I need to lose weight. Why are you here?

Saxophone96 Posts: 17
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Ok, all of us are on MFP because we want to be healthier. To lose weight, gain weight, add more vitamins, etc. What's your story. I'll share mine :).
I'm 5'8" and currently 149.5 lb. When I was about 11, I weighed around 110 and I was 5'5" and an energetic little kid. Then I moved here in the south and everything changed. My period stopped (every 10 months) and I gained about 30 pounds A YEAR. by the time I reached 8 grade, I weighed roughly 170. I was appalled at my weight and myself. But the bigger shock was when I was with my friend, we were goofing off and we both ran up a hill. By the time I was up the hill, I was dizzy and out of breath. I knew I needed to lose weight. Exercising my butt of and picking healthier choices, I lost 15 pounds and from then 'till now, another 5 pounds. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, and it's killing me that I have to now go on a stricter diet. My goal is to hit 135-140 by December. I want my stomach to hit around 28" by December (currently 30".. Yikes!)

So tell me, what's your story, your info (optional) and can you guys help me with some food and exercise choices? Love you :)


  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I'm 25 years old, 5"6 currently 202 trying to get down to 140. I'm 47" around my waste and would like to get to a 32 inch. (Normal size) and have somewhat a tone abs :)

    My story well...I've lost weight and gained weight my entire life. I don't have any illnesses besides Asthma. I decided to join a gym back in Feb this year and didn't lose hardly any weight there. I decided to try walking and eating healthier come April and that seemed to do the trick. I've lost 38 pounds total as of today.

    Good luck on your weight loss! If you need friends to help get you going, feel free to add me!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm 24 years old, I'm 5'10 and I'm currently 172lbs. My goal is to be 135-140lbs.

    I was skinny my whole life, I had complications during pregnancy and was at risk of losing my life. I had extreme high blood pressure and retained water to the most severe extreme. I gained nearly 100lbs during my pregnancy, half of which was water weight. After the birth of my kids I dropped 80lbs in 1 week. Two days after their birth, I was hit with their diagnosis (Cystic Fibrosis). It shattered me completely. Instead of turning to alcohol like I had done so often in my past, I turned to food. I didn't want to return to my alcoholic ways now that I had children who needed me, so in so many words, I went from one addiction to another. I started stuffing down my sorrow and my despair and my anguish with food. I got married on August 7th, 2010 and my trigger was ... I didn't feel beautiful on my wedding day. It breaks my heart that I didn't feel like a beautiful bride and that I hate the look of my photos. I decided (once i got back from vacation) that I was going to get my life together and stop using food as a crutch for my pain. On August 29th I joined MFP with one of my best girls and since then I have lost 20lbs. I'm definitely going headstrong into this, I feel great and I'm really ready to do this thing :)
  • Both of y'all have lost a lot of weight! Keep it up :D cause that's amazing!
  • If you are 5'8 and weigh 149 thats a good healthy weight...and if you are 5'10 and want to weigh 135 that's an unhealthy low weight...just saying...check a BMI calculator not what a magazine says
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    If you are 5'8 and weigh 149 thats a good healthy weight...and if you are 5'10 and want to weigh 135 that's an unhealthy low weight...just saying...check a BMI calculator not what a magazine says

    there are two ways to go by. one dr says 100 lbs at 5'0 and 5 lbs for every inch up. and another says 96 lbs and 4lbs for every inch up.

    at 5'8 that would be 140 by the first dr's rule....
    and 128 by the leaner dr's rule. so anywhere between those two should be ok.
  • skyefrank
    skyefrank Posts: 2 Member
    I use EFT to help keep me on track check it out http://skyefrank.wordpress.com/2010/10/14/what-is-emotional-freedom-technique-eft/ its very effective for reprogramming your mind
  • I just joined today! I gained roughly 80 pounds while I was pregnant (yes its a lot I know) and have lost 20 lbs in 4 months. I am kind of stuck keep fluctuating from 165 to 170 and its so discouraging. I'm 5'5 by the way.
  • If you're 5 10 you're ideal weight should be 150lbs....if you're 5 8 it should be 140...for a BMI of approx 21 which is best for heart HEALTH
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    At first to lose weight, but now it's just an easy way to track calories and macros. Plus, I love the forums.
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    i don't want to come across as argumentative but for me personally BMI doesn't work for everyone. Depends on your frame size and muscle make up. i am more muscular and if i am within what my BMI says I look emaciated. Anyway. I have had 3 kids in 5 years all c sections. . Have never been "skinny" except maybe for a year or two in college on the cigarette and cereal diet during RN program. My highest weight was 203 last November after my 3rd baby. Now down to 179. Hope to get down to 140s!!!! i am no longer smoking and have taken to eating healthier for me and my family (lead by example) Good luck to everyone.
  • Hmm.. lets see me i am 27 years old and 5'4" and weigh 201.4 my lowest in about 5 years. i want to get to about 130-140.

    My background i was heavy all through school, the heavy one of all my siblings. And I hated it. Went to doctors and could never figure out why I was always a picky child. Then I decided to go into the military at 21 and worked for a year to get the weight off with my recruiter. And I did. i was in the best shape of my life. Then I found out I was pregnant the day before I was suppose to weigh in, and do the physical tests and swear in. I was happy but sad at the same time. The military had been a dream. I then had a miscarriage after finding out I was to have a little boy and hearing his heart beat. It wasn't pretty, but to make it worse when they checked to make she I was alright they found Cancer. And everything got worse. I gained more weight and got to my heaviest of 230lbs. I never want to be there again. I have been cancer free for 5 years, and i want to get back to how i was before everything happened. And well that is why i am here.

    Thanks for listening/reading...
  • Im 24, 5'1 209 pounds. I have been overweight my whole life and I always knew I needed to lose weight bbut could never find the motivation to lose weight. Although my reasoning all through high school is I wanted to be "prettier". It was all about my looks never thinking about what I was doing to my body. When I got on the scale and seen 240 I almost fainted, and knew I needed to lose weight, but still it was all about my looks. I am a nursing student currently working as a CNA through school. I have a very obese patient I work with everyday and to see the struggles she is going through becasue of her weight has really opened my mind. It has really showed me what the weight can do to your body and I am even more determined then ever to lose the weight.
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