Why can't I resist hopping on the scales EVERY morning?



  • KnitSewSpin
    KnitSewSpin Posts: 147 Member
    I weigh every day and record it in an app called Happy Scale. It takes fluctuations in weight and shows trends and averages. It's awesome and has given me a whole new relationship with my scale.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    i have weighed myself every day since Feb 1st., even on the bad days. Now that I am at goal, starting Tuesday I am only going to weigh in 3 days a week. Eventually I may go to once a week. I am ok with the normal fluctuations and have never been upset over what the scale says. I just use it as a tool and nothing more.
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    I weigh every day but never worry if I am up or down I tend to gain 1-2kg regularly once or twice a month but the trend is always down so if you don't panic when you see the gains I don't see any problem with a daily weigh in!
  • CKendell79
    CKendell79 Posts: 24 Member
    Funny. I was just criticizing myself for this only moments ago! It's driving me nuts as for the last couple of days I've been up but my weigh in day in not till Wednesday. I'm just a sucker for immediate gratification ( or punishment pending on the morning, lol). Add me as a friend, I currently haven't requested anyone yet. Wanted to make sure I was accountable to mfp before doing so!!!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    There is nothing wrong with weighing every morning...iweigh evey day and just use it as information .. I think it just depends on how you view that number
  • CKendell79
    CKendell79 Posts: 24 Member
    I weigh every day and record it in an app called Happy Scale. It takes fluctuations in weight and shows trends and averages. It's awesome and has given me a whole new relationship with my scale.
  • CKendell79
    CKendell79 Posts: 24 Member
    Adding the app now. Who couldn't use a new relationship with their scale. Lol
  • cahtchme
    cahtchme Posts: 32 Member
    I feel like weighing myself every day helps me stay accountable. I weigh myself in the morning before I hop in the shower and in the evening before I go to bed.

    I've fallen off the wagon several times during this journey. And it always happens when I do not weigh myself every morning and evening thinking "Eh, I didn't eat that much more today to make a difference." Next thing I know I'm up five-ten pounds again.

    ETA: I should mention that I only actually officially log my weight once a week.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I do it quite intentionally. I've never understood why "experts" say not to do it, when studies show that people who have lost weight and successfully keep if off weigh every day. (To me those are the real experts.)

    I lost about 50 pounds 10 years ago--weighed every day. Kept it off quite easily for a good 8 years--weighing every day. In the last couple of years, I regained abut 10 pounds--guess what? NOT weighing every day.

    I find that the morning weigh-in keeps me mindful of my goals for the day and for my life. Of course, I like to see a loss, but I don't get too worked up by gains since when you weigh every day you get used to the fluctuations.

    I find it very helpful for me. I'm not saying everyone should do it. But it also isn't something to beat yourself up over.
  • FrankieBenjamin
    FrankieBenjamin Posts: 61 Member
    Also everyday, twice, once in the morning once at night and I expect to lose around 1kg overnight - thats how my body works and its patterns, wont be the same for everyone. This keeps me on track and focussed, if I go down its great and that motivates me to keep it up tomorrow, if I go up, that also motivates me. I know my body will fluctuate over the week and I keep focussed on the overall goal not the daily shift. I dont think you need worry unless you are becoming obsessive about it,
  • losing_it_2013
    losing_it_2013 Posts: 128 Member
    I weigh most days too. The daily changes don't upset me but it makes me feel in control knowing I am going to check my weight everyday. Whatever the scale says on Thursday morning is the weight I enter into MFP.

    ^This for me too :)
  • ImRemko
    ImRemko Posts: 34 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but I never compare my weight with the day before. I always compare my weight with the data from the same day of the previous week. Every day of the week is my 'once a week' measurement like that ;)
  • JacquiKerzman
    I see my clients do this and I try real hard to teach them different because water weight can cause such changes on the scale and make you feel bad or can make you feel a false confidence. The scale number depends a lot on your carb intake as well, for every gram of carbohydrate you eat your body needs 3-4gms of water to process it, that will make the scale fluctuate. YOu could eat the same amount of calories but more carbohydrates and wonder what happened??

    I tell my clients (and myself) if you and I do our best every single day and we are not cheating the plan we have for ourselves, (sometimes by pushing nibbles here and there to see what I can eat and get away with on the scale, as if the scale with give me some sort of affirmation :-O) we should feel ok and not be drawn to the scale. Sometimes it is just breaking a habit. have your husband/roomate hide the batteries and./or the scale.
  • SouthernCountryGirl
    SouthernCountryGirl Posts: 195 Member
    I weigh every day also. I only count what's on the scale come Tuesday morning though. As long as you know you're body is going to fluctuate from day to day according to whatever you're eating and drinking, and you're ok with that, then it's not a problem. It helps keep me in line and it helps my determination. It also helps me judge a little better when I want to 'splurge' from time to time. The numbers used to bother me. Since I've found a madness (plan) that works for me and I'm losing, I'm more comfortable with what I'm doing, the numbers don't matter as much because I know I have the power to change them :happy:
  • wheels6030
    wheels6030 Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh every morning as well! I track it in an app that tracks my cycles and I like seeing how my weight changes depending on what time of the month is etc. Nothing wrong with it as long as you don't get obsessed. I actually don't really have a weigh-in day...I just track my weight daily on my app and then log it in mfp if it's less than my last weigh-in. Works for me.
  • queencat3
    I weigh every single day. This is my motivation, accountability, and reality check all rolled up into one. I have been doing this long enough to not feel too anxious when I see the same three pounds come and go as I fluctuate from day to day. This may not work for everyone, but it works well for me!
  • sazrina
    sazrina Posts: 99 Member
    I weigh every morning but I only log on my weigh in day - Monday. The daily fluctuations do annoy me but I try to ignore them as long as weigh in day is ok.
  • Giovanna_Isabella_Santarelli
    bump for later
  • BethAnnC448
    BethAnnC448 Posts: 45 Member
    I used to weigh myself daily but my dr discouraged me so it is back to once a week.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    How many do you have?