Anyone cut out Dairy, Sugar, Wheat and Pork from diet?



  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    If I did that, what the hell would I eat for breakfast? :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • jvbrooks
    jvbrooks Posts: 82 Member
    I find cutting out sugar and wheat to be enough, and some people swear by cutting diary, but I've never heard of someone cutting those things and pork.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I have a recipe for a planko and cheese crusted pork chop in a sweet white wine sauce if you're interested

  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    My friend has celiac's and whenever she accidentally glutenates herself she experiences a drastic drop in energy.

    "glutenates herself" This has got to be the best phrase of the day!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Science isn't infallible and there is no money in blind studies of alternative medicine practices so they're not testing it anyway.

    Not true. They are testing it, a lot. The results are just either negative, comparable to placebo (negative for actual results), or the design of the study is bad enough that the result can't be trusted (studies are not properly blinded, so it's not a fair test).

    This article by Ben Goldacre is mostly about homeopathy, but the principle applies to any study you're looking at.

    "This trial has been done, time and time again, with homeopathy, and when you do a trial like this, you find, overall, that the people getting the placebo sugar pills do just as well as those getting the real, posh, expensive, technical, magical homeopathy pills."
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Well let's break it down:

    Sugar - def bad if you are in any way insulin resistant (fat = probably insulin resistant)
    Dairy - usually includes lots of either sugar (see above) or fat. I think combining sugar with fat is even worse than doubling down on sugar.
    Wheat - calorifically dense & easily broken down to sugar by digestive system - see sugar above
    Pork - most pork products are heavily preserved. Reducing sodium and nitrates will probably make you feed better.

    Me personally, I've cut out sugar because I find it just too damn delicious & wheat because I dislike most wheat products.
    I do try to eat fresh cuts of pork, and dairy is just something I love, so I'm just not going to get rid of it. I do, however, use more almond/coconut milk than previously in my life.

    I would like to double down on sugar please....
  • I've cut out wheat, not because I think it's some weight-loss miracle to do so, but because I learned I could live without it, and it freed up more calories for delicious dead beast. I still eat dairy, sugar, and, obviously, pork.

    "and it freed up more calories for delicious dead beast." OMG I laughed so hard!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    That's way too restrictive for my tastes and completely unnecessary medically 'for me'. I'm so glad I'm not a unique snowflake!!!:bigsmile:
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I found that when I cut out all meat, grains, protein, dairy, sodium, carbs, gluten, and sugar I lose weight like craaaaazy!

    I wasn't doing this to loose weight...

    Sar-chasm... the distance between your sarcastic remark and the person who doesn't get it.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    "This trial has been done, time and time again, with homeopathy, and when you do a trial like this, you find, overall, that the people getting the placebo sugar pills do just as well as those getting the real, posh, expensive, technical, magical homeopathy pills."
    I wasn't speaking of pills particularly and, truth be told, I find nothing wrong with the placebo effect. If I feel like crap, take something, and it makes me feel better but it's all in my head, I still feel better. Everything we experience in life is technically in our head.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Science isn't infallible and there is no money in blind studies of alternative medicine practices so they're not testing it anyway.

    Not true. They are testing it, a lot. The results are just either negative, comparable to placebo (negative for actual results), or the design of the study is bad enough that the result can't be trusted (studies are not properly blinded, so it's not a fair test).

    This article by Ben Goldacre is mostly about homeopathy, but the principle applies to any study you're looking at.

    "This trial has been done, time and time again, with homeopathy, and when you do a trial like this, you find, overall, that the people getting the placebo sugar pills do just as well as those getting the real, posh, expensive, technical, magical homeopathy pills."

    Since homeopathy is about diluting substances to make them more potent, wouldn't homeopathy itself be more effective if there were less of it?
  • TOMEKA18
    TOMEKA18 Posts: 103 Member
  • silverboot
    silverboot Posts: 15 Member
    I found that when I cut out all meat, grains, protein, dairy, sodium, carbs, gluten, and sugar I lose weight like craaaaazy!

    I wasn't doing this to loose weight...

