Losing the weight, again

Hello all. My name is Mariah. I am 22. I am currently around 265 lbs and 5'9. I was down to 220 last year, but I moved out of Michigan and to Tennessee, and gained it back. I'm hoping to find some good work-out DVDs and maybe get your opinions on them, and exercise equipment! I am really wanting to lose this weight and get down to my healthy weight this time. I am hoping I can keep motivated!


  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Welcome! You don't need DVDs! There are some good workout videos on youtube. You don't really need to buy exercise equipment. The only thing I would suggest is a good pair of adjustable dumbbells. Also remember that although exercise helps, the real cause of weight loss is a calorie deficit and a better way of eating.
  • domenicsmommy20
    hi, my name is ariel and you are more than welcome to add me :] In my opinion I think the zumba workout system is awesome. they are so much fun and it doesn't even feel like working out. I have been using zumba for xbox. you can definetly burn some serious calories dancing your heart out :] hopefully we can motivate each other!
  • Foodorlife
    Foodorlife Posts: 111 Member
    Hi :)

    You can always find good exercises on youtube :)

    And add me if you want, let's support each other.
  • THenry8
    THenry8 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi! Welcome!

    I've just started working out to lose the weight myself. I love to play video games alot and have been a gamer all my life. I also love to dance for fun as well. So, I incorporate my workout with dance video games on my Nintendo Wii and walking for 20 minutes. It has helped me so much so far. I have lost almost 150 pounds by just walking and doing my video game dancing on my tv. I am now under 280 pounds and it feels great to be this strong and healthy again.

    I also love to stream some dance moves from youtube to my apple tv, so I can join in on the fun as well. Whatever exercise you do will be up to you to make it fun and enjoyable for you. I will support you in every step of the way. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. Together, we can accomplish anything we achieve.
  • THenry8
    THenry8 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi! Welcome!

    I've just started working out to lose the weight myself. I love to play video games alot and have been a gamer all my life. I also love to dance for fun as well. So, I incorporate my workout with dance video games on my Nintendo Wii and walking for 20 minutes. It has helped me so much so far. I have lost almost 150 pounds by just walking and doing my video game dancing on my tv. I am now under 280 pounds and it feels great to be this strong and healthy again.

    I also love to stream some dance moves from youtube to my apple tv, so I can join in on the fun as well. Whatever exercise you do will be up to you to make it fun and enjoyable for you. I will support you in every step of the way. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. Together, we can accomplish anything we achieve.
  • CaraRahl
    CaraRahl Posts: 72 Member
    hi, I have three faves when it comes to workouts:

    1) fitness blender (you can find all sorts of different types of free workouts, just look them up on youtube)
    2) Jillian Michaels...I have a love/hate relationship with this woman and her videos...she seriously kicks my butt every time but it's really starting to pay off
    3)beachbody...pretty much anything they have to offer...although noobs might want to try something easier like 10 minute trainer before they get into a program like insanity, p90x or t25

    just my 2 cents worth about what works for me, I really hope that you find something that works and is fun for you :) good luck!
  • lets do this
  • JustSoJaded
    Wow! Thank you all. And yes, I do plan on eating right too. And I was eying Zumba. I am a gamer myself, so that is awesome. If any of you would like to add me, feel free! I will definitely love to check out the youtube videos. That would be so helpful and it's free! Such a huge plus. :)
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Best of luck! I've got the same prob, too much stress and packed back on 38 of the 50 I'd lost :/

    Wait...I saw gamer in there...what are you playing now?
  • JustSoJaded
    Best of luck! I've got the same prob, too much stress and packed back on 38 of the 50 I'd lost :/

    Wait...I saw gamer in there...what are you playing now?

    Yes, the stress is not good for us! I am playing GTA 5 and COD 2 Black Ops. Mostly the Zombies. (: Not many other games right now, sadly. Would love to get the kinect again and get some of those workout games.. What about you?
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    I love Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, level 1 is on youtube which is the only one I do modifying because I can't do any impact with my artificial knees and I also like Jillian's Kickboxing. Both of these are on youtube. By the way, I am 65 years old so if I can do these anyone can do them!
  • JustSoJaded
    I love Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, level 1 is on youtube which is the only one I do modifying because I can't do any impact with my artificial knees and I also like Jillian's Kickboxing. Both of these are on youtube. By the way, I am 65 years old so if I can do these anyone can do them!

