Before or After?



  • Routerninja
    When I am working at the office and pack my lunch, I will sit down in the morning and pre-log everything I brought in and even if I have dinner in mind I will log that as well, It's easier in my mind to go back and change things as needed. Only thing I don't pre-log is exercise,
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    I usually log most of my food at the start of the day or even the night before and adjust any changes as and when.
    Exercise is usally at the end of the day as I take the reading from my HRM after my evening workout.

  • K81988
    K81988 Posts: 7
    I try to log the day before so I know what I'm going to eat, if not I log as I go. The scanner on the iphone app is great for me
  • LisaUlrey
    LisaUlrey Posts: 136 Member
    I typically log as I go. If I go over a bit, I know I need to hit the gym and if I am under, I can have some sweets.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I only log it afterwards. I find that sometimes I plan on eating something at work and don't eat it and that would be a pain. That being said, when I leave in the morning, I do count out the calories I'm bringing to work. Most days I don't eat it all in one day but I make sure that even if I did it's still in a reasonable range.

    I do try to have everything logged by the time dinner is over. A lot of times I find I'm under 1500 calories, which isn't enough for me. So I might want to eat something a little more.
  • MsYasmeenJ
    It depends on if I've prepared my meals the day before. If not, then I log real time which is why I love having the app because I have no excuse as to why I couldn't log my info.

    Good luck!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I log as I go. Sometimes if I know what I'm having for dinner, I prelog it, knowing I'll have to actually weigh what I'm eating in the evening anyway, and adjust.

    Typically I don't want to prelog most meals and snacks in case I feel like eating something specific.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I tried logging before, but I never stuck with what I logged.. So I edited as things changed.

    While I was losing "log as you go" worked best for me.

    Being trying different strategies in maintenance... logging at the end of the day... so i learn better how to balance healthy food and treats on the fly.
  • cjevebk8
    cjevebk8 Posts: 9 Member
    I always log as I go. I honestly never even thought to pre-log. Maybe I will try that and see if results change. Thanks.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I TRY to log before hand. I find that it gives me an idea of what I am "allowed" to eat for each meal.

    If I log afterwards, I just find that I over eat and them as I am logging it in I'm like "DAMMIT I SUCK WHY DID I EAT ALL THAT"
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    My breakfast and lunch before since I pre-pack everything the night before and I know what I will be eating. Dinner afterwards since I'm not always sure what it will be.
  • fattymcbuttrpants
    fattymcbuttrpants Posts: 42 Member
    Depends on the meal! Breakfast, Snacks and Lunch Pre-log... depending on what I am having for dinner then I adjust accordingly~
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    During the week, I pre-log as much as possible (don't always know what we're eating for dinner), but then I don't "submit" the entry until the end of the night so that I can edit it if need be. On the weekends I log as I go because we just never have planned meals or even planned times for eating on the weekends.
  • Target126
    Target126 Posts: 33 Member
    I used to just log as I went but now I'm trying to plan and log at least 2 meals for the next day before going to bed, I'm finding I go over less often if I do this as I can see what I have left to work with.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I log after I eat. Can't plan my food ahead, it's all based on my mood and whatever I feel like that day.
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    I log in real time unless I'm going out in which case I try to prelog and then adjust when I get home if needed.

    This for me^^^
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I typically plan before and edit as things change. I find it makes it easier to stay within my calorie allotment.

  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    It depends; if I've brought my lunch/snack box to work, then I may pre-plan everything out (although I always bring myself "choices" for snacks); sometimes I do it in real t ime, esp if I'm at home on that day. It just depends!
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I log as I eat, but I am pretty much a creature of habit food wise so I know what I will be eating everyday.
  • ummyasminah
    ummyasminah Posts: 95 Member
    I log as I go, but I count everything before I put it in my mouth. I have a few go-to meals, so I still have a decent idea of what my eating options are for each day.