Good Fitness / Tracking apps.

Looking for some good apps to help me be more fit. I currently only have MFP for my food logging, and My Tracks by google to track I guess, thats its only fuctionality. I don't care much about social connectivity. Looking to track my steps, see how many calories I burned (since MFP is unrealible) and some other cool stuff.
[Android by the way] What do you guys like to use to keep track of everything?


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    mfp, my tracks, and jefit (altho the means by which you track your resistance train is conspicuously absent)
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    MFP's got the food logging side pretty down. Perhaps something technological like a fitbit or other total daily activity tracker that can sync to MFP and you're good to go with tracking steps and getting a reading on how much you're burning daily? If you're doing cardio, you could invest in a hrm to give you a more accurately estimate calorie burn for those sessions. If you're strength training, then you'll need to use an estimate anyway since HRM or other devices aren't that (read: at all) accurate.

    You just need to pick the right tools for estimating the calories burnt bit, depending on your activities and you can continue to use MFP to input the numbers and track your food. Or are you sick of this site in general and just want to freshen things up with a change?
  • arronp76
    arronp76 Posts: 20 Member
    I use a free app for Andriod called Endomondo it tracks my distance,av speed cal burned, time and has other options. I also link it to MFP and it adds in the correct cals burned etc to the excercise diary.