PALEO: pros, cons and whatever else you may think?



  • Hahaha! Lack of cake sounds like a problem for you. Lol!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member

    It can work well and quickly for weight loss
    No need for the hassle of calorie counting
    Can help regularise cravings
    Can help with digestive discomfort


    Restrictive food choice
    Lack of cake
    Can be expensive
    Can be hard to implement into day to day life
    Did I mention lack of cake?

    Does not compute.

    Good lord. Another one.

    You need a calorie deficit but you don't need to actually count calories on a conscious level to achieve that.

    Unconscious competence as an end goal? Anyone? No?

    I'm taking my ball and going home.

    IMO, if you take some who has been obese for their entire life, and told them to go onto a Paleo diet, calorie counting will still be needed on average. For those that are calorie conscious from previously counting and are educated, I would think that they would have at least a decent idea how many calories they're consuming. Those that have done it for a while, probably won't need it. But saying that simply going on Paleo will eliminate any need of calorie counting as a blanket statement makes very little sense.

    You learn through time and effort how much calories you're consuming within a margin. Not because you all of a sudden cut grains and diary.

    No. I'm sure some obese people who have never counted calories and adopt a paleo diet (probably for the wrong reasons) would overeat, but I venture to guess that some of them would do just fine. Especially the ones who are adopting it due health issues, where weight loss becomes a bonus (or if you believe IIFYM is the ONLY way, you believe that they are healthier due their weight loss, not weight loss due to becoming healthier). It's a heck of a lot easier to go over your calories eating oreos and drinking mountain dew than it is eating meats, veggies and healthy fats.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Point taken but I think half the attraction of things like Paleo / Atkins / Generic Diet is the fact that they usually (although admittedly not always) allow a person to achieve a calorie deficit in a way that is easier for the individual than counting calories or weighing their food etc (although they may not be marketed that way primarily.)

    Except it doesn't work. If you think MFP is bad, you should check out the various Paleo/Primal forums - they are full of people wondering why they aren't losing weight after dropping a stick of butter in their morning coffee and wolfing down a pound of "grass fed" bacon.
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    I get what what it means to stay in your macros. What I am saying is that FOR ME, it's easier to stay there if I eat a Paleo-ish diet. And, when you are in a lower calorie area, it's easier to keep in your macro (calorie range) by cutting out the refined and highly processed stuff.

    If I eat what I'd venture to guess is a reasonably normal diet of typical foods, it's harder to stay full and within macros. Again - this is my experience.

    I actually did the calculator for the IIFYM website and it puts me at 1450, which is a bit higher than I aim for. Maybe on a higher calorie range it would be a little easier.

    In any event, I am trying this for autoimmune stuff and not just to lose weight. I am sure I lose weight eating 1200 calories of crap.
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    "Except it doesn't work. If you think MFP is bad, you should check out the various Paleo/Primal forums - they are full of people wondering why they aren't losing weight after dropping a stick of butter in their morning coffee and wolfing down a pound of "grass fed" bacon."

    I can't get on board with some of that. I will never drink 400 calorie coffee, even though I was tempted to try it. I don't workout enough for that. But, there are some good points to the diet in avoiding factory farmed meats, increasing vegetables, staying away from refined & processed foods. None of that is bad and if someone gets it from a book, who cares?
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Exactly. You can employ IIFYM in the context of any diet. You can do IIFYM while following the Mediterranean Diet. You can do IIFYM while eating paleo. You can do IIFYM while eating a raw food diet. You can do IIFYM while cutting, maintaining, or bulking.

    Dr. Seuss anyone?:laugh:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    "Except it doesn't work. If you think MFP is bad, you should check out the various Paleo/Primal forums - they are full of people wondering why they aren't losing weight after dropping a stick of butter in their morning coffee and wolfing down a pound of "grass fed" bacon."

    I will do butter in my coffee at times. 1tbsp though
  • tsaalyo
    tsaalyo Posts: 7 Member
    Point taken but I think half the attraction of things like Paleo / Atkins / Generic Diet is the fact that they usually (although admittedly not always) allow a person to achieve a calorie deficit in a way that is easier for the individual than counting calories or weighing their food etc (although they may not be marketed that way primarily.)

