Question about colds.

srhelm Posts: 23 Member
First let say.... I understand that this is not where you get DR. info. I'm just looking for general info. What you do for yourself, info.

Well it is that time of the year, the weather is changing and every other year I usually end up with a really nasty cold. The difference this year is I am working out and now two years smoke free. So I would hope I am stronger and have a better immunity now.
For about a week now I have had the swollen glands and now the headache and runny nose.
My first instinct (and what I have always told my kids) is to drink lots of water, up my vitamin C and D and a one a day.

I am wondering if anyone has anything in particular that works for them. I would love to ward it off before it gets bad.

Thanks for you suggestions.


  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    I'm a big fan of rest and chicken noodle soup.
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    I always increase my VitC, zinc and garlic intake.
    A great soothing drink to make is to boil in water garlic, and fresh ginger until soft. Strain and add lemon juice, and manuka honey to taste. Drink hot and sip slowly.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Gargle with hot salt water. Hot tea with honey.
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    I am a fan of Emergen-C. I like the pink lemonade flavor and I have it morning and night at the first sign of cold symptoms.

    I usually run out of sick days and so I bought additional vacation days through work for that purpose. I have not been sick since May.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I take elderberry syrup when I feel a cold coming on and it shortens the duration and severity.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I drink a lot of tea w/ honey when I have a cold!!! I also drink a lot of warm chicken broth.
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    Well, because I work in the medical field, and I am always around sick people (especially this time of year) I take Echinacea when I start feeling like I'm getting the start of a cold. It works for me, and... I like others here, drink some hot tea with honey in it at night.

    Of course, I'm by no means a doctor either, but it has worked for me over the years, and it isn't expensive.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I love Cold-Eeze. At the very first hint of a cold (that icky taste in my throat, the tingle in my nose) I suck on one. Sometimes that's enough and the cold never even manifests fully. If it does become an actual Cold, I continue taking Cold-Eeze a few times a day (with food). It makes the cold not as severe and not last as long. Or it could just be that my immune system is growing stronger and it has nothing to do with the lozenges, lol. But I like them.

    I teach preschool, and I have little kids coughing and sneezing in my face all day every day. I get one cold every 18 months these days, it used to be every 6 months.
  • H_Jack
    H_Jack Posts: 48 Member
    Don't forget the most important remedy: rest! Seriously, your body is fighting off those virus intruders and it gets worn out pretty quickly. Spend a little extra time in bed, sleeping, or at least remaining relaxed. I know it's not easy (trust me, I have a 2 year-old!), but it'll definitely help battle your aches and chills!
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I swear by a big bowl of pho with lots of basil, lime and chili paste. And extra siracha. I go get one of these at the first sign of a cold, and it generally knocks it right out. I have to try not to make it so hot to irritate the sore throat though.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I'm a big fan of rest and chicken noodle soup.

    With a soda on the side!

    Wash your hands often. Especially don't touch any mucus membranes without washing first.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    As much sleep as you can possibly get.

    Tea with honey.

    Chicken soup, sometimes adding in something to make it a little spicy if I have congestion.

    Basically it's all been said but I think it's worth repeating.

    Also, I tried echinacea once and it was HORRIBLE. I can't even describe it, just horrible.

    ETA: And Vernors if you're lucky enough to be able to find it locally. If not, well then I'm sad for you and you'll have to do gingerale.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,264 Member
    The number one thing you can do is REST. Take it as easy as is possible over the next few days. Only do what has to be done (like if you have kids).

    One thing that helps me is tea with honey. Soothes the throat and calms the nerves.
  • elainematto
    elainematto Posts: 28 Member
    Zinc. Take it at the very sign.