Motivation Needed

I know it's a common thing for weight to yo-yo and to always be on a diet. Iv been using my fitness pal and it does help but sometimes motivation seems to lack and I fall back into the "I will diet tomorrow" state of mind! Looking at some of the posts already on here gives me inspiration and the feeling that I'm not alone in this but for once I want to achieve my goals and get down to a happy and healthy weight I can maintain. Iv been doing some cooking/baking and found some amazing recipes and adding them to my blog to help give some inspiration to others. These community forums really help! X


  • skiersteve12345
    skiersteve12345 Posts: 89 Member
    its not a diet, all you do is eat less of the foods you love, set a certain amount of protein fats and carbs and eat w/e you want and get results, been working great for me, if you think your on a diet you will always fail (like i did)
  • KatySW6588
    I like that, so more just healthy eating! I hate the word diet...and limiting what you can and can't eat! Thanks X
  • annaang30
    I understand what you mean. I finally this week got myself back on the MFP (my fitness pal) sorry if I misspelled that, spelling isn't my strongest point. When I need help staying on track without the guilt trip I force myself to take 10-15 minuets and put in what I ate that day. Also whenever possible try to buy, foods in organic section and try to fruits and veggies that are in season depending on where you live. Also try to buy foods from local farmers markets to help support farmers. I know this can be hard with all the misleading info out their one what's consider "healthy". Because one minuet something can be consider healthy and the next it's deemed unhealthy. like coffee some say coffee is okay others say it can hurt your body's organs. Me I rather drink tea as I don't like coffee unless it's Starbucks. I hope this post gives the motivation you need to keep going.
  • KatySW6588
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one! It's so difficult when all the information you're reading is conflicting with each other! I find it so hard to get it right and end up giving up!

    I'm hoping this time will be different, thank you :) x
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    For me this is a change of lifestyle and a great way to learn. I don't like the word diet - not the way I used to use it anyway. I used to to use it as in the sentence 'to diet' . I now realize that for me the word diet means what I eat "my diet". I am learning what I need to eat to be healthy not what I can't eat to lose weight. I am learning what exercise does for me and what I need to eat to do exercise. Sure there is the losing weight bit in there but that seems transitional. I am going to be doing this long after I hit what I think is a good weight. The most important thing about MFP is the people. I have friends on here and we cheer each other on (add me if you like) I would recommend you add loads of people. I'm picking up the enthusiasm from other people and buy giving support and entrancement as well as receiving it really helps :-_)
  • KatySW6588
    Thank you for the post! I have to say it's astounding the support on MFP! People are really kind in helping and offering advice! A brilliant tool!

    Trying to change the habits if a lifetime is hard, and the mindset of "I will start tomorrow" is hard but I'm slowly finding my will power!

    Thanks :) and well done on the weightloss, what an achievement!
  • moveyourself
    I know exactly how you feel- I've been going through the yoyo diet crap for YEARS! and it sucks!

    but honestly, you have to just force yourself to do this. don't call it diet- don't even call it that in your head.
    That's what I've been doing. For the past 5 weeks, I've been eating clean/working out consistently. There are
    days when I feel lazy and unmotivated, but I work through those feelings and keep going.

    Also, don't expect to see results right away. I think that's something we all tend to do. We want the weight
    to come off of us FAST. But it won't. it can, but usually it's a long process.

    and get rid of that damn scale! I put mine away a while ago, and it's liberating. I used to get on that thing every
    morning and drive myself crazy. Now I'm just aiming to do a weigh in once a month.