Breakfast necessary? Efficacy of ptotein?



  • lainie644
    lainie644 Posts: 19 Member
    Breakfast is necessary to bring your body out of the fasting mode which it goes into when you go to sleep. Your lungs and heart rests at that time and slows down. Your cells regroup and build their walls and your organs go into a cleansing mode. Breakfast is very important to bring your body out of the fasting mode and put it into high gear for the demands of the day.

    A 350 to 500 calorie breakfast is perfect. It should consist of a glass of water, carbs, polyunsaturated fat, sodium, and protein. The water is obviously for hydration.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    meal timing and metabolism have no relationship..

    If you are not hungry in the morning then do not eat breakfast and wait until lunch, or later in morning. A lot of people do IF/lean gains and have great success with it. The only caveat would be if skipping breakfast makes you so hungry that you end up binging and over eating.

    There is nothing special about breakfast....and the "most important meal of the day" is just a myth perpetuated by the breakfast industry...
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Breakfast is necessary to bring your body out of the fasting mode which it goes into when you go to sleep. Your lungs and heart rests at that time and slows down. Your cells regroup and build their walls and your organs go into a cleansing mode. Breakfast is very important to bring your body out of the fasting mode and put it into high gear for the demands of the day.

    A 350 to 500 calorie breakfast is perfect. It should consist of a glass of water, carbs, polyunsaturated fat, sodium, and protein. The water is obviously for hydration.

    I agree that "breakfast" is important. What I don't agree with is that it has to be once you wake up.

    You can break your fast at anytime. If you prefer your first meal of the day to be at 5p.m. then that is fine and is when you will break the fast.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Breakfast is necessary to bring your body out of the fasting mode which it goes into when you go to sleep. Your lungs and heart rests at that time and slows down. Your cells regroup and build their walls and your organs go into a cleansing mode. Breakfast is very important to bring your body out of the fasting mode and put it into high gear for the demands of the day.

    A 350 to 500 calorie breakfast is perfect. It should consist of a glass of water, carbs, polyunsaturated fat, sodium, and protein. The water is obviously for hydration.

    Ummm no this is just wrong....

    < skipped breakfast for eight month and no problems with energy or anything else.

    what would it matter if you eat at 6 am, 8am, or 12pm....?

    OP - ignore advice like this....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think the breakfast thing is somewhat of a myth. I've found it personally helpful though. I never ate breakfast in middle school and high school because I found if I didn't eat breakfast I wasn't as hungry at lunch.. I didn't have lunch money so anything to help me get through the day with less hunger was helpful.

    Now I eat breakfast every morning. It was hard to get used to, but I thought I'd try it to speed up my metabolism. I'm not sure if it did or not, but it helps me keep focused, on track, and ready to take on the day.

    breakfast has nothing to do with metabolism...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Breakfast is necessary to bring your body out of the fasting mode which it goes into when you go to sleep. Your lungs and heart rests at that time and slows down. Your cells regroup and build their walls and your organs go into a cleansing mode. Breakfast is very important to bring your body out of the fasting mode and put it into high gear for the demands of the day.

    A 350 to 500 calorie breakfast is perfect. It should consist of a glass of water, carbs, polyunsaturated fat, sodium, and protein. The water is obviously for hydration.

    A very strong NO. Cleansing mode? What? Fasting mode?

    Seriously, where did you get all that?

    you didn't know that your organs need a cleansing every morning bro? I go to the organ cleaning drive through on the way to work every day...
  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    I'm not a breakfast eater and never will be. I'm just not hungry in the mornings and it actually upsets my stomach most times when I have anything other than a piece of fruit.

    A piece of fruit still counts as breakfast
  • ImRemko
    ImRemko Posts: 34 Member
    meal timing and metabolism have no relationship..

    If you are not hungry in the morning then do not eat breakfast and wait until lunch, or later in morning. A lot of people do IF/lean gains and have great success with it. The only caveat would be if skipping breakfast makes you so hungry that you end up binging and over eating.

    There is nothing special about breakfast....and the "most important meal of the day" is just a myth perpetuated by the breakfast industry...

    I agree that "breakfast" is important. What I don't agree with is that it has to be once you wake up.

    You can break your fast at anytime. If you prefer your first meal of the day to be at 5p.m. then that is fine and is when you will break the fast.
    ^and this.
  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    Time your meals in a way that will aid in adherence, energy (especially at the gym) and fit in with your lifestyle/habits. That will give you the greatest benefits.

    Exactly :happy:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I, too, have hypoglycemia . What works best for me is bedtime snack that is a grain - like steel cut oats or whole grain toast.... And NO grains/bread/cereal for breakfast. My breakfasts are protein and fruit. The fruit seems to kickstart my glucose to my brain (but not my metabolism) and the protein makes it last. If I have waffles/toast/bagel/grain-type foods at breakfast then I am hungry, tired and headachy all day.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Breakfast is necessary to bring your body out of the fasting mode which it goes into when you go to sleep. Your lungs and heart rests at that time and slows down. Your cells regroup and build their walls and your organs go into a cleansing mode. Breakfast is very important to bring your body out of the fasting mode and put it into high gear for the demands of the day.

