Help not losing jack!!!

Um so yah ive been doing an awesome job with logging my caloric intake and ive made some pretty drastic changes in my diet for these past 4 weeks and the scale only moved 3 lbs :frown: i know that i havent been excersizing as much as i should i average 3 times a week but i clean my house like crazy every other day :happy: im just not sure..i have all this baby weight, i gained so much this last pregnancy and im not giving up because i really love the way i eat now but id love to see the scale move.....


  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    You lost 3 pounds, congrats on that!!! :flowerforyou:

    Slow and steady wins the race!! You didn't gain the weight over night, your not going to lose it over night!!! :happy:

    ETA: You can add me if you want. :smile:
  • Iggy1992
    Iggy1992 Posts: 29 Member
    Keep going girl! Thats the only thing I can really suggest?

    What kind of workout are you doing at the gym? I have a great program of weight training that my old PT gave me and it really boosted my weight loss last time. I think its important to mix both cardio and weight training in while at the gym.

    3lbs is good - and just think its better than none at all!

    What are you eating? are you mixing your diet and exercise up? it helps to shock the body every now and then.

    Good luck!
  • samanthasimps0n
    samanthasimps0n Posts: 88 Member
    Congrats on losing 3 pounds! I know it doesn't seem like a lot but losing 1 pound per week is actually HEALTHY! So keep going! Don't give up!

    I can't see your food diary so I can't tell how 'clean' you are eating or how many calories you are eating. I think that I can help you get started on a faster track to reach your goals. I am a fitness coach and working one on one with people to clean up their diet, kick up their workouts a notch, and stay ACCOUNTABLE! Accountability and consistency is the most important ingredient in all of this. If you're interested in my support feel free to add me as a friend or message me :)

    Good luck!
  • Wow thats awesome!! :happy:
    Keep up the work! No matter how slow it is,
    it will all be worth it at the end! :heart:
  • i didnt realize my diary was private. I changed it now and up until a few days ago i ate very clean im still staying under but starting to eat junk....also had my thyroid tested and have some problem needs more tests in 2 weeks
  • thanks for the support..i love this site
  • Keep going girl! Thats the only thing I can really suggest?

    What kind of workout are you doing at the gym? I have a great program of weight training that my old PT gave me and it really boosted my weight loss last time. I think its important to mix both cardio and weight training in while at the gym.

    3lbs is good - and just think its better than none at all!

    What are you eating? are you mixing your diet and exercise up? it helps to shock the body every now and then.

    Good luck!

    I'm trying to get into weights but have no idea where to start
  • narmowen
    narmowen Posts: 18 Member
    You aren't eating enough to fuel your body properly, especially if you're logging everything. Up your intake to at least 1250, preferably TDEE - 20% (for the highest amount of healthy weight loss).
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    try as often as you can to not eat after your last meal,..always seems to wrk for me,keep up the good wrk!