Pregnant and feeling anxious about weight gain

I have no idea how to get myself out of this funk I am in!.

I lost some weight year/ beginning of this year.. went from 110kg to 93kg so lost around 17kg. I was really proud and felt like I was actually getting somewhere... I got out I started dating, seeing friends more really living my life and being happy.

Then I fell pregnant I am now 32 weeks pregnant and weigh like 97kg.. the closer I get to that 100kg mark the more anxious I get! im so tired all the time and as my 6year old is at school im alone most days, im going through a vicious cycle of eating crap food, feeling guilty about it, getting anxious about the weight loss, getting angry, eating crap food... I know I need to stop but I cant seam to find it in me to just snap out of it..

Im so bored at home by myself all the time, friends invite me out sometimes but my anxiety has been so bad lately I don't want to. Im also always hungry. I drink between 2-3 liters of water a day I try to drink water when im hungry but it doesn't help.

not really sure what im asking right now :( im just feeling so frustrated! I don't feel comfortable talking to my friends about this when I do they just keep saying oh but your pregnant you will lose the weight when the baby is born, who are they kidding? I was big BEFORE I got pregnant the weight certainly will not just fall off once the baby is born.

what can I do, to stop the eating and feel more motivated?


  • tinybry
    tinybry Posts: 71 Member
    Sorry to hear you are feeling so down, I am 33 weeks pregnant and know it's hard to feel in control at the minute! I lost about 30lb last year and have managed to put it all back for now during pregnancy due to feeling so awful... and getting into bad habits.

    the thing is, you worked out a way to lose weight successfully before so you can do it again. Also you really have not put on a lot your in your pregnancy so we ll done!

    how about trying to get out for a walk during the day to keep you busier and to help manage your weight?

    There are a couple of pregnancy related groups here including one for those of us due in December if you want some support.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I got to 84kgs (lost 22kgs after first bub) then I actually decided to get pregnant with the 2nd. I had wanted to be at goal weight before I did but I thought 'why prolong it'. I gained 22kgs with 2nd bubs & I think it was 26kgs with the 1st. I actually thought I was very good the 2nd time around but the scales told me otherwise. I was even exercising & working a lot....I was a lot healthier for the 2nd time around.

    Just don't stress. If you eat, maybe eat healthier things? I don't know.....It can be boring at home on your own, I know! I'm feeling like that now :frown:

    Good luck, hang in there - 8 more weeks to go (if not sooner!) :flowerforyou:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Sorry you're feeling so bad.

    I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant with my third child and have started this pregnancy thinner than I did my other two, and I'm determined to minimise weight gain.

    I was about a US size 10/12 before getting pregnant with my first, and it took me a year to lose the weight, then I got pregnant with my second, and put on loads with her. With my first I was busy working full time and managing to go to the gym lots still. With my second I was exhausted and had a toddler to look after, so I basically stopped exercising and ate too much. Then after I had her I had problems breastfeeding and took domperidone to increase my supply and that made me gain even more weight, so when she was 8 weeks old I weighed 99kg!

    She's nearly 2.5 now I started this pregnancy at 70kg so it shows it can be done! I lost 29kg in 2 years. So try not to worry too much as you can lose weight. I was the thinnest I'd been in 10 years and wearing a UK12 (US8, sometimes 6).

    Make sure you have lots of healthy snacks for when your baby's born. You'll find you're pretty busy since you have a 6 year old too. I figure once my baby is born I'll be busy too - my son will be nearly 5 and my daughter nearly 3. I don't suppose I'll be sitting still!
  • missdannylee
    That's great thank you ill defiantly join when I jump
    On laptop
    Tomorrow :)
  • missdannylee
    Thanks heaps guys , makes it easier to know I'm not totally alone lol!!
    I just went and set alarms in my phone and have written on each alarm options on what I can eat at that time so lets see how I go with that lol! I think it's time to set boundaries for myself, if I get hungry between alarms ill drink water .. Wish me
    Luck :)
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    you are 33 weeks pregnant and so far you have only gained 4 kg (I just like to point out that I gained 25kg during my pregnancies). Once you take into account that your baby will weigh something (2.5kg maybe), the fluid around it will weigh something, the placenta will weight like 2kg, you are still coming out ahead. That is not accounting for extra water that you might be keeping in (I lost 15kg in the 24hours I was in the hospital when my second was born, it was a lot of water)