    Except it doesn't work. If you think MFP is bad, you should check out the various Paleo/Primal forums - they are full of people wondering why they aren't losing weight after dropping a stick of butter in their morning coffee and wolfing down a pound of "grass fed" bacon.
    I lol'd, but sadly, this is true. "Natural" does not mean "eat all you want."
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Provided that you are eating a deficit and hitting your macros, I dont see an issue. If it floats your boat.
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    I don't see how anyone can overeat on a Paleo diet. Part of the reason I like it is because there is pretty much nothing that I care to overeat.

    Of course, that could be part of the reason why I don't follow it 100%. Catch 22 and all that.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    You can't have fruit, cheese, or wine ... BOO! ... Or peanut butter (which I don't like, so I don't really care, but a lot of people like it, so I thought I'd point that out) ... I'd miss lentils, peas, and chickpeas ...

    It can get expensive, since your meat has to be grass fed ...
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Part of the reason I like it is because there is pretty much nothing that I care to overeat.

    That's the walking talking definition of "deprivation".
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    anything that labels carbs and dairy as "bad' is idiotic IMO...
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    anything that labels carbs and dairy as "bad' is idiotic IMO...

    Expanding on that, anything that labels dairy as bad but sweet potatoes as good is completely non-sensical.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I like the idea of Paleo, and I try for it, but it's sometimes difficult.
    Paleo ppl will say it's not a diet but a lifestyle. I agree, because the idea of it is to eat like our cave-people ancestors, without the processed crap that is in most people's meal plans.
    I find it hard to stick to Paleo because I love dairy and peanuts, and most people say they are not paleo.
    Also, my husband is a vegetarian who is super fussy, so there is a lot of bread and pasta around for him.

    I find it interesting that people living in 2013 claim to know what people at in 2000BC...and that you can replicate said diet in 2013...

    why is a "caveman" diet supposed to be superior...? I never really got that...

    Go live in a cave for a year with no electricity, running water, etc etc and you will have a "caveman" diet...Me thinks you will not like it so much...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Someone put in a link about paleo. I had to quote the last paragraph!:)

    "When asked what she would tell people who wished to pursue a true paleolithic diet, Dr. Hoyes laughed harshly before replying. ”You really want to be paleo? Then don’t buy anything from a store. Gather and kill what you need to eat. Wild grasses and tubers, acorns, gophers, crickets- They all provide a lot of nutrition. You’ll spend a lot of energy gathering the stuff, of course, and you’re going to be hungry, but that’ll help you maintain that lean physique you’re after. And hunting down the neighbor’s cats for dinner because you’ve already eaten your way through the local squirrel population will probably give you all the exercise you’ll ever need.”

    well that sounds like fun ...
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    anything that labels carbs and dairy as "bad' is idiotic IMO...

    pretend like you like me!!
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    To the OP

    Do it with your crossfit box. Itll be fun doing it with everyone else and having their support. The food is delicious. There's nothing unhealthy about the paleo way of eating. it's just hard to say no to the "fun" stuff.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    anything that labels carbs and dairy as "bad' is idiotic IMO...

    pretend like you like me!!

    oh, I like you do not have to pretend :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Any diet that has a name is silly.

    So, say there is a way of eating that masses of people follow for generations. It's healthy and sustainable. Then, someone comes along and gives this way of eating a name, say for example, the Mediterranean Diet. Now this time proven healthy diet is suddenly silly? I don't see the logic there.

    But there is no such thing as the "Mediterranean Diet" in real life. It only exists as a marketing concept in books and diet programs.

    Hell, there are at least three distinct "Italian Diets" alone, never mind all the other ethnic groups ringing the Med.

    Exactly. The "Mediterranean Diet" just doesn't exist as a natural thing anywhere. It's a fad diet.

    IIFYM is not a diet. It's a general nutrient intake strategy. Just like "counting calories" is not a diet with "good" and "bad" foods. IIFYM is literally "make sure you consume nutrients in the quantities supported by science."
    I recently looked at the recipes there. the next time someone mocks a cauliflower recipe....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: