Underweight, anorexic maybe. Could use your guys help

Hi there guys, had to post this again as it was my birthday recently

I'm just 18 - weigh around 54kg / 119lbs and am 5' 11". I've always had a problem with eating and it's not that I don't want to eat, it's just that I don't like a lot of stuff and when I do eat I think I'm full but realistically I'm probably not.

Would anyone have any ideas on a realistic calorie target for me? My chest size is 32 inches and my waist size is 28/29 inches.

I have a set of 20kg adjustable dumbbells, they aren't really used. Can these help in any way?

I'm willing to eat more but I just need a little help in determining how many calories I should eat. I don't want to eat a hell of an amount of calories because that's just not realistically possible for me, I'll probably blow up...

Is my weight really really poor and can it be improved? And how would I know how long it would take to gain x amount of weight if I ate x amount of calories?

Thank you so much in advance, this will really help me to becoming normal!


  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    If you fear you may be anorexic, I urge you to seek help from a mental health professional. No one on here can diagnose anorexia on the forum.
  • barbalari
    barbalari Posts: 43 Member
    I am hoping that this is a genuine post? If it is, I think you're looking for help in the wrong place....you need to seek help from a Doctor as you may have an eating disorder. Best of luck :smile:
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    If this is a genuine post:

    Yes, you are underweight, and yes, you need to eat more. I can give you a calorie amount to eat to put on weight but I don't think that's what you need. You need a doctor. Please visit one.
  • girlinagirdle
    girlinagirdle Posts: 37 Member
    As someone who has had personal experience of a sister with anorexia I would urge you to do what everyone else has said - seek help from a medical professional. You don't even have to talk to them. Print out what you have posted on here and give it to them if you find it easier. If you are anorexic you will need to look after your mental health as much as your physical well-being and you won't be able to treat one without the other. Good luck in your journey. Asking for a help is a big step.
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    Same advice as all above no one on here is qualified if they are you do not know that for sure so go and see a doctor, and good luck!
  • jesd6401
    Hi guys. Thanks for your replies

    I don't know about anorexic, maybe that's a bit too far. It's not as if I'm pure bones and you can see bones or anything. I just think that if it gets worse that I may be.

    To be honest guys - the last person I wanna see is the doctor. I'm just too embarrassed. I'd rather work hard myself and get the results.

    Edit: and I dunno why people think I'm joking? I'm being serious.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    I don't think you are anorexic considering you don't want to lose weight. My husband is kinda like you. He hates the feeling of a full stomach and eats very little. Since he started eating more healthy foods he also started to eat more because he was suddenly feeling better when it came to his digestion. He was a walking skeleton when I first met him: 57kg on a tall guy is scary, but now he's around 70kg. Maybe go to a doctor and check if your digestive sistem is ok before locking yourself in a mental institution as other people sugested. Also weight is not the only thing that points to an ED, it's also your mental state and views concerning ideal weight/body image and you sound good to me, just a natural skinny person :)
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    Hi guys. Thanks for your replies

    I don't know about anorexic, maybe that's a bit too far. It's not as if I'm pure bones and you can see bones or anything. I just think that if it gets worse that I may be.

    To be honest guys - the last person I wanna see is the doctor. I'm just too embarrassed. I'd rather work hard myself and get the results.

    Edit: and I dunno why people think I'm joking? I'm being serious.

    A lot of trolls do post similar threads, why be embarrassed you obviously have a problem that can affect your health the wrong advice could seriously damage your health so no one with any morals can advise you we are not qualified. Being embarrassed is silly I was also embarrassed a few years ago and it nearly killed me I had bowel cancer when I eventually went I was only just in time, see a doctor or dietician and get the right advice!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    You can set mfp to weight gain and then eat up to their targets.

    Can you get access to a gym? You're at an ideal age to be able to put on muscle -- I'd recommend a couple of sessions with a decent trainer if you can find one, to get set up with a program for lifting weights and weight gain.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Eat calorie rich foods to help you get more in without feeling like you're stuffing yourself (nuts, nut butters, full fat diary etc), as mentioned above MFP does have a gain weight option, so you could see how your targets looks. Or keep adding 100/200 calories every few weeks to slowly increase.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Hi guys. Thanks for your replies

    I don't know about anorexic, maybe that's a bit too far. It's not as if I'm pure bones and you can see bones or anything. I just think that if it gets worse that I may be.

    To be honest guys - the last person I wanna see is the doctor. I'm just too embarrassed. I'd rather work hard myself and get the results.

    Edit: and I dunno why people think I'm joking? I'm being serious.

