Looking for motivation friends to go from 284 lb to 140 lb!



  • starcrost79
    Hi all!

    Welcome to MFP! I'm on a journey with similar weight loss goals. Please feel free to add me, and like me on Facebook:


    Height: 5'6"
    Age: 34
    SW: 288.5
    CW: 216.0
    GW: 145
  • kirstenmaria
    kirstenmaria Posts: 112 Member
    Hi there :) Feel free to add me.

    Height: 5'5"
    Age: 25
    SW: 252
    CW: 249
    GW: 150
  • MegsHutch90
    MegsHutch90 Posts: 72 Member
    Anyone, feel free to add me :) I couple definitely use some more friends on here!

    Weight: 5'10"
    CW: 254
    Goal: 154 (at minimum)
  • Ericawilks2008
    I need friends and some extra motivation on here as well.
  • cristinarina
    cristinarina Posts: 7 Member
    Both my dad and my boyfriend are the "naturally slim" type and I really dont have anyone that understands my weight struggles except on mfp! I love having supportive people on here, and I love being able to cheer others on! Feel free to add me :)
  • tx_mom72
    Ditto about the boat.....started again in July at my original starting point 293.... AGAIN! Now 238 which I haven't seen in decades! First stop 180 then we'll see from there. 41 mother of 4. Anyone is free to send friend request. :flowerforyou:
  • inverseofmissy
    inverseofmissy Posts: 114 Member
    I am also looking for active and supportive friends here on mfp- please feel free to send me a friend request! I'm a 28 year old stay at home mom (3 boys- ages 2, 6, 8) and college student. I'm 5'9" and I started last year at 292 lbs, got down to 258, fell off the wagon and gained back up to 271 (current weight) so I'm back on mfp as of this week and looking for new friends to stay motivated. My goals are initially to get under 200 and then to get to about 150 lbs. My partner is doing this with me too- feel free to friend request her as well (kayeellis125).
  • mikig1
    mikig1 Posts: 13
    im in the same boat. recently had to go to the ER and the humbling experience of having to get an ambulance to get me down the stairs was a wake up call. im starting at 360lbs goal under 200 then see where i can go. would love some motivation other than the fear of dying too fat for a casket. my hubby is the type who can eat anything and lose weight and the boys ( 19 and 20 ) refuse to eat healthy because their dad wont. so if anyone wants to add me i could really use the boost.
  • kathydbd13
    Hi Everyone, I'm in the same boat as a lot of you. In those 200 numbers and needing to loose to around 140!, so I have a long way to go. I was diagnosed with MS about 6 years ago, but thankfully not having any issues with that. Sometimes the medications make weight loss a little challenging though, but I am trying to do it with monitoring my calories, and eating clean, healthy food, no processed food at all and organic. Would love some support as I try this massive journey once again!
  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    Just read your post and I wish you all the best. One thing Ive learned is that we can oversell ourselves in losing weight. Jump in from 0 exercise to an hour a day of something and suddenly dropping a gazzilion calories from our diet. If I could give any friendly advice to a long term relationship with successful results, it would be this. Commit your self to one or two things that you know you can do until that becomes a habit. Like walking x miles every day no matter what the weather may be. Then add something else to your day and make that a habit, then so on and so on. Don't be to obsessed with the scale, use it as a target area + or - a few pounds. You can lose a lot of fat and not change the scale but your clothing is getting a bit baggy

    This is so true !!!! I started at 282lb and am now 170lb. I couldnt go too much lower maybe another 5-10lb MAX or id look ill! i am 5'7 and when i started i didnt know how far i could go or where i wanted to end up as the end was just a mirrage on the horizon! Take it in baby steps guys or it just gets way to overwhelming and you give up! if you have a bad day or two dont wait to get back on track at the start of next week do it there and then. Make small changes,clean up your eating a few things at a time, start of small with exercise and build up in line with your fitness.
    Good luck to you all, if anyone would like support please include a message with your FR.
  • sheemzy242
    Hello everyone! First off let me say how happy I am to have found this website. I've decided to stick to it and hopefully make some friends on my journey to a healthier life, to a happier me. I am a 20 year old female college student and I have struggled with being overweight all my life topping the scales at 380 last year. Now my weight just fluctuates between 360-340.

    I always feel lazy and unhappy, I eat for comfort (probably the root of my problem), I hate shopping because I get embarrassed when I don't find my size but what bothers me the most is that I hate looking in the mirror or taking pictures because I am disgusted with my body, disgusted because I know the person staring back is not me not who I really am. On top of all that I am constantly afraid because of my bad family history, health wise. Diabetes and High blood pressure runs in the family so I worry every time I feel a squeeze in my chest or increased heart-rate. I don't want to live the rest of my life this way, I want to be able to look in the mirror, I want to be able to take pictures with my friends, for my friends.

    I hope you and everyone here reaches their goals and I wish everyone good luck on their journey. It feels really good to know I am not alone. Hit me up or add me if you want. :)