Getting Frustrated!

darcibean Posts: 86
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
So for 2 weeks now I have been eating 1200-1400 calories a day. When I exercise I try to eat a little more. I am having a problem with my sodium intake, but I'm working on it. The first week I lost 4 lbs, last week I lost 3 lbs, and the past 3 days the scale hasn't moved.
My clothes are fitting better, I was pulling up my shorts every 5 minutes yesterday while out grocery shopping...but I'm getting frustrated that the number on the scale is stuck.
Before dieting I was eating upwards of 3000-4000 calories a day, drinking soda, sweet tea, etc. Now I drink a ton of water (at least 1/2 gallon a day) and crystal light, and maybe a diet soda.

Is it too early for a plateau? What can I do to get that number moving again??


  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    That happened to me, too. Actually, I didn't even lose as much as you did right away...but the scale wasn't budging. Clothes were fitting better, but we all want to see the number go down too! I noticed that I had only taken 1 rest day in a 2 week (I think) time. Took a day of rest, increased my water intake & a little more came off. I still struggle, b/c the scale is moving VERY slow..... Hope this helps somewhat! :)

    I just peeked at your food diary, and it looks like you have a lot of sodium in your diet....Maybe try to reduce that & increase your water.
  • vcatmb44
    vcatmb44 Posts: 129 Member
    I was in the same position eating 1200 cals or less and didnt lose any weight for 2 weeks straight. Then i upped my calori intake a little bit and worked out longer for about a lil over an hour doing 45 min of vigorous cardio then after a week i lost 10 pounds. So i would suggest maybe just upping your excercize, it worked for me. Good luck you can do it. I doubt you have hit a plateu yet but im not an expert.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    You can shrink in size without loosing weight (and that's actually a good thing, it means muscle!) so don't fret yet :) When you stop seeing results altogether that's when you've hit a plateau.

  • I just peeked at your food diary, and it looks like you have a lot of sodium in your diet....Maybe try to reduce that & increase your water.

    Like I said, I know my sodium is high and I'm definitely working on it....but it's still a lot less than I've had in the past..and I never drank water before 2 weeks ago!! I drink at least a half a gallon of water a day, usually way more...

    Thanks for the input everyone!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    darcibean, I looked at your diet. You are really eating a lot of processed food, and sadly with this, comes the sodium / salt..........

    I stopped all processed foods and refined sugars for about 7 months, and now I have many 3 percent processed foods...........
    Mostly eat vegetables and fruits for a while, or at least make them a majority at your meals........its the salt/ sodium that is doing you in

    You have gone over your limits daily, about 1000 mgs a day.........also, remember, your blood pressure is going to begin to climb if you dont back off............Processed foods are really full of sugars and salt/sodum............Good luck Lloyd
  • pwillems10
    pwillems10 Posts: 2 Member
    Even on Biggest Loser they talk about the two week curse, so this is not a unique situation. It is certainly not to early to plateau, but if you keep sticking to the routine your body with readjust itself and you should start losing again pretty soon. It may not be as fast as that first weeks but, then again they only recommend losing 1-2 pounds a week to avoid putting your body into starvation mode. Then you are really screwing yourself.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    I have found that taking regular measurements helps motivate me a lot more than watching the scales. As im a fairly short and stocky kind of guy its often a lot more rewarding to think more about the positive changes in my body as a whole, rather than just what i weigh, the number on the scales is so fickle.

    As an example my significant other was upset after a "setback" of gaining 2lbs one week, when i can see she is getting into shape. So i weighed myself , show her the number, necked 2 pints of water then weighed again, + 2 pints = + 2 lbs. The scales can be quite misleading.
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member

    I just peeked at your food diary, and it looks like you have a lot of sodium in your diet....Maybe try to reduce that & increase your water.

    Like I said, I know my sodium is high and I'm definitely working on it....but it's still a lot less than I've had in the past..and I never drank water before 2 weeks ago!! I drink at least a half a gallon of water a day, usually way more...

    Thanks for the input everyone!
    Oops, sorry, I must have read your post too fast & missed it. Or I just had a blonde moment (hehe).... That's great that you're aware of it & also that you've started to drink more water. I was never a big water drinker before either. Just give it time then, and it'll come off. Good luck to you! :)
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    I personally don't think it's a plateau. It's only been three days. Doctors say you should lose 1-2 pounds a week to lose safely. The first two weeks you probably lost water weight. This week is where the real weight starts. Its usually not considered a plateau for a few months. You have just started your journey and you will learn what works for you. I have been on here more than 2 months and have just now got it down to eating the way it works for me. I am on 1200 calories. Salt is a big issue. If you are eating a lot of salt and drinking a lot of water you may still be retaining water. Try to cut back on your salt first and foremost. I think if you can get that under control you will find it help your weight loss kick into gear. Don't expect to lose 3 and 4 pounds every week. It usually doesn't work that way. Don't get frustrated. Just keep working on it. You will get there. Just remember Slow and steady wins the race. YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • Be patient luv. It won't happen over night but it will happen so long as you have it in you to not give up. You will see results one week and none the next but it doesn't mean your hard work is in vain. You are probably losing inches, and also remember if you are doing strength training and building muscle it weighs more than fat. But keep it up! Don't be discouraged or frustrated. Maybe don't spend so much time getting on your scale, how bout designating a specific day to weigh in, and putting it away on days you are going to discipline yourself not to get on it.
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I was getting frustrated too for a while but I have lowered my sodium intake and drank more water now it seems to be going better for me. Lowering my sodium has been very challenging for me. Good luck :-)
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    I have found that taking regular measurements helps motivate me a lot more than watching the scales. As im a fairly short and stocky kind of guy its often a lot more rewarding to think more about the positive changes in my body as a whole, rather than just what i weigh, the number on the scales is so fickle.