    A 350 to 500 calorie breakfast is perfect. It should consist of a glass of water, carbs, polyunsaturated fat, sodium, and protein. The water is obviously for hydration.

    A very strong NO. Cleansing mode? What? Fasting mode?

    Seriously, where did you get all that?

    you didn't know that your organs need a cleansing every morning bro? I go to the organ cleaning drive through on the way to work every day...

    Nah bro, a little to expensive for me. I'd rather spend my money on Raspberry keytones and Shakeology.

    ahh yess ketones and shakeology the poor mans cleanse...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    meal timing and frequency is irrelevant.
  • Ithina1
    Ithina1 Posts: 93 Member
    Breakfast is necessary to bring your body out of the fasting mode which it goes into when you go to sleep. Your lungs and heart rests at that time and slows down. Your cells regroup and build their walls and your organs go into a cleansing mode. Breakfast is very important to bring your body out of the fasting mode and put it into high gear for the demands of the day.

    A 350 to 500 calorie breakfast is perfect. It should consist of a glass of water, carbs, polyunsaturated fat, sodium, and protein. The water is obviously for hydration.

    Ummm no this is just wrong....

    < skipped breakfast for eight month and no problems with energy or anything else.

    what would it matter if you eat at 6 am, 8am, or 12pm....?

    OP - ignore advice like this....

    I agree. I never felt an increase in energy when I ate breakfast. I actually used to skipped it when I did have the chance to eat because training on a full stomach inhibited my performance. Maybe if you eat something high in carbs you'll have more energy for bit, but that can be said for any time of the day.
  • g2214n
    g2214n Posts: 36 Member
    I personally haven't had breakfast for 15 odd years - and perfectly survived. Then towards 10-11am I'd get coffee and so on. However I used to eat rather large dinner which I found isn't ideal and the reason why I felt bloated and not hungry in the morning. Recently I've started having very small breakfast/snack/very small lunch/snack/dinner each to include serving of veg/fruit and protein +fat. I found that I am digesting food a lot better when is spaced throughout the day rather than having a large portion in one go. Also I am aiming towards 5 -8 different veg/fruits so different V. and Mineral enter the system, whether in the past i was able to fit 2-3 in that large meal of the day.
    Try and see what works best for you long term, but by all means there isn't NORM.
  • featherbrained
    featherbrained Posts: 155 Member
    @candleofhope, you will find as many opinions on this as their are people to have them! :) And for the most part (psuedo-medicine aside) they're all right.

    I was a firm believer in breakfast for a long time. My husband has never eaten breakfast. 12 years we've been married, and I can only squeeze some eggs into him once in awhile! ;) He's a pretty healthy weight. I'm not.

    One valuable lesson of IF is learning to listen to your appetite. Learning the difference between habitual eating and true hunger. Very few people actually experience true hunger. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I'm famished (and never after an IF day, oddly enough, usually after a really big dinner with lots of carbs) and on those mornings, I'll scramble up a 3-egg omelet with ham and onions and mushrooms. Other mornings I wake up and can get in a workout and keep going strong, and need only something light like fruit or cottage cheese mid morning. Guess what? I have success with both.

    So I guess my personal advice is, eat when you want to eat. Enjoy the power that not being restricted to 3 sqares a day affords you. Eat 6 times a day. Eat one time a day. Just log it and enjoy your success. :)

    Best of luck!
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    If you all try to remember that Breakfast is simply the first meal of the day, be it as soon as you get up or hours later. So put simply we all have a Breakfast just at different times of the day.
    Maybe this will help you realise that you're not skipping breakfast, you're just delaying it.
  • asifabdul
    Its all a myth, kick start metabolism, keep the fire burning, not entering starvation mode.

    I do IF and its working wonders for weight loss, eating breakfast only makes me more hungrier.

    I was also skeptical at the start and didn't believe it, we've all been told eat breakfast, the most important meal of the day.

    The method is simple, eat less calories then you expend, it's calories in v calories out. By missing breakfast you give your body a chance to keep burning your stored fat. Even if you eat a light breakfast, you have to burn that off first before you start burning your body fat.

    Just give it a try.

    Week 1 eat the same calories throughout, eat breakfast, lunch etc...

    Week 2 give yourself a 16 hour break from eating and then eat your meals in an 8 hour window.

    I won't say you are guaranteed to lose more weight, in life there are no guarantees (if you want that, go buy a kettle), but I'm 99% assured weight loss will be enhanced by this method.

    "meal timing and frequency is irrelevant" for most people, but why not utilize other methods to help lose weight.

    It's not one size fits all, do what works for you, but do give something a try before you criticize it. I tried eating like a rabbit 6 times a day, didn't work. But IF did.