Not losing weight. So demotivated :(



  • mcgammi46
    mcgammi46 Posts: 5 Member
    maybe your not getting enough of the right calories and your body is in keep it mode.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    maybe your not getting enough of the right calories and your body is in keep it mode.

    There is no such thing as keep it mode

    Accurate measuring and logging will do you much more good than buying into myths.
  • paulygi
    paulygi Posts: 58
    I hit a plateau in August at 40lbs (lost 10 before mfp)lost. that took a month to get out of. Basically i was getting to comfortabe with my diet and i was grazing on little snacks and not recording it.

    About a month later is started doing things different. Here are suggestions that worked for me.

    Try chai tea or adding cinnimon to stuff like protein shakes. It can help curb cravings because it helps regulate your blood sugar level.

    Think about supplementing your vitamins because you are eating less food, you will need them. My thought is also that if your body has all its nutrients it is more likely to be less frugal in the way it uses them equalling less storage or fat.

    Log EVERYTHING in mfp. Tsp of sugar. Tsp of butter. Not entering something will just hinder your ability to see what you did right when a week goes good. Or better than expected.

    I acctually cut back my walking and I've been steeding loosing. Except for canadian Thanksgiving, I had a cheat day and a half. Was up 3 lb but lost it quick.

    Also joined a group at working doing a big loser challenge. So I have money riding on my weight loss too. I'm natually very competitive so this worked to my advantage.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Think about supplementing your vitamins because you are eating less food, you will need them. My thought is also that if your body has all its nutrients it is more likely to be less frugal in the way it uses them equalling less storage or fat.

    Any evidence to support your thought. If not, then we should probably disregard it.
  • paulygi
    paulygi Posts: 58
    Think about supplementing your vitamins because you are eating less food, you will need them. My thought is also that if your body has all its nutrients it is more likely to be less frugal in the way it uses them equalling less storage or fat.

    Any evidence to support your thought. If not, then we should probably disregard it.

    I'm the proof. Proof is that if you are shorting your bmr then you cannot be getting enough of everything your body needs. I won't hurt to supply your body everything except some extra calories.

    As for the cinnimon. Google that *kitten*.

    And also I was just stating what worked for me in response to the original post. You can't disregard me loosing 15 Lbs in 3 weeks and probably close to 60 lbs in 4 monthes.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Think about supplementing your vitamins because you are eating less food, you will need them. My thought is also that if your body has all its nutrients it is more likely to be less frugal in the way it uses them equalling less storage or fat.

    Any evidence to support your thought. If not, then we should probably disregard it.

    I'm the proof. Proof is that if you are shorting your bmr then you cannot be getting enough of everything your body needs. I won't hurt to supply your body everything except some extra calories.

    As for the cinnimon. Google that *kitten*.

    And also I was just stating what worked for me in response to the original post. You can't disregard me loosing 15 Lbs in 3 weeks and probably close to 60 lbs in 4 monthes.

    I recently lost about 20 pounds while reading science fiction novels. OP, if you read SF you can lose weight just like me. I don't have to prove it, I'm the proof.

    (Or you could eat fewer calories than you burn, you decide.)
  • paulygi
    paulygi Posts: 58
    (Or you could eat fewer calories than you burn, you decide.)

    I don't doubt you could burn calories reading, it keeps your mind busy and not thinking about eating. Sitting is the most efficient way to burn fat too.

    So leveling your blood sugar and reducing the urge to eat suddenly don't help the eating less calories part? It's something to try.

    Talk to a dietitian or doctor about vitamin supliments, I did, he said I was doing very well and to keep doing what I was doing while he cut my BP drug prescription in half. Maybe your a bit skeptical yourself. Try it for a week. Or month.

    I will not post again in response to Internet trolls.
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    The scale is a liar; don't believe a thing it tells you!

    Here's an easy trick I use to measure progress, and it doesn't involve a scale.

    I started my journey wearing size 38in pants that fit rather too snugly. As I lost weight, my size 38 pants started to fit better. I realized this was a great way to gauge progress.

    Go out and buy a really tight pair of pants (or for ladies, a very tight dress) that is too small for you to wear in public. Try it on every few days, and see if it gets any looser each time you try it on.

    I have done this for five months, from 38 inches, to 36in, to 34in, and now, my size 32in pants are feeling a bit loose! This is a great little confidence boost because you can actually FEEL yourself losing inches.

    And never forget: for both men and women trying to get into shape, we should always strive to change our body composition (increase muscle, decrease fat), and not just lose weight. Yes, you can lose weight with diet alone. But then you either become skinny-fat, which is almost as bad, or if you REALLY lose a lot, you start to look like Tom Hanks in Castaway.

    The only way to maintain muscle mass and lose fat is to train with resistance (lift weights); this is the only way!! It is the only way for your body to create a natural anabolic (muscle-building) state and to counteract the catabolic (muscle-burning) state induced by caloric deficit (i.e. dieting).

    So record everything you eat every day (good and bad), hit your macros (protein, fat, carbs, in that order), and lift some weights! You'll get there.

  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Sitting is the most efficient way to burn fat too.

    Wow, that I was not expecting. Any evidence for that. Let me guess, you're the proof?
    So leveling your blood sugar and reducing the urge to eat suddenly don't help the eating less calories part? It's something to try.

    Do vitamins level blood sugar and reduce appetite? Any evidence for those claims? Anyone, since paulygi is no longer participating?

    edited to add: I found some
  • paulygi
    paulygi Posts: 58

    Plenty of information out there. You'll see that for far burning efficiency not effectiveness walking and sitting trump higher cardio work.

    Hope you find your path.
  • kimgriffinapparently
    Thanks everyone. Just so many great responses! Really, really appreciate them.
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    It's a long process. You gotta stay committed and motivated. Ignore the scale!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    OP, since you appear to still be reading:
    1) The sporadic logging is the biggest problem. I would guess that you're alternating days of starvation with days of 'to hell with it I'm never going to lose weight I WANT WINE' and averaging out to right about your maintenance (which is why you're not losing). So try to log accurately and consistently, ever day. Even if you're over, still log -- then you'll have an explanation as to why you're not losing.

    2) Start measuring your food if you don't -- this will help in part 1). It's especially important to measure meat, cheese, nuts.

    3) Don't try to undereat by so much. I know that MFP gives you that terribly encouraging "In five weeks, you could weigh x!" note. But the thing is, it's not sustainable to eat that way. You'll lose energy, you'll lose muscle, and you'll lose willpower to keep going.

    Get 1, 2, and 3 together. Then work on a healthier diet. For a lot of people, the change to eating less AND the change to eating healthier foods is too big of a change at once. If you can restrict the calories on a weekly average (so no untracked days where you undid your work for the week) I really think you're going to see some results. Try it for one month -- track every day until Nov 21. Make a note of where your maintenance is, too, so if you have a party night you know where you can eat up to -- for example, my maintenance is 2040 right now, so if I have a party night I can eat up to 2040 without undoing any work. Don't flip out when the scale doesn't move tomorrow -- as a matter of fact, hide away the scale for a month and focus on conscientious logging, and then surprise yourself.

    A month of conscientious logging with a moderate deficit will do a lot more than a week of very low calories and another week of 'bollocks to it I'm HUNGRY'