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Has anyone lost weight and then put it back on?



  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I think anyone who has struggled with their weight has experienced the ups and downs of losing weight and gaining it back. I seem to drop 10, gain 20 over and over again until I was over 300lbs. The biggest drop was 53.5lbs. I ended up gaining 40 of it back. It was like something clicked in my head and I didn't care any more, I remember thinking I'll just let myself gain 10lbs and then I'll stop it. I didn't stop and it took me years to get myself back under control.

    So, now I'm down another 63lbs. It took a lot of work, some health issues and about a year to get myself to this point. I still have another 50 to go. I am determined to never put it back on again. I know that this is going to be a lifetime struggle and I plan on winning the war.
  • courtneywiens
    courtneywiens Posts: 148 Member
    I lost 90 from my heaviest and gained back about 25 of it because I hurt my knee and stopped working out as much, also started eating less healthy and drinking more occasionally.. Working very hard to lose it again. I am still down about 70 but it is a struggle each and every day. Makes me stronger though! For sure!! You can lose it again, and learn not to repeat the same mistakes. You can do it! :)
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    Did you want to know how many times this has happened to me?

    Serioulsy I have had 4 kids and it is always a struggle. This is a life style for me not a diet I am currently trying to maintain and I honestly think that is harder than losing!
  • DesDawn24
    DesDawn24 Posts: 147 Member
    Yep, definitely did that. When I was in university, over 3 years I lost about 110 pounds. When I graduated, I moved to another city and started living with my then boyfriend. I had a desk job, and just lost all motivation. What took me three years to lose only took me about a year and a half to gain back, and then another 6 months after that I gained about another 20. I was kind of in denial about it all, I never saw the weight when I looked in the mirror... until suddenly my clothes didn't fit quite right anymore. Now I'm back on the fitness/healthy eating wagon and on my way to that happy, healthy person that I was when I graduated!
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    I lost about 30 lbs and gained about 10 lbs back. Nipped it in the bud before it got out of hand.

    Short of logging every day for the rest of my life I foresee keeping an eye on my weight and when it goes too close to my upper limit, I'll pay closer attention.
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    I lost 100 pounds in a year and 2 months (was down 100 pounds in May of this year after being 234 in March of 2012) and since then I've bounced 10 or so pounds back.. I've been struggling with that 10 pounds for the last 5 months...
  • KarenLue
    KarenLue Posts: 94 Member
    GOOD LORD YES! As they say......''.weight loss is a journey. Not a destination' Or maybe it's fitness. But you catch my drift. Being mindful of your weight and fitness is a constant through life. You never get to a goal and then you can quit.
    I lost 56 lbs when I was 24. Kept it all of till in my late thirties. then gained 25. Lost 25. Gained 20, lost 20. My Dad died I gained 25. I just lost 23. But I ALWAYS strive to figure out where im going wrong and how I can get back on track. If I don't I will eventually wind up 60lbs over weight laying on the couch miserable. It's worth the extra effort to not let that happen! You are fine! Just keep trying!
  • Yes, in 2004 I lost 85lbs. I managed to maintain for a couple of years, but then I started grad school and over the course of the next 3 years gained all of the weight and then some! This second time around is way more difficult, but I am getting in the best shape of my life, I think before I just lost weight by cutting back and not focusing too much on the exercise, this time I love getting my burn on, I just really need to make better choices all around! Good luck and blessings to us all!!!! We got this!:bigsmile:
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I had lost around 20lbs earlier this year, and gained more than half of that back since then. Such a bummer, but I am definitely with you in getting back on track and getting it done!
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    I've gained and lost so much weight is sickening. 5-6 years ago we did a "Biggest Loser" competition at work and the company that I worked for put up $1000 to the winner.

    I lost nearly 50lbs in a couple of months without any exercise by just starving myself. I came in 2nd place and rewarded myself with a couple of donuts and a coffee. I gained all of that weight back plus an additional 20-30 pounds on top of it by just being lazy and gluttonous.

    So stupid... and not the first time.

