Afraid of Falling off the wagon...

I am terified that I am falling into my old habits. I haven't had a good morning workout in over 2 weeks. My afternnon ones are ok, but not like my awesome workouts from this summer. AND my eating habits are slowly creeping back to my eating habits of last winter. I am just SO HUNGRY all the time. I know I need to make better food choices, but I am just not that into food all summer then all of a sudden Halloween times hit and it is usually down hill till March! I cannot let all my good work be thrown away like that!
Realistically, I need to only lose 15- 20 more pounds to be satisified. The only thing that is keeping me going is my desire to keep hearing "You look so good" " you are so skinny now" and my love of running. Sadly, I can't run outside when it gets cold (I guess I could, but I LOATHE the cold more then anything). My parents are giving me their tread mill, but I have no idea how to get it from Long Island to MD.


  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    Maybe you could join a gym to hemp with the workouts? Maybe join a class at a gym?
  • truecaligirl
    truecaligirl Posts: 132 Member
    I am on the same boat :0( . My elliptical has been broken for the past 3 weeks. I have a warranty on it but of course the repair tech is taking his sweet little time coming back out since the wrong part was ordered the first time he was there. I gained like 1 pound this past week. I really need help. I am so afraid of gaining the 35lbs that I have lost so far. So I know exactly how you feel.
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    I think most of us are afraid of falling back into our old routines........which is one reason i have become obsessive with talk about calories and exercising and saying things like "do you know how hard i would have to workout if i eat that?" i know people around me are sick of hearing it, but i can't help it!! lol
    I had a "i'm hungry all the time" period not too long ago, and it scared me too. luckily it only lasted 2 or 3 days, and then passed. i have worked way too hard (and i'm sure you have to) to go back to old ways.
    keep your head up and hopefully your feeling will pass. I too am worried about not being able to run this winter (i hate the cold too), but I workout at a high school gym and decided i will just run the halls if nothing else!!
    i hope you figure out something to get your treadmill to ya!
    good luck! : )
  • MarieS1967
    MarieS1967 Posts: 37 Member
    I could have written this post myself. I know exactly how you feel. I am down a total of 28 lbs / 14 with MFP. And yes, everyone says I look good, but......I have my own goal and YES it is very realistic.

    The old habits are hard to let go of....but they are exactly that HABITS and HABITS can be broken. So keep going on your positive path. It may not be worth the $$ to get the treadmill from LI to MD. So why don't you use the money to join a class - a committment. It worked for me!

    I signed up for zumba every Tuesday and Thursday, one class is through the Park and Rec department in my town and the other is at the YWCA. I paid so I must be there and I feel motivated working out with others. It has helped me build my confidence. A gym is good but you can easily make excuses, I will go later, tomorrow, after I do laundry.....etc, etc.....

    Good Luck and PS. I grew up on LI
  • JennBennett410
    Thanks you think it is a full moon or soemthing? I can't get over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am glad (but sorry) to hear that I am not alone. I really just ate 33 pretzel sticks (that were packed for my lunch) and a bag of sundried tomatos. At least I am making healthy choices right?
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member

    I think there is a an ebb and flow to living a healthier lifestyle. Some days are good and some days are not so good. I had to start this week over with the basics. I am literally taking it one meal at a time and trying to make a good decision. I really think that it hurts me to hear "You've lost sooo much weight, you look great" because then I feel like ok I can have a little of this and a little of that and it's not going to hurt. That has turned into 3 lbs gained in two weeks. You can do this!!! I know you can!!! If it's a hungry day just make good choices, eat enough protein and fat to satiate the hunger. Sometimes all it takes for me to get over that starved to death feeling is a little bit more fat in my diet for that day.

    BIG HUGS!!!!
  • careybee
    I think you should just focus on one day at a time. I am absolutely the person who will think way, way, way out to the future, and it pretty much always leaves me disappointed. If you have a good food day, feel really good about it. If you have a good work out, feel good about that. Small goals will leave you more satisfied. I hope that helps a little!
  • turbojanem
    add bulky foods to your diet...veggies and low sugar fruits. eat lean meats. limit the high calorie carbs, nuts, proteins and dips/sauces.
    make sure you have healthy snacks on hand at ALL times. pre-measure 20 baby carrots and 10-15 almonds to take with you when you leave the house. they will keep you going and away from the drive through at fast food.
    eat a 100-150 calorie snack between each meal to keep from having low blood sugar. low blood sugar levels will trigger a few things: your body will go into hibernation mode, keeping your metabolism from working properly. low blood sugars will also cause you to grab whatever is quick when you crash.
    measure all your food intake. do strength training (even light sculpting will do the trick to build muscle...which in turn fuels your metabolism 24/7. cardio is need and great, muscle keeps your metabolism burning fat. there are LOTS of ways to do this without going to the local gym and pumping iron.
    and KNOW your why. why do you want to reach your goal? what is your goal? what will life look like when you get to your goal? focus on a healthy lifestyle and you will be healthy and fit, not just in a certain size or at a number on the scales.
    cheering you on!
  • JennBennett410
    I did a ton of soul searching last night and today. I am going back to the beginning. There is no finish line. This is a life style change. I am trying to make myself a role model of health and fitness for my children. I am not this so that I can wear a size four or a bikini (Although that would be a nice perk).
    Today I wore jeans that last week were falling off me (literally) and today they fit better. I was beginning to panic and then I took a deep breathe and remembered, some days your body retains more. I haven't pigged out, I haven't gained weight...dont' flip out.
    This is life. I am not one of those people who can eat and eat and not worry about it. BUT as I get more and more into running and I allow myself to buy clothes in a size 6 or 8 I realize that this is an easier lifestyle to maintain than I had originally thought!