Back at it...100lbs heavier than when i quit 2 years ago...

So 2 years ago i got motivated and lost about 65 lbs using MFP and working out 5 days a week...then went on vacation and never returned to this site or the gym afterwords...

2 years, a kid, and 100 lbs later I'm back and fatter than ever.

I just got a new job working for Yahoo! and found out they cover gym expenses, so i rejoined the gym and started paying attention to what i've been eating.

I'm purposely trying not to do too much too fast, as to not get myself burnt out, and I've already hit a roadblock-I went to the gym for one day and then 2 days later I wound up with the flu and was on the couch for 5 days sick as a dog.

I'm finally feeling better and will return to the gym when the residual mucus leaves my sinuses and lungs.

I need to do this for my son, he's approaching one and a 1/2 years old and I'm pushing the 350 lbs. mark.

Time to stop being lazy, time to take time for my health, and time to finally drop this fat and get in shape.

Friend requests and motivators are welcome!!

Thanks for reading



  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member

    that was my motto !!! you got this buddy
  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome back!

    Make sure that the changes you make in your life are ultimately sustainable. When you change something in your diet, know that you could potentially be changing it forever.

    I've tried and failed many times at this whole dieting and achieving health thing. This time, I'm taking things in small doses. Changing my diet came first (along with the discovery that I was intolerant to many of the foods I was eating). Then, taking my dog for longer and longer walks. Three minutes here, ten minutes there; building up to the point where I can know walk a 5k without sweating it. The final piece of my puzzle, the one I'm still trying to figure out, is the strength training. Lifting heavy things. I have a ton more to lose, so I'm not sweating the timeline on this, but it's there for me to figure out when I hit my next stall.

    You can do this! Feel free to add me if you're looking for supportive friends :)
  • jazi719
    jazi719 Posts: 150 Member
    Good for you for starting over, that's the hardest part, especially after gaining it all back and then some. When I gained the 30 lbs back that I lost, I felt like such a big fat failure, so here I am again too.

    And like Brit_ks_89 said.... no matter what, do not quit!
  • ugottafriend
    ugottafriend Posts: 97 Member
    Welcome back! Rooting for you!!!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Thanks for the support everyone! Im glad to be back and motivated...I just need to kick this cold so i can get back to working out!
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    Sent a request your way sir.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Sent a request your way sir.

    request approved!

    Thank you everyone for your support. I forgot how truly great this site is. I hope that I can stick with it and get back on this horse and achieve the greatness I once did 2 years ago. I ROCKED my weightloss when i first started this journey back in 2011.

    now if I can lose 50 lbs and get back down to 300 I'll be ecstatic, then from there it'll be another 50 to get back to where i was when i quit.

    I truly hope i never quit again, i just need to remember how awful it feels to have to stare down all the weight that was previously lost and then the 30-40lbs on top of that...
  • HRgoldenlife
    HRgoldenlife Posts: 53 Member
    way to go deciding to start back up again. You can do will do this!
    I started and restarted and restarted again. Now with 2 kids it is tougher, but I know I can do this! Starting back today.
  • losing4799
    your before/after picture will be amazing. now you have the chance to show off to mfp members and be a good role model to ur son at the same time by showing all the important values like persistence and effort. <3 good luck with ur healthier lifestyle.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    Welcome back. You can do it. :drinker:
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    Many on here will tell you "You can do it!" but, in the end, you're the only one who will make this work.

    If you haven't already done so, you need to consider what caused you to regain the weight before.

    Were the eating habits you adopted too difficult to maintain?
    Did you discontinue an exercise program?
    Perhaps the results didn't seem worth the diet deprivation?

    The only way to succeed at this is to identify the risk factors, and your previous experience is your best indication as to what to address.

    Best of luck to you.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Many on here will tell you "You can do it!" but, in the end, you're the only one who will make this work.

    If you haven't already done so, you need to consider what caused you to regain the weight before.

    Were the eating habits you adopted too difficult to maintain?
    Did you discontinue an exercise program?
    Perhaps the results didn't seem worth the diet deprivation?

    The only way to succeed at this is to identify the risk factors, and your previous experience is your best indication as to what to address.

    Best of luck to you.
    The eating habits weren't horrible, but I LOVE food that is bad for you. Pizza, chicken wings, greasy foods, burgers fries, etc etc etc. I love it.

    I stopped working out which is what caused my weight gain...I went on vacation for a week and when i returned i never got back into going to the gym, and i just quit.

