Looking for motivation friends to go from 284 lb to 140 lb!

Just started my journey today and I would love some friends to keep me motivated through this journey.
I'm 23 and I have been overweight forever - my biggest problem has been not having a supportive network.
Everyone around me is naturally slim and I have no one that understands the struggles of weight loss.

I have instagram too! @skinnysof
Feel free to add me - I'll add you back on MFP and Insta.


  • NBreig
    NBreig Posts: 1
    Hi!!! I could use some friends to help keep me motivated and on track. My parents were using this app back at the beginning of the year and I used it with them; the three of us held each other accountable and I dropped 25 pounds in 3 months. ... But then I was put on steroids for 3 weeks and they blew me up so bad I got depressed and stopped paying attention to my calorie intake. I gained back all the weight I lost. I went to get my wedding dress altered yesterday and it didn't even fit. My wedding is in 9 weeks and I need someone to help keep me on track so I can stick to healthy eating and being active again! ... IDK how to send you a friend request of anything on here, but I'll try it! I'm in my 20s too, and I think we can both do this as long as we have someone to accompany us on the journey! ^_^
  • kimlynn919
    kimlynn919 Posts: 316 Member
    hey, i feel your pain...been overweight forever myself! though, im 33 now and looking to get down to about 130-140 from 263, my CW is 242...i do have instagram, but rarely use it and dont remember it atm, but feel free to add me here :)
  • baiye1
    baiye1 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey There.... you can add me. I'm currently 227 but I started out 280, so I am familiar with the road. I try to respond on posts and give encouragement where and when I can! I have supportive people but it never hurts to have more!
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    Add me! Started at 270 and goal is 140ish! Currently 255 :)
  • allsmall
    Hello! I would love to have some motivation friends too... I started at 258lbs and have currently been stuck at 206lbs for 5 months... My goal weight is 147lb so not too dissimilar to you all. Please feel free to add me and we can all try and help each other as I don't have anyone to lose this weight with!! Hannah. xxx
  • aisling
    aisling Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I could use some friends on here that are going through the same thing. I started at 272, currently 257...looking to be about 140 as well!
  • popo0509
    popo0509 Posts: 48 Member
    Add me! I started at 227lbs and am trying to get to 130-135. Currently I'm at 207 and could always use more motivation!
  • hgoltz
    hgoltz Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all,

    My husband and I both joined in late July. MFP has been a pretty good experience so far, except the whole male vs. female weight loss thing. He literally has lost about 2 lbs for every 1 pound I've lost. Rather than being discouraged, I just keep moving. Chasing a 13-month-old toddler around helps.

    Highest weight: 305 lbs (late August 2012)
    Joined MFP: 275 lbs (late July 2013)
    CW: 258.5 lbs
    GW: 140-150 lbs

    Good luck to everyone!!! Please feel free to add me. I definitely could use extra MFP friends.
  • tamelessheart
    tamelessheart Posts: 5 Member
    Just added you all :)
  • Barbara2883
    Hi! Feel free to add me too. I just joined yesterday, and started my 'diet' today. I'm 30 and have two boys (5yr old and 13 month old). I've always been big as well. Currently, I'm 200 lbs and my goal is to get down to 120-130 range.
  • Ithina1
    Ithina1 Posts: 93 Member
    If you want to add you can. I started at 285 and I'd like to end somewhere between 160 and 130 lb.
  • ChocolateSnowflakex
    Hi I'm 23 also and have always been a bit bigger all my life.

    Right now I'm about 2 dress sizes smaller than I was at my largest but still nowhere near where I want to be.

    Currently 175lbs looking to go to 130lbs :)

    Feel free to send me a msg or add me as a friend.
  • kahays
    kahays Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all! I have used MFP and WW a few times, but when the scale said 250 on Saturday it kicked my butt. I thought life would get easier once I finished grad school, but the stress of a hellacious first job got to me. Love some encouragement and friends!
  • amyltoney
    amyltoney Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I started MFP a week ago tomorrow, so tomorrow will be my first weigh in! I found it through a nutritionest. She is free through my health benefits at work and she will be helping me as I ask her to. I am not vain so losing weight to get thin is just not motivating for me. I am concerned with the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer at my age since all of those things run in my family and being overweight increases the risk. Ideally I would like to lose 50 pounds.

    So far, I have found MFP easy to use and very informative. I am so surprised with how much sugar I eat everyday without eating "sweets". Has anyone else been surprised by this? I would love to share this experience and support you all. I am very interested in sharing recipes, tips, and information.

    How do I "add" you all? Or is it that kahays will add me and then I'll automatically be part of the group?
    Thanks for the open invite.
  • bgheald2010
    bgheald2010 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, all! When I first started to try and lose weight, I was about 208 and a size 18! Now, I'm 150, a size 9, and stuck! I'm ATTEMPTING to reach 125. It doesn't exactly help that the meds that I'm on cause me to gain weight. :/ However, I know that if we stick together, we can reach our goals! If we can do this, we can do anything! Let's hold our heads up high, remember that we're beautiful no matter what, and we're stronger then our urges to eat brownies and chips until the bag or pan is gone! XD Hang in there!
  • peacefulsun0306
    Hello! My name is Karin and I just started my new Journey as well! I would welcome support as well and I'm also very supportive! The great and wonderful thing is you are so YOUNG! You have chosen to take this step at a great age! YOU CAN and WILLDO it ! JUST believe!! I'm a huge advocate of visual help! My suggestion is to find a picture of an inspiring figure, body type and post on Mirror! also what I'm doing is POST IT NOTES every day! Motivational words! Of course there is the health plan and exercise but let's not forget SUPPORT! You Can ROCK it!!!
  • robinb07
    robinb07 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all!

    I am also in a similar boat- looking for friends to do major weight loss with. I have been doing this for two weeks now and down about 5.5 lbs so I am a believer! I am looking to lose roughly 105 more lbs (started at 259 and would like to get down to 150. Feel free to add me as well!
  • oc1timoco
    oc1timoco Posts: 272 Member
    Just read your post and I wish you all the best. One thing Ive learned is that we can oversell ourselves in losing weight. Jump in from 0 exercise to an hour a day of something and suddenly dropping a gazzilion calories from our diet. If I could give any friendly advice to a long term relationship with successful results, it would be this. Commit your self to one or two things that you know you can do until that becomes a habit. Like walking x miles every day no matter what the weather may be. Then add something else to your day and make that a habit, then so on and so on. Don't be to obsessed with the scale, use it as a target area + or - a few pounds. You can lose a lot of fat and not change the scale but your clothing is getting a bit baggy
  • Lindsay822
    I'm new also! Feel free to add me!
  • ttconn
    ttconn Posts: 14
    Hi. Im 20 and 273lbs. We r at a very close point and our goals are really close so maybe we can be partners in this