    Now I'm losing weight slowly (about 1.5lbs per week), but I'm focusing more on my health than I am my weight. I bought a tape measure though I still obsess over the scale. I'm training for a 5k and don't plan to stop there. My long term goal is a half-marathon(s). Now when I start feeling some success I reward myself with new clothes or a new fitness gadget rather than food.

    On top of those things, I am constantly thinking about how to live my life once I get to 'maintenance mode'. In reality I don't ever intend to get there. I just want to change how I do things so that "normal life" means not packing on the pounds.

    Everything in my life is getting better. I'm nicer to be around, more motivated around the house and with my family and more interested in maintaining relationships with friends since I am no longer feeling so embarrassed with how I look.

    I still have a lot of bad habits to break, but I am getting there. This is going to take a while and I know every 10lbs its going to get harder. I've never had this perspective about my health before and I just never realized how destructive and self compounding the problem of obesity is.

    Inertia really hits hard.
  • emccand
    emccand Posts: 195 Member
    Me, I lost 30lbs and then gained it all back plus an extra 7. I am starting over, quitting pop, and trying really hard to stick with it. I need some new friends that are going to actually log on everyday! Feel free to add me please!

    Ps I have a lot to lose! I need to lose at least 82 lbs to be at my goal.
  • I haven't lost a lot, I lost about 15-20 lbs 2 years ago with crash dieting and diet pills and really restricting my diet and I put it back on pretty fast. My goal is to do this as healthy as possible.
  • I lost over 130 pounds six years ago. I go from 1 to 5 pound weight loss/gain yearly. Which is okay because I always lose it again. Just eat lots of protein and veggies and no fast food or junk and you should be okay. Treat yourself once in awhile though.
  • And don't starve yourself, or take pills. They don't work.
  • ive lost 120 pounds than bunch stuff outa my control i gained most it back now lost it all again and am smaller than i was before
  • try cla
  • I graduated high school in 2001 at 130 lbs, got married and moved to a foreign country a year later and gained about 20-25 lbs by eating like my husband and drinking alcohol (I had just reached the legal age). Moved back home after 2 years and dropped back down to around 130 by getting back to ballet and my old eating habits, then a back injury in 2005 turned me into a wine-guzzling couch potato and I ballooned up to 195 in a year. I started logging my food and slowly increasing exercise (being mindful of my back) and got down to 145 by late 2009/early 2010, swearing to myself at each 10 lb loss that I'd never see that range again. In 2012 I wanted to gain strength and started New Rules of Lifting for Women and began taking ballet again, and by April 2012 I had injured my back even worse than the first time and turned back to the wine and the couch, albeit not as much as I had with the first injury. I've been slowly gaining ever since then, and being in the process of a divorce combined with a new relationship has made me put fitness and weight on the back burner, and I am at around 180 lbs right now, despite me saying years ago that I would never see this number again. At this point I'm just trying to get consistent with logging again and trying to slowly change my habits. I do realize I need to lose quite a bit of weight, and I thought I had it right the first time through calorie counting. But I let life get in the way, and I have sworn off ballet forever now, since it obviously doesn't work for me, so... here I am again! Hopefully losing for the last time!
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member

    Copy and paste is a thing too
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Has anyone lost weight and then put it back on?

    Yup, before this huge weight loss, I weighed 346 lbs. The first time I lost 150 pounds all unhealthy. Then I gained 170 pounds more because I didn't understand the value of facing my problems and getting down to the bottom of my emotional issues that caused me to over eat.

    Eating for me WAS my comfort. Now, I do struggle with boredom, therefore I make certain I am NEVER bored because that leads to mindless snacking.

    I've been able to maintain my 170 plus pounds weight loss for two years and counting. I've developed a lifestyle that is conducive to me...I don't engage in any activities (exercise) that I do not enjoy.

    I vowed not to make this a chore, but again, a lifestyle. I have what I want, when I want but in moderation. My biggest thing was realizing, I had deeper issues outside of just being labeled as "greedy."
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    I've probably lost a thousand pounds over the years.