Can burning fat release toxins and make you sick/sluggish?

I'm just wondering if anyone's heard this before. For the last week, I've felt really tired and just sick (with out actually being sick, no cough, no stuffy noise, no fever etc)

Well, I guess my husband was talking about me at work (nice to know huh lol), and one of the girls he works with says that when you burning stored fat, sometimes it can release toxins stored in your fat cells from the food you were previously eating (if you were guzzling down soda & Wendy's Triples for the last 6 months...kind of thing), and can make you feel just as icky as if you actually ate those foods again, even if you didn't.

I've never heard that before, but I thought I'd ask, to see if anyone else has heard something like that.


  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I've heard that before too, but I honestly don't know if there is any merit to it or not.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    sometimes that feeling is do to lack of calories. I recommend bumping up your caloric intake a little bit and have a day where you consumer a good amount of clean carbs.
  • charny164
    charny164 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm doing Atkins (extreme low carb) and for the first week or two, you feel like crap. No energy, so very tired and completely unmotivated. It explains in the book that when you cut out carbs (sugar, refined flour, refined foods) that your body actually has to adjust to a different way of metabolizing and burning calories/carbs and fat.
    It could be that your body is adjusting to the lack of sugar and you are having some form of withdrawls.
    Do you drink a lot of water?
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Possibly, but never actually read that somewhere.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Our fat cells are very inactive and useless. All they do is store toxins. While you are losing fat it is always recommended to drink a lot of water because the water flushes the toxins from you body.
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    I'm doing Atkins (extreme low carb) and for the first week or two, you feel like crap. No energy, so very tired and completely unmotivated. It explains in the book that when you cut out carbs (sugar, refined flour, refined foods) that your body actually has to adjust to a different way of metabolizing and burning calories/carbs and fat.
    It could be that your body is adjusting to the lack of sugar and you are having some form of withdrawls.
    Do you drink a lot of water?

    I did atkins for two months and was SERIOUSLY sluggish and low energy. If your cutting out a bunch of carbs and fruits (as well as processed surgars like in soda) then yes, you will feel sluggish. For me on atkins I never stopped being sluggish. I lost 20 lbs the first month though lol. Now eating normal food with smaller portions I do not deal with the sluggishness and I work out 5-6 days a week.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Generally, when I feel that way (sick/sluggish, but without an illness), it's because I'm under-eating. Try eating a bit more and upping water intake and see if you don't feel better?
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I've also found that I feel sick/sluggish/blah when I haven't eaten's not always instantaneous, but after 3 or 4 days of eating below my cals and not eating any exercise cals I start feeling just off. Not sick, persay, but not normal. A good meal usually helps!
  • MizzFitness
    MizzFitness Posts: 76 Member
    YES they do store fat cells. When you are over-toxic you can gain fat cells just as well as over-eating. Over-eating causes excess of nutrient & waste that the body doesn't need/can't process and this is stored in the fat cells as well as day to day toxins. So, when you start to lose weight you start releasing toxins. Your body doesn't like this, it gets overloaded sometimes, too much for the glands to process, so when you start losing fat your body makes you HUNGRY! Ever notice that you are a billion times hungrier sometimes when you are eating plenty?? You are burning fat. :)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I've gotten ill from cleansing, but not just from exercise alone. But I would be an "exceptional" case of toxins... (or at least I was several years ago when this happened) Now my organs are clean!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    This is interesting to see what people say. I definitely haven't been cutting carbs lol. I've done atkins before, and actually felt ok on it (but that was like 3 years ago). This go around I'm just watching calories, and I eat A LOT of fruits. lol

    I did eat a huge omelet this morning, and I feel a little better now. So maybe I was not eating enough? This week I've been eating better than the prior weeks, so maybe I'll start to get my dang energy back.
  • ashbridge
    when your body is use to you consuming something, and then you up and change it and in a sense "deprive" it your body has to get use to it. i know alot of my diabetic patients, that when they are use to having high blood sugars, and start eating healthy and taking their insulin, and their blood sugars become more regular, they always feel sick and worn down. it's just like when their blood sugars spike, they become all sweaty, tremors, and just feel like ****. it's because your body thinks it's being deprived, and is having to learn what "normal" really is.
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    I have read that about fat cells. Seems that what your body does is store toxins to save your organs the stress of having to filter them. So when you lose pnds those toxins do go into your system. Drinking lots of water will help with flushing them out so they dont stay to long. Exercising and getting a good swet up also helps your body release toxins. Allot of ppl will go to the gym and do the steam room to swet out toxins. I personally cannot do that much yuck factor for I am sure other ppl will have plenty advise on the subject. Good group of ppl ;-]
  • carolynJLoo
    This is EXACTLY how I have felt. In fact I actually did run a fever yesterday, and lots of aches and pains that traveled all over. I was a little worried so I made sure I took some elderberry extract just in case it was a virus. I am trying hard to do a paleo diet, and I might actually be losing although painfully slow. I am in menopause, need I say more :( I think it makes sense what you said about toxins being released from the fat. I wonder if I will feel like crap until all the fat is gone, hope not. Has anyone had experience with this? I will up my water intake too, but the sick thing is a little scary.
  • carolynJLoo
    Have you ever heard of Epson Baths to help get rid of the toxins? I was recommended to try this for a knee injury which is a different purpose, but I also heard that the magnesium sulfate can help with toxin removal. Also heard that magnesium chloride will do it, maybe better. Any thoughts?
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    This may be an old thread but it's been the funniest thing I've read for a while.
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Our fat cells are very inactive and useless. All they do is store toxins. While you are losing fat it is always recommended to drink a lot of water because the water flushes the toxins from you body.

    No, fat cells are very active, but not in a good way. They can interfere with hormone production and increase inflammation in the body. They don't store toxins, so your husband's friend is not correct.

    As someone else mentioned, you can get "withdrawal" effect from foods - notably sugar. Lasts a few days and people feel just what you describe. Get through it and you will be feeling better inside a week.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    This thread resurrection is a little early for Easter o_O

    For the record? Yes. All sorts of stuff gets stored. Not just toxic levels, but hormones like estrogen. It's a beast to battle if you're a female who didn't take very good care of herself for a long time *sigh*
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Yes, that can absolutely happen.