    Sar-chasm... the distance between your sarcastic remark and the person who doesn't get it.

    I get the sarchasm... I just thought this was a place where ppl respected and supported each other. But by the majority of the posts are just rude. Guess I was wrong. (Not everyone is included in this)
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I have had health problems for several years now. Bouncing from one specialist to the other. I recently was referred to a naturopath that has help a lot of people in my area with natural remedies. I went to see him 6 weeks ago and he instructed me to take specific vitamins and natural pills he prescribed. I saw great improvement in 1 week. I saw him again last week for a follow up and he now instructed me to cut out all dairy, sugar, wheat, pork, coffee and alcohol from my diet for 4 weeks and wants to see me again before I change my diet again.

    Well let me tell you this, I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't stuck to this %100, but I feel great in just 1 week. I have more energy in the mornings. (I have never been a morning person) I have also lost about 5 lbs of bloating and water. I have to admit it is extremely hard to stick to it because of the time it takes to prepare all my meals compared to grabbing something on the way to work. But, the results are too good to switch back to the way I was eating.

    Anyone else cut out these foods or don't eat them to start with and feel fanatastic?

    I once cut out food completely, but it didn't work out so well.

    Eating a balanced diet is what works.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Science isn't infallible and there is no money in blind studies of alternative medicine practices so they're not testing it anyway.

    Not true. They are testing it, a lot. The results are just either negative, comparable to placebo (negative for actual results), or the design of the study is bad enough that the result can't be trusted (studies are not properly blinded, so it's not a fair test).

    This article by Ben Goldacre is mostly about homeopathy, but the principle applies to any study you're looking at.

    "This trial has been done, time and time again, with homeopathy, and when you do a trial like this, you find, overall, that the people getting the placebo sugar pills do just as well as those getting the real, posh, expensive, technical, magical homeopathy pills."

    Since homeopathy is about diluting substances to make them more potent, wouldn't homeopathy itself be more effective if there were less of it?

    :laugh: I like the way you think. More homeopathy! I mean less! Less homeopathy? I'm confused :ohwell:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I find it funny how people just comment to comment. If you want to tell me your eating pork, that is not what I was asking. I was asking people that cut these foods from their diets. Also, I am not starving. There's a huge variety of food that you can eat. The 4 that I listed are just the ones that people have a hard time giving up.

    People ask a question, we answer it. It's called being bored at work. :smokin:
  • silverboot
    silverboot Posts: 15 Member
    I find it funny how people just comment to comment. If you want to tell me your eating pork, that is not what I was asking. I was asking people that cut these foods from their diets. Also, I am not starving. There's a huge variety of food that you can eat. The 4 that I listed are just the ones that people have a hard time giving up.

    People ask a question, we answer it. It's called being bored at work. :smokin:

    The majority of you arent answering the question, you're being unhelpful, spiteful and frankly, pathetic.

    OMG, Thank you... exactly!
  • keychick25
    keychick25 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey! I decided to cut gluten & wheat, dairy and refined sugar next month! Befriend me on here & we can keep in touch. There are LOADS of health benefits from it. I've even told my bf about it and a friend & my friend told a friend and we're ALL doing it. I have a few links as to why it's good to cut them out. Also I've been a vegetarian for 5yrs yet i STILL have many eating options!



    Refined Sugar:

    There are LOADS of other sources that say the same thing!

    I even made a blog about it!

    Good luck with everything! And don't mind others, do what works for you!
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I have no idea which diet changes brought what about because I started eating low carb, high fat and severely restricting sugar and grains at the same time but I feel much better then when I was eating whole grains and a ton of fruit. So I'm all about eating good food but natural medicine? Eh...
    (love this video)
  • I am interested in how you have progressed. I have been on a low carb, high fat (with moderate protein) lifestyle change and am losing 5-8 pounds per month over past 4 months. This means I have cut out the sugar and wheat so far and am now just cut out the dairy and alcohol beginning yesterday. I am type 2 diabetic and this change has definitely helped me bring my blood sugar under control. After only 1 day of cutting the dairy and eggs I cannot believe my BG and BP response.