    The strange thing is, the result were worth the effort, i think i just got comfortable at the size that i had got to and was like "I look and feel 1000 x's better, its time for a break to enjoy the summer" then i enjoyed all the food and beer that came with it, then once i fell out of the routine of going to the gym and working out-i couldn't get back to it.

    That is another one of my downfalls is beer. I LOVE BEER. I enjoy craft beer and I brew my own beer as well....and its not really something I am willing to give up, but I will cut back and will work it into my goals.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member

    that was my motto !!! you got this buddy

    exactly. you cant fail if you dont quit.

    keep at it. youve done it before, you can and will do it again.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397

    that was my motto !!! you got this buddy

    exactly. you cant fail if you dont quit.

    keep at it. youve done it before, you can and will do it again.

  • cleblanc
    cleblanc Posts: 4 Member
    Many on here will tell you "You can do it!" but, in the end, you're the only one who will make this work.

    If you haven't already done so, you need to consider what caused you to regain the weight before.

    Were the eating habits you adopted too difficult to maintain?
    Did you discontinue an exercise program?
    Perhaps the results didn't seem worth the diet deprivation?

    The only way to succeed at this is to identify the risk factors, and your previous experience is your best indication as to what to address.

    Best of luck to you.
    The eating habits weren't horrible, but I LOVE food that is bad for you. Pizza, chicken wings, greasy foods, burgers fries, etc etc etc. I love it.

    I stopped working out which is what caused my weight gain...I went on vacation for a week and when i returned i never got back into going to the gym, and i just quit.

    The strange thing is, the result were worth the effort, i think i just got comfortable at the size that i had got to and was like "I look and feel 1000 x's better, its time for a break to enjoy the summer" then i enjoyed all the food and beer that came with it, then once i fell out of the routine of going to the gym and working out-i couldn't get back to it.

    That is another one of my downfalls is beer. I LOVE BEER. I enjoy craft beer and I brew my own beer as well....and its not really something I am willing to give up, but I will cut back and will work it into my goals.

    From one fellow craft beer lover to another, I understand completely. Reading this was basically telling you my story; we have a lot in common. I also started out very strong in the spring of this year and went on vacation and fell off the wagon. I I dropped 20lbs in short order and became comfortable. I'm ready to turn my life around and be in the best shape of my life. WE GOT THIS!!! It really does help to have motivation from others, so feel free to add me guys/gals!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397

    From one fellow craft beer lover to another, I understand completely. Reading this was basically telling you my story; we have a lot in common. I also started out very strong in the spring of this year and went on vacation and fell off the wagon. I I dropped 20lbs in short order and became comfortable. I'm ready to turn my life around and be in the best shape of my life. WE GOT THIS!!! It really does help to have motivation from others, so feel free to add me guys/gals!
    Request sent!!
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    I'm on the slow-and-steady-wins-the-race plan. I lost 40 then gained back 20 when life I have lost half of what I have gained back. I am doing it by adding one habit at a time and the good news is that when I "fell" I didn't gain it all back and then some, because I had habits that never did go away. It was my more recent habits that went out the window. (Thank goodness, or I am sure I would have gained another hundred!)

    Glad you are back. Glad you are working it. Glad you are not trying to go whole hog so that you give up. Sorry to hear about the flu. Being healthier will help you recover more quickly. You have GOT this!

    Feel free to add me. I'm on daily. (be forewarned, I ask about water intake regularly!)
  • jamiecarol84
    Adding you! I have quit and started again many times! Now I have the motivation of being in a wedding next year that will hopefully keep me motivated! You can do this!
  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    Hi Phil, I can relate! I once lost 20kg and reached my goal weight. for some or other reason I thought I could now go back to my "old" lifestyle and nothing will happen. well HELLOOOOOOO!!!!! needless to say, the weight came all back plus much much much more!

    Good luck on your journey.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    You can totally do this, I'm doing this for myself, my husband, and my kids as well don't give up!! I started a good while back, but it took a while for me to actually start doing anything other than just tracking my food, and then I got pregnant with our fourth child (our precious surprise) and almost quit because I figured why even try if my body is going to be changing that much but I haven't given up and I'm almost at the end of it and can't wait to start losing weight again instead of maintaining.

    But don't ever give up, your son needs you and just think of how much more you will be able to do for and with him with the weight off, even if it takes a while it will be worth it in the end. Another thing I do to keep my motivation going is when I do get tired of working out (especially at times when I'm not seeing much change for a couple weeks) I will do a workout at home and get the kids involved, or just run around having races with them with your child at the age he is at, he can still do some fun workouts with you!