    It's a shame but some very sad people in the world think it's funny to come on here and pretend to have an ED. They don't consider what it might mean for the people that come on here and genuinely have a problem.

    Anorexia is a state of mind. You can be overweight but still be anorexic.

    If I told you that you should be eating over 2000 calories to maintain your current weight, does that worry you? If it does and you cannot contemplate eating that much, then you need to see a doctor.

    And it is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.
  • mgreen10
    mgreen10 Posts: 229 Member
    I used a basic TDEE calculator that is recommended here to calculate your caloric needs---

    Assuming you have a pretty sedentary lifestyle (sit at school, or at work, or at home, little exercise) you should eat 1947 calories per day to gain weight in a healthy way. Don't go below 1697.

    Feel free to friend request :)
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Can you talk to your parents or another trusted adult?
  • Beckers72
    Beckers72 Posts: 6 Member
    just this summer I took my daughter to an eating disorder specialist in our area. She is 19, but has had her issues with stress & food for a few years. It is a daily struggle for her, but since seeing the specialist she is working with tools that seem to be really helping. I can tell you that I haven't seen her this well & happy since she was 16. We were recommended to the specialist from her primary doctor. She did not want to go t 1st, but eventually opened up to the doc, and is really glad she did. Please, for the love of those who love you, have a talk with your doctor. Good luck!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    When my husband was your age, he was right about your weight/height - 6' tall and 123 pounds. He was skin & bones, but he was also not anorexic in any way, shape or form. His mom was a terrible cook and he didn't like her food. He also was busy with school, sports and friends and often forgot to eat. He also had a blast-furnace metabolism and probably needed 3500+ calories a day. He did eventually talk to the doctor, and they told him not to worry.

    These days, he's a 42 year old man who weighs 175-180 lbs. He naturally and gradually gained weight after we got married and he turned 30.

    Also - anorexia is a complex psychological disease that goes way beyond just being skinny. If you're worried about your health, talk to a medical professional. Take care!
  • sadgirl114
    From what you've written you're not anorexic. Anorexia is not a weight, it is a mental health disorder and the intense fear of gaining weight. If you want to gain weight and think you are too thin then you're not anorexic.
    My cousin was 68lbs amd 5'6" and about to die and still refused to gain weight. THAT is anorexia.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    From what you've written you're not anorexic. Anorexia is not a weight, it is a mental health disorder and the intense fear of gaining weight. If you want to gain weight and think you are too thin then you're not anorexic.
    My cousin was 68lbs amd 5'6" and about to die and still refused to gain weight. THAT is anorexia.

    THIS for sure.

    What you probably need to do is start eating more calorie dense foods. It sounds to me like you can't hold a lot of volume when it comes to food. So eat high calorie foods like nuts and nut butters, cheese, etc, to get a lot of calories for a small amount of food.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...you sound good to me, just a natural skinny person :)

    I disagree somewhat with the above statement. He has a BMI of 16.6, which is VERY underweight. I'm no expert on anorexia, so I'm not saying it's an issue here, but I agree with posters who say a visit to the doctor is in order. There may be other health issues going on.

    ETA: Since you are a young male, you may just not be done growing up and filling out yet. Definitely increase your calories and try weight training.
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    The key phrase for me is "I don't want to see a doctor, I'd be too embarassed." Whenever I am in over my head financially, spiritually, physically, mentally, I seek professional help. I have a financial adviser to help make sure my money is going to the right places. Embarassed? No. I go to a trainer for strength training. Embarassed? No. I see my pastor and/or doc to chat about my spiritual and mental health. Embarassed? No. I go to a dentist to keep my teeth healthy. Embarassed? No. I see my doctor for all my annual exams and check-ups - some of which are kinda embarassing - but that her job. I am not a doctor so how could I diagnosed and treat myself properly?

    I do understand that asking for help - face to face and not anonymously on a website - can be challenging. But if you've managed to ask a bunch of unqualified strangers for assistance, I am certain you can sit down with an actual qualified person and ask for help. You say you want to tackle this on your own, so "on your own" get to a doctor. Don't sell yourself short, you are strong enough to do this.

    You asked us for advice, and pretty much everyone has said the same. You asked. Will you do it?
  • RiannonC
    RiannonC Posts: 145 Member
    If you're not purposely trying to be thin and/or eat too little, I really doubt you're anorexic. One thing to consider: a normal bmi for a 16 year old is 16-17, which is what you are at. Since you are 18, could it be that your body is just developing later than the curve? Most people who are very thin as teenagers will naturally gain some weight as they get older. I'd focus on eating healthy, yet calorie dense foods like nuts, dried fruits, avocado, do some strength training, and you will probably gradually gain and build muscle.