Not losing weight. So demotivated :(



  • kimgriffinapparently
    Also thanks for so many great replies! It is actually really nice to see I can come on here and get it all out!

    Love to you all x
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    If it's home cooking, I don't. Protein shakes are always 2 scoops and filled to 400ml.

    Herein most likely lies your problem. You are probably eating more than you think you are. I recommend purchasing a digital food scale that can weigh in grams and ounces...I paid less than $10 for mine. For the next few weeks, weigh and measure everything you eat. You should see the scale start to move.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Okay so, this year I managed to gain a stone and a half. I was really angry with myself and started to diet and exercise immediately. The first week, I lost a record breaking 10 lbs in a week.

    After this, I have lost no weight what so ever. I have doubled my exercise and I am making it more regular. I haven't lost a single pound. My partner who is has been on the same exercise regime and eats a heck lot more than me has lost 7 lbs.

    I have had the odd drink and treat but according to Fitness Pal, I'm not doing myself any harm and should be losing weight.

    I have never been this heavy before and I can't fit in to most of my clothes any more. I have no idea what to do?

    Looking at your diary, I am not surprised that you have no lost any weight and probably will find it hard to do so unless you change what you are eating - too much sodium, hardly any cooked food, where are the vegetables etc. I am not saying you have to give up everything, but there have to be balance and the few pages of your diary showed that balance is missing.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Read this:

    Get a food scale, measure and log everything.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    A food scale is a very valuable tool - worth every penny.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Break up with your scale. It's a hateful "B" anyway. I am being totally serious too. The tape measure is a much better gauge most of the time. Are you eating back at least some of your exercise calories? You may not be fueling your body enough.

  • kimgriffinapparently
    I did some bod measurements !

    39inch bust
    34 inch waist
    39 inch hips

    Shall need to start munching some veggies and more fruit rather than just home cooking.

    Gah! This is so hard! My bf keeps losing weight on the same crap!
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    All the info you guys provide is so helpful! I am new here so I have 2 questions. I have tried several times to post my own topics/thread and I can never see them in the thread/ticker. How do I post a topic? Also how do I open my diary so that others can see it?

    Go to your settings. Click "my home" and "settings" should be below that in the dark blue section. From there you can change your privacy settings on your diary and also privacy settings on topics/threads
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    I did some bod measurements !

    39inch bust
    34 inch waist
    39 inch hips

    Shall need to start munching some veggies and more fruit rather than just home cooking.

    Gah! This is so hard! My bf keeps losing weight on the same crap!

    That's because he has the pleasure of not dealing with hormonal shifts and has the benefit of a higher metabolism. Sucks, don't it :grumble:

    Edit to add: also if he has more to lose, he'll lose quicker. Not sure where he's at, but that might have something to do with it as well.
  • hdn1
    hdn1 Posts: 1
    Please don't be unmotivated. Body weight is very tightly regulated. Your body has a set-point that it fights hard to maintain. When you lose weight your basal metabolic rate drops and hunger hormones increase thus making it incredibly difficult to sustain continued weight loss. You weight loss will plateau, change something up to keep it entertaining. It will slowly start to alter your set point. It takes years, so think of it as a long term investment in yourself. The average person loses weight for 6-8 months, no more. Only 10% of people are naturally "successful losers". The rest of us have to work harder :)

    Eat whatever you want- in moderation. And do not go over your daily calories assigned. And I cannot stress another commentors point enough- record everything. 100 calories more a day add up to a 2 lb gain in one year. We eat 1 million calories per year, 3000 over can make you gain weight.

    Good luck!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    De motivated
    Anti motivated
    Un motivated

    that's me. but i continue and just treat my regime like breathing or tooth brushing. something that just happens. because...stubborn. also hopeful.
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    Be patient - how long have you been stuck for?

    If you keep to your exercise, keep loggin accurately , it will start to come off again. You always get some periods where it tails off for a while.

    As for your bf losing weight on the same diet - there are lots of reasons that could happen. It depends on his start size, and how much he was eating before. No matter how much you eat, you can lose weight if its less that you were eating before!

    In short - stick with it!
  • juanita0991963
    juanita0991963 Posts: 9 Member
    I have lost 12lbs in 60 days. The scale has not moved in 3 weeks! Do i need to change my calorie intake? Drinking lots of water gave up all soda (: i would like to lose another 5lbs. What do i need to do? New scale (: ?
  • DeeJayShank
    DeeJayShank Posts: 92 Member
    The scale is a liar; don't believe a thing it tells you!

    Here's an easy trick I use to measure progress, and it doesn't involve a scale.

