Just starting

meforchuck Posts: 2
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
So afraid of failure, yet hopeful for success!


  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Just focus on the process, and results will come. In other words, stay in the day. What can you do today? Evaluating success and failure will be for the future.
  • When I started my "fitness program" I weighed and took measurements. I am obese, but determined to change that. I took out a pair of jeans that I could not even get zipped up and hung them in the front of my closet. That was a month ago. Today I measured myself again. I have lost inches everywhere except my neck. The biggest loss was in my waist...4 inches. I was so excited that I went back and just looked at those jeans that were too tight. I say "were" because I am wearing them right now. :happy:
  • There will be moments of falling or failing BUT just make sure to pick yourself up and press forward. It is ok to fall at times but learn from it and don't let it rule your fitness life. You can do this :) Stay focused and motivated. This is a great place to find support and encouragement.
  • The only way you fail is if you quit.

    Slowing down, not reaching your goals in time, and even slipping up....are all ok so long as you don't quit.

    Today and tomorrow may be great, the third and fourth day might suck, even the fifth, who knows...but keep going..the 30th day will be glorious...the 100th day even more so..

    And the last day..you will look back and say..damn that was hard and it sucked but I did it =)
  • That's how I'm feeling. I have never counted calories in my life. I've never had to, there was hockey as a teenager then squash with my husband and then after the kids were born I got back in shape by running my first 10km but I haven't run for 6mths and my clothes are too tight. Really shocked by how many calories are in my fav foods and in the large portion sizes I'm prone to, so trying to get some control back. Working on between meal snacks that are low calorie but keep me feeling full. Good luck!
  • atibrat
    atibrat Posts: 70 Member
    I have joined MFP many times and quit every time I messed up or binged. This time I was browsing around and noticed that everyone who had logged on for 100 or more days had lost weight - everyone.

    So I did not commit to any goal or diet just to log on for 365 days and I think I am at 70 and down 19 pounds. The hardest day was my first binge and I felt like a failure and I wanted to quit but I had a few friends that said IT IS ONLY ONE DAY. So I did what I have never before done I logged it all... 2400 calories wow thought it would of been much more - yes it was almost all chocolate and I felt like I had a hangover but I faced it. The next day I drank a lot of water, made healthy choices and moved forward. I have days where I eat under and HUNGRY days where I go over and try to fill up on veggies but end up eating cake.

    I do believe that as long as you log in, log your food and stay in touch with your supportive friends on here you will have success but it does not happen over night. I now look forward to getting on MFP it is not a chore it has become something I love having in my life. Without any dieting goals in the beginning I can tell you if I were to eat the way I did when I first started on here I would be ill so changes do come when you stick to it.
  • I am new to this. Doing a detox cleanse. Yes i went to a nutritionist. And taking vitamins and fiber. Going to the gym five times a week. Been 9 months since i had my last hip replacement. Yepper had them both done and lower back fusion. Got way out of shape over the past ten years. Glad to have this web site for motivation.
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