Recipes for food sensitivity?

meepier Posts: 1 Member
Hi there!

I'm having issues finding recipes that work for me. I believe that I've recently become lactose intolerant as well as mildly gluten intolerant. In addition to this I've been a vegetarian for approximately 4 years now and I have no wish to start eating meat again. I'm looking for vegetarian recipes with no dairy or bread products with limited soy products as well (too much soy is also bad for you as it naturally contains estrogen). I do still eat eggs and fish however as I need to get my protein from somewhere!

If anyone can link me to some healthy recipes that meet my needs that would be greatly helpful!


  • CaveDeb
    Hi, I began searching the forums hoping to find others with food sensitivities. Although my sensitivities are different from yours (soy, annatto, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, and much more) I spent about six years eating a strictly vegetarian diet. When I was pregnant with my oldest and eating vegetarian, I discovered that sunflower seeds have a great amino acid profile. Also there are plenty of legumes to choose from besides soy, and you may already be aware of this, but mushrooms are also a great source of protein.
    Btw, I still lean towards a vegetarian diet, but in the interest of keeping the peace with my devout carnivore husband of 17 years, we cook something with meat about three or four times a month in our house. He has also embraced many of our vegetarian meals, and for the last few years, he loves salads. I have found that adding some black beans to a meal that traditionally contains meat makes it quite satisfying, even for those that love meat.