cold shower.
  • arlangsner
    Does it help doing it every day to get in the routine? I was thing M,W,F but maybe every day would be better. I was planning on a 30 minute run.

    Thanks for the advice!
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    going to bed earlier and habit of waking up early...

    This. Back when I did 4:45am workouts at my gym (lololol....) I was in bed by 9:00 at the latest.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    Does it help doing it every day to get in the routine? I was thing M,W,F but maybe every day would be better. I was planning on a 30 minute run.

    Thanks for the advice!

    Reactively, seeing that you are a rugger, I'd rather you not run daily for that in my opinion would sabotage the other facets of your body/fitness preparatory routines (your build-up and/or maintenance) to be game-ready by next Spring.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Does it help doing it every day to get in the routine? I was thing M,W,F but maybe every day would be better. I was planning on a 30 minute run.

    Thanks for the advice!

    My brother is a rugger who was scouted to play for 2 National Teams for the Hong Kong Sevens and the World Cup, he'd played for 2 clubs in London[London Tribes and Harlequins] ~ [Positions: Lock, Prop, Flanker and Wing] ~ He ran every morning ~ about 3 miles and obviously weight training 3-4 times per week. Running for him was primarily for endurance, stamina and warming up pre-weights or yoga.

    Three times per week is plenty. You cannot over do it.

    A first cousin, who plays professionally as a wing in Toulouse, France(Saracens ~ I think) runs everyday ~ 4 to 5 miles, outside required training and drills. It really depends on your position. Your position should determine distance and duration for fitness.

    ETA: Consider Wing Chun if you are accessible to it. My brother is an avid practitioner and he believes the discipline helps his game. Good luck and have fun!!
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Does anyone have advice for getting out of bed at 4:30am to get in an early morning run? I know that seems ridiculously early but I have to leave for work at 5:30. I need help getting motivated to get up early 3 times a week. It seems easy until the alarm clock ]starts going off :(

    Do you have a S. O? Get her to give you a morning "15 mins upper" before your run. You will be motivated every other morning to wake up. Many Professional athletes do that. :)

    ETA: Fix quote
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    Does it help doing it every day to get in the routine? I was thing M,W,F but maybe every day would be better. I was planning on a 30 minute run.

    Thanks for the advice!

    Rest days can be just as important as work out days, TRUST me! I think that is half the reason I hurt my back. Also having everything laid out and ready to go is a must! The last thing you want to be doing at 4:30 a.m. when your'e trying to get out the door is find your socks or something. Good luck!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I take it your not a morning person, which can make it hard Its not that early if you want it. If you don't want it that early, find a time that you do. Running is more mental than physical once you burn off a few shoes.

    Sometimes depending on my schedule I run late at night instead. Midnight is very peaceful and great time to run. If I am on the 3am-5am runs, I make sure I have everything done for work the night before(make lunch, clothes set out, etc....). Going to bed and getting proper rest is helps. Alarm goes off, I get up, put the ear buds in and get moving.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Go to bed before 8:30 the night before and use pre workout the first few weeks until you get in the habit? I am so not a morning person but I have noticed if I have enough sleep it's way less painful and you just have to make yourself get up with your first alarm (I'm a snooze button person..) which helps a lot!
    Add: I work 6:30 AM to 7PM so I get up at 4:20 to go to the gym and have enough time to shower and change before work.
  • PeaceHappinessBalance
    Another tip is on weekends try not to sleep in to much which is annoying, but then it's like you have to start over again on Monday. You want to stay as close to the same time every morning, I read that somewhere and I have found it helps me. But I would also feel bad for you if you woke up that early even on your days off:P
  • marnybonte
    Another vote for reflective gear. Also, I have a small light that I can wear on my head. It sounds geeky but it really helps if I'm running on an uneven surface or somewhere that I might encounter something in my path (like the time I almost tripped on a snake in my path--probably harmless but <shudder>)
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Look for a running group or running buddy. Something about having someone else expecting you to show always helps motivate me out of the bed.

    And a + for the reflective gear. The new Brooks reflective jacket is great!