Atkins Followers

Hello, I'm looking for friends that are following the atkins diet. I lost 22 lbs so far on atkins and would love to get to know others that are also on an atkins journey; I need friends and motivation. Please feel free to send me a friend request. Together we can all reach our goals.




  • jjgilmour
    jjgilmour Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, finallylean,
    Yep you have a buddy here. I need someone to walk this through with too! This is my first day on this site and my second day on atkins. Im not too familiar with the site yet and didnt know how to send you a friend request. But definitly will journey this out with you. If you dont see my friend request sometime today, could you send me one. :P
  • FitnessRXusaAnna
    FitnessRXusaAnna Posts: 44 Member
    I propose these questions to those considering the Atkins diet.

    Atkins diets cut calories from most carbohydrate sources.. This will sap your energy over time. You need carbohydrates to run your brain, heart and muscles as well as other vital organs. The main fuel for your central nervous system and brain is glucose which is easily obtained from carbohydrates.

    If your body is deprived of carbohydrates for several days the body will attempt to conserve essential protein by producing an alternative fuel. See you body is very smart and can adapt. However the adaptations may be causing you more harm then good.

    Your body, if not taking in enough carbohydrates will make the alternative fuel known as ketones. Ketones are made from the partial burning of fatty acids. These ketones build up in the blood causing an abnormal condition called ketosis.

    Initial weight loss is NOT fat but water, as the kidneys attempt to rid the body of excess ketones.

    another thing to think about

    When Carbohydrate stores are depleted in the body, the rate at which FAT is metabolized is reduced.

    It is true that a large volume of weight will be lost as your glycogen stores decrease by following the atkins diet. But this weight is still from water loss. This will not help your overall body composition or your health.

    If you are not eating enough carbs your body will rely more on free fatty acids for fuel since it can't use glycogen.
    So this means even if you do burn fat (small small amt.) it's not worth the breakdown of lean mass that accompanies it as well.

    Eventually with low carb diets the person ends up burning more of their lean mass because your body isn't getting glucose to use as energy and your body like I said before ADAPTS and will take what it can get to keep you alive and going.

    OVER TIME then this is how people actually get fatter on Atkins. If you severely restrict your carbohydrate sources and are losing lean mass THEN when it is found it is difficult to sustain this low carb diet and the person goes back to eating carbs they actually have less lean mass that would me more metabolically active and able to deal with the increase of calories. BUT since the person was restricted from carbs for so long and loss the lean mass they also have lost an important part of fat loss cycle.

    More lean mass a person has the more they are able to eat and "not get fat" essentially

    Food for thought ladies.
  • jjgilmour
    jjgilmour Posts: 2 Member
    Gordon Cat,
    Thanks so much for all that info. I do have a few Questions though. So #1 is how then do people lose large amounts of weight and then start to slowly add more when they as they near their weight loss goal,
    #2 If you were following Atkins and going to the gym and doing a circit with weights, does that make any difference.
    #3 If you carb cycled, would that be a better idea
    #4 From my experience, I cannot eat too many carbs in a day because they make me crave any and all food like crazy....I do really like the paleo experience, but thought that since atkins is simular, I would try this. Any imput would be welcomed by me....if you didnt want to reply on this board, please add me as a friend so that we could continue to discuss this.
  • MermaidTX
    MermaidTX Posts: 352 Member
    I propose these questions to those considering the Atkins diet.

    Atkins diets cut calories from most carbohydrate sources.. This will sap your energy over time. You need carbohydrates to run your brain, heart and muscles as well as other vital organs. The main fuel for your central nervous system and brain is glucose which is easily obtained from carbohydrates.

    If your body is deprived of carbohydrates for several days the body will attempt to conserve essential protein by producing an alternative fuel. See you body is very smart and can adapt. However the adaptations may be causing you more harm then good.

    Your body, if not taking in enough carbohydrates will make the alternative fuel known as ketones. Ketones are made from the partial burning of fatty acids. These ketones build up in the blood causing an abnormal condition called ketosis.

    Initial weight loss is NOT fat but water, as the kidneys attempt to rid the body of excess ketones.

    another thing to think about

    When Carbohydrate stores are depleted in the body, the rate at which FAT is metabolized is reduced.

    It is true that a large volume of weight will be lost as your glycogen stores decrease by following the atkins diet. But this weight is still from water loss. This will not help your overall body composition or your health.

    If you are not eating enough carbs your body will rely more on free fatty acids for fuel since it can't use glycogen.
    So this means even if you do burn fat (small small amt.) it's not worth the breakdown of lean mass that accompanies it as well.

    Eventually with low carb diets the person ends up burning more of their lean mass because your body isn't getting glucose to use as energy and your body like I said before ADAPTS and will take what it can get to keep you alive and going.

    OVER TIME then this is how people actually get fatter on Atkins. If you severely restrict your carbohydrate sources and are losing lean mass THEN when it is found it is difficult to sustain this low carb diet and the person goes back to eating carbs they actually have less lean mass that would me more metabolically active and able to deal with the increase of calories. BUT since the person was restricted from carbs for so long and loss the lean mass they also have lost an important part of fat loss cycle.

    More lean mass a person has the more they are able to eat and "not get fat" essentially

    Food for thought ladies.

    I beg to differ :)
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    GordonCat you ignorance is showing. The body will die if it doesn't get adequate protein and fat but has no requirement for any carbohydrate. Fat can be burned for fuel and you don't need carbs. Everything you said has been refuted by science.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    There is an Atkins group here. Click on Groups tab above and join us.
  • gary48
    gary48 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks so much for all that info. I do have a few Questions though. So #1 is how then do people lose large amounts of weight and then start to slowly add more when they as they near their weight loss goal,

    Hi. I can't answer most of your questions, but I do know the answer to #1: How do people lose large amounts of weight? It's really simple (but not always easy). Figure out how many calories you need in a day, then consume about 20% fewer than that every day.

    Do that, and you will consistently lose weight. I guarantee it.
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    Dr. Aktins is DEAD.
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    Hope the new way of eating works out for you. I lost 150 pounds in 13 months and have kept it off for the last 15 months.
    My kidneys didn't explode, I didn't count my calories, I had enough energy to work out at the gym 5 days a week for 90 to 120 minutes a day and so on.

    Go to this site and start reading

    Good luck. :bigsmile:
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I am very interested in seeing what happens after you stop the Atkins diet.