    As an example my significant other was upset after a "setback" of gaining 2lbs one week, when i can see she is getting into shape. So i weighed myself , show her the number, necked 2 pints of water then weighed again, + 2 pints = + 2 lbs. The scales can be quite misleading.

    Measureing and weighing is the way to go! Without measuring I would wallow in depression! Good advice to take!
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Your first 4lb loss was likely to be mostly water from your increase in water intake. It can take approx. 2 weeks for your body to adapt to a new diet, especially as drastic as yours changed. Cut out the processed foods and stop weighing yourself, You want to lose FAT not weight. If all you wanted to do was lose weight you could cut off a leg and have a significant weight reduction. I know that is a drastic analogy, but you need to focus on fat loss. Use a tape measure and measure yourself weekly instead of using the scale.
  • Also, something I learned in my biology class is that the carbonation in pop can dehydrate you a little. So even though you are drinking diet, which is way better than regular pop, you are still canceling out the water a little bit with each pop. I know it can be hard for pop drinkers to cut it out entirely, but it may help you a little bit. I am lucky and never become much of a pop drinker. I am a weird person and have always said water is my favorite drink. lol. I just drink water and sometimes skim milk. Maybe try iced tea with a bit of splenda or something to get that sweet fix, but without the calories OR carbonation. :)

    Don't get discouraged. I'm sure everyone gets to that point when the scale stops moving as often as they would like. This is when it counts the most for you to keep at it! I am new to MFP this week and have a 4.5 pound loss so far, but I watch Biggest Loser and usually when you have a good week or two, you will follow with a bad one, so I'm kind of afraid the same thing will happen to me next week. But that just means you are more likely to have a good weight loss next week!!
  • rymattsmom
    rymattsmom Posts: 369 Member
    your beeing too hard on yourself. sounds like you want overnight results and that does not happen. i have been at this for 11 months now, and going slow and steady. the stress your putting on yourself, plus the sodium plus weighing your self all the time is a recipe for disaster honestly.

    i will say ditto to waht nubreeze has said.............. relax girl and take your time in this journey, overnight losses end up in overnight gains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I would start doing measurements. :) Not this time obviously since I'm pregnant but I noticed in the past, when the scale stopped moving, usually the inches were still coming off, especially after a couple of weeks of consistently eating better and working out. Good luck Darci!
  • Darci,

    You have to stop weighing yourself so often! Trust me! : ) Also, try to eat your heavier meals earlier in the day, and finish the evening off with a light dinner and light snack.

    Good luck!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So for 2 weeks now I have been eating 1200-1400 calories a day. When I exercise I try to eat a little more. I am having a problem with my sodium intake, but I'm working on it. The first week I lost 4 lbs, last week I lost 3 lbs, and the past 3 days the scale hasn't moved.
    My clothes are fitting better, I was pulling up my shorts every 5 minutes yesterday while out grocery shopping...but I'm getting frustrated that the number on the scale is stuck.
    Before dieting I was eating upwards of 3000-4000 calories a day, drinking soda, sweet tea, etc. Now I drink a ton of water (at least 1/2 gallon a day) and crystal light, and maybe a diet soda.

    Is it too early for a plateau? What can I do to get that number moving again??

    Three days (or even a week or two) is not a plateau.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    LOL! I felt just like this...on the SAME week too! Just keep going with what your doing, and try to pick ONE day to weigh yourself. I check in on Fridays only. I happen to like Fridays too, cause I'm usually good during the week...and *less* good on this gives me 4 days to try and make up for being bad lol

    I also eat a lot of sodium, its going to be the only thing I think I won't ever get down to the right area. So I started drinking a bunch of water! And that helped a lot. I'm still trying to keep the sodium down, but until that happens, I'm hoping just drinking so much water will help me out.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    So for 2 weeks now I have been eating 1200-1400 calories a day. When I exercise I try to eat a little more. I am having a problem with my sodium intake, but I'm working on it. The first week I lost 4 lbs, last week I lost 3 lbs, and the past 3 days the scale hasn't moved.
    My clothes are fitting better, I was pulling up my shorts every 5 minutes yesterday while out grocery shopping...but I'm getting frustrated that the number on the scale is stuck.
    Before dieting I was eating upwards of 3000-4000 calories a day, drinking soda, sweet tea, etc. Now I drink a ton of water (at least 1/2 gallon a day) and crystal light, and maybe a diet soda.

    Is it too early for a plateau? What can I do to get that number moving again??

    Three days (or even a week or two) is not a plateau.

    How long before something is considered a plateau...I personally think at 2 weeks, I would feel like I was on some sort of a plateau. Ya..maybe 3 days not so much, but 2 weeks....totally different.
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