    I wonder whether the hunger you are feeling is actually a craving for nutrients, because you are not eating enough of what your body needs. Have you run your food plan by a dietician to ensure you are actually giving the baby and your body what it needs? I know you are looking at yourself and think that you have a lot of fat, but fat is essentially only stored energy, not stored nutrients.

    I wish you all the best :-)
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I just posted this on another post earlier today, and I think it may help you. If you would like as well, feel free to add me as a friend: perhaps I can help motivate you by either encouraging words or just by you seeing what I'm doing & eating on a daily basis...
    Once I'm cleared for working out again after our Son is born (which is just over 3 weeks away!!), I already have my 6-month plan on getting back to the fit-self I was pre-pregnancy & I WILL do it.

    "I'll be honest: when I first got pregnant my biggest worry was weight gain & not gaining too much - I'm on MFP as I used to be obese... But as I listened to my body & what it needed, I adjusted to what our soon-to-be-Son wanted rather than what I wanted. I'm almost 37 weeks, gained about 35-lbs already, BUT, everyone says I still look great & that all the weight is in my belly - which is mostly true (I've thickened up in my chest, legs & arms but that will go away the moment I get back back into weight-lifting again). My profile pic is from 2 weeks ago (I'm the one on the left...wink )

    I eat around 2000-2300 a day, depending on how hungry Sprout makes me. There are days he just sleeps to "grow" more & I may only eat around 1800, then other days (like yesterday) he was on the move all day & I was STARVING & ate about 2300 cals. I look at it this way: I'm eating healthy foods, good foods, foods that have pure nutrients, vitamins & minerals that will help me & Sprout be healthier now & going forward: whatever I gain will be gone 6 months after he's born. I was lucky that I didn't get cravings, so my meals have stayed the same - possibly even healthier as he seems to really enjoy fruits & veggies happy

    My advise to you: focus on eating GOOD foods, not junk or processed: if you're hungry you'll get better nutrients from clean eating than processed foods & will feel full longer & you AND your Baby will be healthier. Please avoid stressing about too much weight gain, your Baby will feel your stress, which will lead to "pretend hunger" making you think you need to eat when you don't. This is my first as well, and I know for a FACT, once I'm allowed to start working out after he's born (figuring 2 weeks as I was super fit going into this), I'll start walking, then jogging, adding in my strength training by 4 weeks & by 6 weeks I should be back into jogging/arc trainer & building back up into weight training. By 6 months, I'll be back to my pre-pregnant fit & possibly even more fit (as he'll start to crawl & get into things really keeping me on my toes!).

    Make your plan for AFTER Baby is here - focus on that instead of what you're going to go through in the next 6-7 months - your body is changing like never before, just listen to it. There are even workouts you can do WITH your Baby to build a stronger bond: jogging outside with him looking at me from his stroller is one (bonus, he gets fresh air & nature) and there are some DVD's where you get to use Baby for a yoga-style workout & the Baby thinks it's play-time so loves it bigsmile

    Just enjoy this time now: if you want, I can recommend the prenatal DVD's I've been using my last 3 months since I could no longer keep up with my regular workouts - they are a lot of fun & have helped keep me mobile, in shape & should help make labor easier as a result.

    Good Luck with everything: Be Strong, Be Healthy - for You & Baby flowerforyou"
  • paulylovesme
    I was gonna give some advice but I think what Rynatat said is truth! Just remember your baby needs healthy foods :) And sleep sleep sleep! If you are sleeping ur not eating junk :) I was so tired and sick during my pregnancies I would never do it again :)