    I started my journey wearing size 38in pants that fit rather too snugly. As I lost weight, my size 38 pants started to fit better. I realized this was a great way to gauge progress.

    Go out and buy a really tight pair of pants (or for ladies, a very tight dress) that is too small for you to wear in public. Try it on every few days, and see if it gets any looser each time you try it on.

    I have done this for five months, from 38 inches, to 36in, to 34in, and now, my size 32in pants are feeling a bit loose! This is a great little confidence boost because you can actually FEEL yourself losing inches.

    And never forget: for both men and women trying to get into shape, we should always strive to change our body composition (increase muscle, decrease fat), and not just lose weight. Yes, you can lose weight with diet alone. But then you either become skinny-fat, which is almost as bad, or if you REALLY lose a lot, you start to look like Tom Hanks in Castaway.

    The only way to maintain muscle mass and lose fat is to train with resistance (lift weights); this is the only way!! It is the only way for your body to create a natural anabolic (muscle-building) state and to counteract the catabolic (muscle-burning) state induced by caloric deficit (i.e. dieting).

    So record everything you eat every day (good and bad), hit your macros (protein, fat, carbs, in that order), and lift some weights! You'll get there.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I looked at your food diary, you are doing a few things wrong.

    1) Your logging is very sporadic. I've noticed that's a common thing on here with people that aren't losing any weight. Measure, weigh and log everything, every day.

    2) You eat a lot of processed foods. This isn't a problem, I'm all for IIFYM, but processed food is high in sodium which will make you retain water and hide any weight loss. Try more home-cooking.

    3) You don't eat back your exercise calories. Why? If you are using the MFP calculator then only eat back half as it can overestimate, and I would recommend buying a heart rate monitor for more accurate calorie burns. I know it sounds odd to eat more to lose weight, but many, many people on here have plateaued and then started losing again after eating back their exercise calories. You need to fuel your body; its only aim is to survive, so it's not going to burn fat if you are under-feeding it.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Okay so, this year I managed to gain a stone and a half. I was really angry with myself and started to diet and exercise immediately. The first week, I lost a record breaking 10 lbs in a week.

    After this, I have lost no weight what so ever. I have doubled my exercise and I am making it more regular. I haven't lost a single pound. My partner who is has been on the same exercise regime and eats a heck lot more than me has lost 7 lbs.

    I have had the odd drink and treat but according to Fitness Pal, I'm not doing myself any harm and should be losing weight.

    I have never been this heavy before and I can't fit in to most of my clothes any more. I have no idea what to do?

    the scale is a lying biotch. I have only lost 3lbs in 7 months...

    2/13, 4/13, 9/13 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr
  • kimgriffinapparently
    Thanks guys, I am really appreciating the advice. My logging has been sporadic mainly on account of me being demotivated and giving in to temptation (wine!). I am going to start home cooking again and will certainly take a food scale in to the house as I do so.

    Thank you so much. You are all so damn wise at this!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I would also suggest you get your TDEE and Macros right.

    Looks like in your diary you are set to 1200 calories....
    That is most likely off by about 200 - 300 calories.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I'm 26, 5ft 5 and generally my weight is about 10 st 5. 10 st on a good patch, 10 st 8 on a bad one. I boomed to 11st 10 this summer and have been at this for about a month. Lost 10 lbs in a week but none of the extra exercise is losing a jot more.

    So that makes you ~145 lbs?
    If so, with about 3 days worth of exercise, you should be around 1800 - 1900 calories.
    You should be doing ~125 - 145 gr of protein / day
    and about 50 - 60 gr of fat / day.
    Your carbs can be adjusted to make up the rest of your calories......

    I have not looked at all days of your diary, but if what others have said is correct....then I do encourage you to do more whole foods at home, and increase veggies and fruit.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Okay so, this year I managed to gain a stone and a half. I was really angry with myself and started to diet and exercise immediately. The first week, I lost a record breaking 10 lbs in a week.

    After this, I have lost no weight what so ever. I have doubled my exercise and I am making it more regular. I haven't lost a single pound. My partner who is has been on the same exercise regime and eats a heck lot more than me has lost 7 lbs.

    I have had the odd drink and treat but according to Fitness Pal, I'm not doing myself any harm and should be losing weight.

    I have never been this heavy before and I can't fit in to most of my clothes any more. I have no idea what to do?

    A couple of things could be happening. You could be way off on your logging, and eating way more than you think or you aren't eating enough food for the amount you are working out. It's weird, but unless you are extremely over weight, your body doesn't react well to having too few calories. Eventually your body would adjust and it will start coming off again, but may not be a healthy way. If you are around the same size as your partner, and the same sex, I would start to model what they are doing.