Going it alone !


Have come back to using mfp after deciding to ditch the diet clubs and go it alone. Would be good to have some online support :) Its a long way to go for me but am determined this time that I can get there.

Have to admit it felt quite freeing to throw the book out the window and actually listen to my body instead - its amazing how un hungry I am now Im not trying to force my self to enjoy huge bowls of 'free ' pasta and 6 egg omelettes!!

Anyway, am hoping to get 7 lbs off before I go to NY in December so thats my first goal. Then I guess tackle Christmas when it gets here!!!

Hope to chat all you lovely people soon.



  • davemahon927
    davemahon927 Posts: 22 Member
    7lbs till you go to NY. Go Leah. Just think how amazing you will feel and look in NY for your trip.

    I would wish you loads of luck but you know you will and can do it!!!!

    As for 6 egg omelettes, sounds good to be giving them up. May i say, they sound a little boring.
  • eblakes93
    eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
    Welcome! The only person who can make the change for yourself is you - but of course it helps to be surrounded by helpful and supportive people. And people here are helpful and have amazing motivational stories.

    One helpful tip: If you have a question, try finding the answer to it using the 'search' tab. Chances are someone has asked the same question as you before, and it's been answered on the forums. Of course if you can't find anything go ahead and post. :)

    Feel free to friend request! Good luck on your journey!
  • leah3105
    Hi , thanks for the advice - I shall def do that :) how do I friend request? ? X
  • leah3105
    Yes - 6 egg omelettes are Very boring !!! And thanks for the encouragement :)