Looking for motivation friends to go from 284 lb to 140 lb!



  • Guys, I am doing Cambridge which is quite extreme. Lost 12lbs in my first week so all smiles. Weigh day is Wednesday. Feel free to add me. Happy to support anyone throughout their journey :)
  • bgheald2010
    bgheald2010 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not one to judge anyone else on how they do their weight loss, however, you don't need some food program to lose weight. Just make sure that you keep the trans fats low, trade in your vegetable oil for pure corn oil, and cook your food in olive oil. Our bodies are designed to eat natural food and unnatural aka processed food confuses our body and causes us to retain weight. Shop on the edges of your local market, as more processed foods are in the inner aisles and the fresh food is on the edges. (Think of the produce wall or the meat and fish wall) If you cook your meal at home, you'll find that you're eating much more healthy. Cook from scratch, ie, shun frozen or pre-packaged chips or other food items. One really tasty and healthy recipe is a six ounce chicken breast, pounded so that it is the same thickness all around with some salt, pepper, and some parsley rubbed into it. Preheat your skillet by pouring about a teaspoon of olive oil into the cool pan then turning on the fire up to medium heat. Test your pan by touching an edge of the chicken breast into the hot oil. If it sizzles, it's ready to start cooking! Gently drop your chicken into the pan and carefully some lemon juice. The lemon juice adds a little bit of tanginess to the chicken, as well as tenderizes it. Cook until the chicken is firm and the inside is white all the way through the middle. Remember, pink chicken is dangerous chicken. Once it's done, place it on a nice spinach salad and enjoy!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I'm at 5 years maintenance this January after starting at 275. Check out my before/after. I dunno but it helped me to see it can be done by a regular person! :)

  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    We're all in the same boat!!! I'm 5'3", starting this change back on 9/15 at 286.4 lbs. Today I'm down to 265.6 . Like @bgheald2010, I'm not following any diet, either...I eat CONSTANTLY throughout the day - 3 meals and 3 snacks. In order to spread out my calories to cover all of that, I've got to make smart choices and tradeoffs with myself. Can I have a donut? Sure! But it will probably mean having a smaller, less yummier dinner...worth the trade off? For me, no. So the donut never gets eaten.

    It's a learning process - honestly, the biggest help was buying a scale. I had no clue what amounted to a proper portion size! It's made a world of difference...that, and making sure that I eat veggies at every meal. I never used to do that before, either. And I usually eat them first to fill up a bit. I've had no problem to sticking to 4 oz red meat serving sizes...

    feel free to add me as a friend and poke around my food diary...you may find something yummy in there!


  • CassandraDowns
    CassandraDowns Posts: 12 Member
    Add me hun only really been on MFP a week started at 263 jumped 3 pounds first day and now im 259.58 this morning. my GW is 120. Together we can do this.
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    How do I "add" you all? Or is it that kahays will add me and then I'll automatically be part of the group?
    Thanks for the open invite.

    Click on the person's name, then click the green button that says SEND FRIEND REQUEST (or something similar).
  • HEY!!!

    What are you currently doing to achieve your goals? Are you using any specific products? Please let me know. I would love to follow your journey and help you with your motivation.
  • MonaRaeHill
    MonaRaeHill Posts: 145 Member
    Feel free to add me, too. I have been overweight my whole life, too. Not very many supportive peeps around, and family was not only brutal about it, but also insulting. Ghastly. Anyway, currently at 200 (30 of which I've just gained in the last 9 months), heading for 135-145. I may not get there, on account I was stuck on 165 for a number of years, and that was with a really low calorie diet and high exercise (hiking a 3500 footer 3x week and working in the yard doing heavy landscaping almost every day.) Sigh. Anyway, I am always one to aspire to inspire, before I expire, lol.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Congrats on starting your journey to a better you! I am living proof that anybody can achieve their goal if they are will to put the hard work and dedication into this change!
  • beckyzalldat
    beckyzalldat Posts: 236 Member
    << add me
  • sheripamela
    sheripamela Posts: 38 Member
    252. Now 145
  • tamelessheart
    tamelessheart Posts: 5 Member

    What are you currently doing to achieve your goals? Are you using any specific products? Please let me know. I would love to follow your journey and help you with your motivation.

    @stephanierale - I'm tracking all my food and have cold cut turkey quit any intake of sodas, sweets, bread, etc. I'm not cutting those out from my life I am just choosing to only have those during special occasions like birthdays and such. I've made a commitment to do something active for at least 40 minutes each day - be it going for a bike ride, a walk, or playing a workout game on the wii.
    Not taking any products though - might take vitamins soon!
  • sare_bear90
    sare_bear90 Posts: 31 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me!!! Currently 256 (started at 276 in July) and trying to get back to my 2009 weight of 150. I leave encouragement and have an open food/exercise diary :)
  • @amyltoney I agree on the sugar comment. I'm always over my recommended amount for sugar because I love fruit. I don't eat many "treats," but the natural sugars in fruits add up quickly.
  • anyone can add me as well! I started at 272 and currently weigh 221. my goal is 180 then I'm gonna go from there when I get there. I try to be supportive as possible and love support and motivation :)
  • I would love to find some friends on myfitnesspal also. I used this site about 2 years ago and I felt great. I was not losing much weight and kept hitting snags with my PCOS and got totally discouraged. I was on a good track, stopped smoking, lost 22 lbs but took me almost a year to loose the 22 lbs. I started doing Insanity and made it a whole 2 weeks no slacking and had lost nothing. Gave up at that point. Wish I hadn't because I felt SOOOO good physically! Gained it all back plus a few. Would love to have friends to help motivate me and its motivational to help others. CW 252 long term goal is 140ish but right now would like to get back down to below 180. I'm a big boned girl and honestly didn't really like how bony I was smaller than that. Would love to see it again to refresh my memory though! LOL. Even if I don't hit my weight loss goals each time, I need help remembering that I feel better.
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    We're all in the same boat!!! I'm 5'3", starting this change back on 9/15 at 286.4 lbs. Today I'm down to 265.6 . Like @bgheald2010, I'm not following any diet, either...I eat CONSTANTLY throughout the day - 3 meals and 3 snacks. In order to spread out my calories to cover all of that, I've got to make smart choices and tradeoffs with myself. Can I have a donut? Sure! But it will probably mean having a smaller, less yummier dinner...worth the trade off? For me, no. So the donut never gets eaten.

    It's a learning process - honestly, the biggest help was buying a scale. I had no clue what amounted to a proper portion size! It's made a world of difference...that, and making sure that I eat veggies at every meal. I never used to do that before, either. And I usually eat them first to fill up a bit. I've had no problem to sticking to 4 oz red meat serving sizes...

    feel free to add me as a friend and poke around my food diary...you may find something yummy in there!


    You look awesome!
  • marye2021
    marye2021 Posts: 225 Member
    Hey! I am pretty much in the same boat as a lot are posting. I started with MFP almost 2 weeks ago, in the last 2 months I have beenusing 2 sdifferent apps for calorie tracking not to much success. Glad I finally joined the band wagon!

    SW: 225


    Ps. To add people click on their pictures/usernames, it will take you to their page so you can "add" them :smile:
  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    I'm on the same boat as you. I had my baby and this baby weight has continued to stay!! Feel free to add me and talk with me. I enjoy motivation too :P
  • slimdown124
    slimdown124 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey y'all add me. I'm in the same boat. :happy: