Looking for people who need to lose 50 to 150 pounds



  • Count me in. I'm trying to lose 60-80 pounds. I don't have support from family and friends so that's why I joined myfitnesspal. I can't wait to start losing.
  • I want to join. I've lost 25# since the beginning of the year, but I still have 100 to go and need all the help and inspiration I can get.
  • count me in. I'm trying to lose 70 pounds. I have medical problem that I need to lose some weight, will be happy to do this.
  • If I may, I just talked myself into losing weight and getting healther, I need to lose about 120 lbs. I would like to join this group if I may.
  • This group sounds like it would be awesome, seems like there are so many committed and focused individuals. I'm in need of loosing another 65 pounds to reach my goal. so far I've lost 74lbs. and the remaining weightloss has slowed down some so I started to break it up into smaller goals 10lbs at a time. Definitley count me in on this group!!
  • PoisonDartFrog
    PoisonDartFrog Posts: 220 Member
    I started again just over a week ago, (11Oct13) and because I have to/want to loose about 80lbs, I have made 10 lb mini goals.
    My starting weight was 219.8, my current weight is 210,6, so I am close to my first mini-victory.

    I also have larger mini-goals:
    -Ultimate Goal 140 lbs

    I did really well the first week and am hoping the second goes as well!
  • I'm in. I would like to lose 60lbs. I don't know how to get this started for the group so I guess friend me and I will be added I hope. Good luck all
  • Gemini0
    Gemini0 Posts: 8 Member
    I want to lose 100 lb , God help me on that !
  • How do you get those weight loss bars?
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I'll do it. I need to lose another 60 or 70. Lost my first 10 and it feels good but still a long way to go. Having support and people cheering each other on sounds really great. Feel free to add me to the group or as a friend. I haven't been here very long and am still figuring things out.
  • kimpav
    kimpav Posts: 1
    I would like to join your group. I have 50 lbs to loose. Please let me know when you start the group.
  • I tried joining TOPS with my sister. She only has 20lbs to loose and I want to loose 85. Started October 1st and down 15lbs. The discipline of having to weigh in every week and say I've lost or gained works well for me. It's really cheap to join and $10 month. So much support from the ladies in the group and encouragement and ideas to help. You feel so good and being with people who understand you and all have to loose weight. Its a great support for anyone who feels they need it....you won't be disappointed. Most groups are small and so supportive! a pleasure to go and keeps you on track.
  • I have ~50lbs to lose and would love to be a part of this group. I just logged my first full day of food. Day 1, down! I say this is my first day because I keep starting anew. I'm fed up and hoping this time I can make it stick!
  • Wenchiness
    Wenchiness Posts: 126 Member
    I still have 120 -150 to go. Sign me up!
  • wendyn1998
    wendyn1998 Posts: 41 Member
    Need to lose 110 lbs. here and would really like to be a part of a group who understands the struggles. Cound me in.:happy:
  • Count me in. I would like to loose 50 more pounds. Let's do it 10 pounds at a time.
  • hi, i would like to join this group... i am going for 100 pounds lost, and going 10 pounds at a time sounds good to me... i like being involved and giving lots of support, so hopefully this group will happen... let me know
  • I need to lose 64 lbs and am up for joining your group. The more people who support eachother the better. Best of luck to you!:smile:
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    Count me in! I started with 65 to lose, I'm down 16 so only 49 to go! I'm giving myself a reward every time I get 10% closer to my goal. That works out to about 6.5 pounds between rewards, or once a month or so. My first goal (the one I'm 49 pounds away from) would put me at 150. I'll reach it right about the time I have to defend and complete my MA thesis, so if I can hit and maintain 150 until after I graduate next June, I'll be ecstatic. My ultimate goal is around 135, pending body composition. I'd like to hit it and be in maintenance by my birthday in 2014!