    Thank you. That is great to hear. I have a lot of health problems, Two disc herniations in my back, so i need something low impact. (:
  • tenilleless
    tenilleless Posts: 88 Member
    *cough* There definitely isn't all the turbo jam videos on the internet. If you google "Turbo Jam Turbo Sculpt" "Turbo Jam 20 minutes" "Turbo Jam Cardio party" you definitely won't find them all uploaded onto Chinese websites in english. You should definitely not do this. Nope. I do not advise this. :wink:

    Seriously though, they are awesome. And I'm balancing it out by getting Turbo videos when I have the $$$. They have low impact modifications that are awesome. The only equipment you need is a soft spot/mat to lie on while doing the 2-3 floor exercises in Sculpt.

    I didn't like the kinect games. I found that they were too picky about some things and they were bad at picking up where my legs and arms were at times. My smaller friends had no trouble with it. Wii Fit was fun but the first time I lost weight, 1/2 my workouts were DDR.
  • Craznge
    Craznge Posts: 13
    Wii! I Love Wii Fitness, it is very effective and also Zumba Fitness, you wouldn't even feel like you are exercising because you'd be focus more on getting five stars than your sweating. Well....that is if you are like me :) but you are probably not haha. Try to do as much strength training as you can. I do twice a week (I'm a starter and quite weak) that way, your belly (thighs, arm etc) tightens up and you build up muscles. 10push up, 10 planks, 10 crunches for the first two week was my schedule. Though I could barely do one push up for a week. (Am up to five now). Whatever you do, cardio and strength = success.
    I'm gonna stop typing....
  • JustSoJaded
    Thank you for the advice. I'm leaning more towards youtube workout vids or some DVDs. Of course with eating better. Should help in the long run! Thank you all for the big welcome. :)
  • JustSoJaded
    Wii! I Love Wii Fitness, it is very effective and also Zumba Fitness, you wouldn't even feel like you are exercising because you'd be focus more on getting five stars than your sweating. Well....that is if you are like me :) but you are probably not haha. Try to do as much strength training as you can. I do twice a week (I'm a starter and quite weak) that way, your belly (thighs, arm etc) tightens up and you build up muscles. 10push up, 10 planks, 10 crunches for the first two week was my schedule. Though I could barely do one push up for a week. (Am up to five now). Whatever you do, cardio and strength = success.
    I'm gonna stop typing....

    Thank you for your input. I would love to try Zumba, so nad! Just need to get a space cleared out so I have room to do it. Lol. Atleast cleaning is exercise too!
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I have lost 65 lbs. since I have been on this site and I only started going to the GYM this month. Most of my exercise is from walking
  • PhitnessWorks
    Hello all. My name is Mariah. I am 22. I am currently around 265 lbs and 5'9. I was down to 220 last year, but I moved out of Michigan and to Tennessee, and gained it back. I'm hoping to find some good work-out DVDs and maybe get your opinions on them, and exercise equipment! I am really wanting to lose this weight and get down to my healthy weight this time. I am hoping I can keep motivated!

    Hello Mariah,

    You have to find a DVD that works best for you! I workout to Denise Austin's Burn Fat Fast Cadio Blast. Also, I don't like working out to Youtube Videos because sometimes the fed is too slow and they are not at a consisted rate when too many people are streaming the video at one time.
  • JustSoJaded
    I enjoy walking but there are no sidewalks here and the roads are so narrow! Wish the roads were wider.

    And I hope to find the right one. I am going to check out some on Youtube and then possibly purchase some workout DVDs in the future. Once again, thanks everyone.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Best of luck! I've got the same prob, too much stress and packed back on 38 of the 50 I'd lost :/

    Wait...I saw gamer in there...what are you playing now?

    Yes, the stress is not good for us! I am playing GTA 5 and COD 2 Black Ops. Mostly the Zombies. (: Not many other games right now, sadly. Would love to get the kinect again and get some of those workout games.. What about you?

    Awesome! My husband is playing GTA5 now, I'm still fooling around with Skyrim and using the Wii for EA Active