Going off track..

I can go months with a super disciplined lifestyle (diet & exercise), feel great and then I hit a wall. One bad day, turns into 2 then, I look up and its 2 months later and I have regressed physically and emotionally. When I get in a "bad phase" I don't want to even think about what I'm doing and or the consequences. Can anyone offer any tips on how I can catch myself quicker and get back on track?


  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I can go months with a super disciplined lifestyle (diet & exercise), feel great and then I hit a wall. One bad day, turns into 2 then, I look up and its 2 months later and I have regressed physically and emotionally. When I get in a "bad phase" I don't want to even think about what I'm doing and or the consequences. Can anyone offer any tips on how I can catch myself quicker and get back on track?

    Here is a tip I learnt from someone on here. Right now I am at 168.8, say my goal is to get to 166.0, if I go off the wagon and put on 3 pounds, that means I have 5.8 pounds to lose to get to 166. instead of 2.8 pounds. So now I have to work even harder to lose that extra 5.8 pounds, whereas if I work this hard I might even lose more than 3.8 pounds. Hope that makes sense.

    This is what helps to keep me on track not to say I do not stray, but 1 day here and there is better than straying for days, weeks and even months.
  • AbsyPernet
    Some people do think that we unintentionally try to sabotage ourselves, might sound weird but it does happened. When we are on a high, everything is possible, food choices, exercises, mentally and physically stronger, you have to figure it out what triggers it, is it something at work, home, what sort of stress you are dealing with that you have NOT dealt with properly and therefore, every few months, it will come back and "haunt" you.

    Keep a diary, I have not got a clue if it works, but if you do, you might be able to "see" it coming and be ready, mentally.

    Stay focus of your goals

    Send me a friend request if you wish to add me

    All the best in your journey and hope you find what you are searching for :smile:
  • GnosisGnosis
    Have you tried meditation? Evaluating yourself in such a way is immensely valuable in cultivating discipline.
  • yustick
    yustick Posts: 238 Member
    I am in a completely different situation than you starting at 365 pounds. But, I started with just one rule and that was to log everything as accurately as possible. If I ate bad or not, exercised or not, I logged. Just one rule, to make me face my decisions, good or bad. I found the "if every day were like this" diary closing message helpful.

    Best wishes!
  • Wenchiness
    Wenchiness Posts: 126 Member
    I feel that if you go off track and stay there it is simply because you have set unrealistic goals and strictures for your time on track. Go to the fair with the idea that you are going to splurge on one super duper treat and work your day around having that. Whatever your downfall or super-treat is, allow for it. Incorporate it into your meal plan. Treat yourself. You stay off track because of the lack of enjoyment you currently have with your meal plan. Go out drinking with the gang, but limit yourself to what you've saved the calories for. Life is full of temptations, but if you allow yourself to indulge a little bit, you won't feel deprived.
  • raymondesposito
    raymondesposito Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks all for the suggestions, for what ever reason, I do believe I'm self sabotaging my efforts. Can anyone recommend how I could start to incorporate meditation? i think this will help me to stay in the moment and not become a mindless drone..
  • GnosisGnosis
    Meditation is both easy and hard. How I started was I lit a candle and just sat in a comfortable position. I focused on the flame and let everything else melt away. Don't worry about how long you can do it for at first. Eventually you can focus on your breathing. This will allow you to be present, within the moment. I wouldn't stress too hard on it because that would be counterproductive =p. Just take a comfortable position and focus on one thing. You will notice thoughts coming in; Don't fret, let them pass by you, and stay vigilant. Eventually you will reach of state of peaceful quiet, and this state is not even describable in words, but I assure you it's beneficial.

    You are right in that it will help you stay in the moment; In fact, of the many definitions of meditation, I would say "Being in the Now" is the most accurate.